13 Dec 2016

The best perfume for Winter? I might have the answer

Marc Jacobs Divine Decadence Review

My love towards Marc Jacobs is endless. Which also proves my new holy grail for the winter months that's actually a newly released Marc Jacobs Divine Decadence. The older and stronger sister Decadence is called Marc's mature fragrance as it has a mind-blowing character and signature, leftover scent in the air. For me, it's an absolutely killer scent that's fully elegant, sophisticated and lust worthy. It's a killer scent. Same goes with younger Divine Decadence, which is a new interpretation for this autumn and winter. It's a brighter, sparkling scent with lots of creamy and white floral notes. Quite frankly, a lovely young lady-like fragrance.

Moja ljubezen do Marc Jacobs dišav je neskončna. Ko že mislim, da me nič ne more presenetiti pri moji najljubši znamki dišav, se hitro pojavi kakšna nova steklenička izven mojega okvirja. Tokrat govorim o novem, najljubšem parfumu za zimske dni. Marc Jacobs Divine Decadence je nova, lahkotnejša interpretacija karakteristične Decadence, katero je sam Jacobs oklical kot svojo dozorelo stvaritev. Je dišava, ki zamegli um in ostane v zraku še dolgo časa po odhodu. Enako bi označila tudi novejšo Divine Decadence, ki je bolj razigrana in lahkotna interpretacija z jantarnimi, cvetličnimi in sladkimi notami. Popolna mladostna dišava s karakterjem in eleganco.

The notes of Divine Decadence are truly unique and special - with Divine Decadence, you can have champagne for breakfast if you want to. ''A girl chooses to be decadent, it's not naturally there.'' goes the saying for this particular perfume. Now, before you get overwhelmed, let's talk about notes and scent for a little bit. I'm your typical type of person that likes fruity, sweet fragrances in the summer and heavy, woody, spicy and vanillary perfumes in the winter. And Divine Decadence is a perfect interpretation of airy white florals, bergamot and champagne, indulgent jasmine, heavy amber, unique gardenia and sweet vanilla. Can you imagine it? Sensual and mystic, but at the same time youthful and playful. Opens up with floral, champagne and bergamot notes, while it ends with amber, sweet vanilla and saffron. One spritz is enough to last entire day on your skin or clothes. Actually, my entire car is scented for days when I wear it on my jacket.

Note Divine Decadence so resnično nenavadne za današnjo parfumsko industrijo, saj je Marc Jacobs zopet obudil ljubezen do nenavadno dišeče gardenije. S takšno dišavo si boste zaželeli kozarec šampanjca že navsezgodaj. ''Ženska ni dekadentna že z rojstvom, ampak se za to odloči sama'' je tudi samo vodilo te dišavne linije. Z njim postaneš mistična in čutna, hkrati pa lahkotnejše note zagotovijo igrivost in večno mladost. Če se osredotočim na sam vonj, bi lahko rekla, da je Divine Decadence sestavljen iz lahkotnejših belic cvetlic, bergamotke in šampanjca, medtem ko se razvije z močnimi notami jantarja, sladke vanilije, žafrana in gardenije. Je čudovita kompozicija belih cvetlic, močne vanilije in pikantnega jantarja. Z enim stiskom pršilke imate dovolj dišave za nekaj dni, saj je Divine Decadence Eau de Parfum. Meni lepo odišavi vse prostore in moj avto diši še nekaj dni le zaradi nošenja tega parfuma na mojem zimskem plašču. Intenzivnost je vrhunska.

It has a strong character and Divine Decadence is not appropriate for every occasion. Maybe for every special occasion but certainly not for everyday errands. Only if you dare to wear. The crowds are splitting on this Marc Jacobs creation. It's either love or hate and I'm actually proud to say it's pure love for my scent buds. The fragrance is available in 30ml, 50ml and 100ml of Eau de Parfum and retails from 60-105€.

Divine Decadence ima močen karakter in ni primerna za vsako priložnost. Vsekakor pa za vsako posebno priložnost, vendar neprimerna za vsakdanje opravke. Razen...če si upate. Nič čudnega, da se množice delijo na dva dela ob tako pomembni dišavni stvaritvi - Decadence linijo sovražiš ali obožuješ. Ponosna sem, da moje vohalne čutnice enostavno ljubijo to novo dišavno klasiko.
Vse Marc Jacobs stvaritve lahko najdete v poslovalnicah Muller in jih preizkusite. Divine Decadence, ki izgleda kot dizajnerska torbica, je na voljo v 30ml, 50 ml ali 100 ml embalaži. Cene se gibljejo od okoli 60€ do 105€.


  1. Perfume really depends on your body chemistry and for me it fades to a really sweet smell and yet it's also womanly, not old lady like as what most people would say. Try it out yourself! This is currently my favourite perfume and I have to agree it lasts very long.
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  2. Personally I don't like this perfume. The scent is very sweet for me. I've ordered it at http://hitthegrade.com shop but I used it only 3 days and then realized that I need to give it to my mom or sister. I'm sure that it suits them more.

    1. Awh, sad to hear that. Scent is really specific and even I can't wear it all the time. Only for special occassions. Then you should definitely try more oriental-citrus based ones. thank you for your opinion! :)

  3. I actually haven't tried any of Marc Jacob's perfumes yet. Though I have always wanted to try. So I think this post here can convince me to purchase this exact perfume for myself. Thank you for sharing.

  4. Decadence and Daisy are the best perfumes among all Marc Jacobs perfumes. The bottle design is just amazing, also the fragrance. I really love the Decadence for its special design and the fragrance. It's a great perfume to enhance the decoration of shelf. Thanks for sharing this post.​ :)

  5. Thank you for the review. I don't own this bottle but I know a girl use it, it smells good.
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