16 Mar 2014

Prom Makeup and Meet My Cousins

I was honoured enough to be asked by my lovely cousin to do her makeup for Prom
Of course that's a lot of responsibility to handle but I was pretty confident there wouldn't be any problems since both of my younger cousins are already natural beauties. 
So the ''massacre'' began! Both of them (and my aunt included) were ready after 2,5 hours. 
I used mostly Urban Decay Naked 3 (review here) and Naked Basics on both since it really went well with their dress picks. Rose, purples, warm browns always go well with fair skintone.

Since younger cousin didn't want to show herself we'll stick only to the eye close up. 
I stayed in the lighter shade range because she already has beautiful skin and big eyes. 

For the actual Prom girl (congrats!) I decided to make it a bit bolder and still peachy-rose-burgundy. 
Her dress was a beautiful dainty peachy-nude shade.
I'm actually pretty happy with product picks- no freakin' white cast on camera, yuppie!
For foundation I used holy grail Bourjois Healthy Mix Serum and a camera-loving Guerlain Meteorites Compact Powder (review here) which really perfects the skin.

So...what do you think? She's a real beauty, right? In fact, I could easily see her work as a model.
She's quite photogenic and my sister made pictures in no time. 


  1. Perfektno si jo namazala :) Resno :). Mene je tudi ena prosila če ji bom naredila mejkap za maturanca, sem pa to delala že prejšnja leta.

    1. hvala <3 še tolk večja pohvala če obvladaš :))

  2. She looks stunning - I love the eye make up! ❤

    Violet Faery

  3. Idealen model za makeup! Velik placa za eye makeup, velke ustnce... Sem ti kar mal fouš, haha. Drugač pa super makeup! Ful so mi barve všeč. :)

  4. Odličen makeup:) Res super izbira, ker ji perketno paše:) Definitivno lepotička in barva njenih las - so nice:))

  5. great make up subtle and pretty

  6. Uau, res je lepotička!

    In mejkap je fantastičen!


  7. Res lep makeup :) Res všečna izbira barv :)

  8. She looks beautiful! Love the eye make up you did on both of them =)

  9. Super makeup in še boljši model! <3

  10. OMG, nisem pogosto impresionirana nad mejkap looki ki ne pridejo izpod rok osebe, ki ga nosi (ful sem čudno povedala, upam da veš kaj mislim :D), ampak res si se fenomenalno odrezala :) Pa sestrična je čudovita, očitno ste vsi v družini takšni heartbreakerji. :P
    Meni je drugače par ljudi reklo, če bi jih kdaj naličila, ampak mene je to nenormalno strah, se mi zdi da jih bom poškodovala, staknila najmanj eno oko... Vedno rečem da rajši ne. :D

  11. looks amazing ... she's really a beauty

  12. krasen makeup, sestrična je super luštna :)

  13. Res si ji ful lep makeup naredila. :)

  14. Waw, ful lepa kombinacija in sestrična je res prava lepotička! Tvoja barva las je pa fenomenalna, major hair envy :)

  15. Vau fuul lepo!!<3 Mene tudi vedno ponucajo za ličenje, ima pa moja sestrična tudi letos maturanca tak da upam, da meni tudi uspe tako lepo! :) x

  16. Čudovito, sicer precej 'bold' ampak ji paše, upam da so se imeli lepo

  17. They are gorgeous! Amazing skin! You did a great job, wish you could do my makeup! Even I'm not that good! ;)

  18. Na prvi sliki sta obe tako hudi... Make up pa je itak super..

  19. res lep make up :) in res je beauty :)

  20. Wow she looks so stunning! You did an amazing job on her makeup, I bet she loved it xx


  21. Great make up, and you're roght, she's a beauty! :)



I would love to know your thoughts ♥