27 Aug 2012

New hair color- AGAIN

Not long ago I posted pictures with my new homemade pastel violet hair HERE.
However, my roots were already peaking out (MAJOR ROOTS)
so I had to re-do my blond hair at the hair dresser.

I didn't stick to my usual ashy-blue color 
but decided to try out a pink based blond and some caffee cool toned dark strands.
Dark strands were placed only in the front and on the lower hair.

I quite like the result but I'm still shocked since I'm used to pure white color.
I like the new color for fall but thank god it will wash off after a few weeks.
I'm already planning to dye my hair with Directions Carnation pink to get pastel pink color.

What's your opinion? Super white blond or a bit darker in the Fall? 


  1. wooow I like it so much *__*
    great colours.
    Fits very well to you ! :)

    Lovely Greats, Franszi ♥

  2. Lepa <3 :)
    Js tut rabim novo frizuro, s to sm že prou obupna in obupana :)

    xo Deja
    Deja Zu

    1. meni se pa zdi da imaš prav ti vedno čist porihtano čupo! :)

  3. Love it! Looks great on you <3

  4. A veš kok ti paše tale kombinacija, jaz bi šla nazaj na tako blond, pa me je kar malo strah, ker sem sedaj rdeča:(

    1. Sorry kr se vmešavam takole, ampak ne it nauaj na blond! Rdeča ti tako zelooo paše =). Vsaj na tisti sliki ki sm jo js vidla =).
      (Blondinke tak niso več v modi)

    2. meni se tud zdi da ti ful paše rdeča! :)

  5. I like it!! Also i have to comment on your cheek bones, so defined! :)

  6. It looks awesome! But i think i would love to see your pink hair, haha! Been thinking of getting some Directions hair dye too since my friend said it colours really well even on dark hair.

    1. Yes, you have to try directions! Although they do wash off easily. I can send you a sample or two of the pink color :)

  7. Res ti super paše Sara!!!!!In svetovno zgleda =).
    Tud js sm od nedavnega pobarvana ( na rdečo, ampak imam samo en pramen).

  8. you are so cute, love your new haircut!


  9. Looks great! U're such a beautiful girl, it's amazing. What Photoshop tools did you use on the 1st picture? Great effect =)

    1. thank you! I used Adobe Photoshop CS3...with youtube directions for ''vintage'' picture look ;)

  10. Na prvi slikci me spominjaš na Christino Applegate. :D

    Sandra from The Puzzle of Sandra's Life

  11. I love this gorgeous chestnut brown on you for the fall! I love the first picture of you, you are stunning! I was trying to grow out my natural hair color, but now I want to dye my hair again for the fall! <3

  12. I like this hairstyle.
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I would love to know your thoughts ♥