26 Dec 2016

Artdeco Crystal Garden Look & Makeup Test

I hope you haven't missed the most glorious makeup collection this end of the year. The title easily goes to Artdeco with their most precious creation so far - Holiday inspired Crystal Garden collection. It's not only filled with the most lovely flower design and nude shades, it's a collaboration with Swarovski crystals which add a glorious statement after all. We could easily expect a high end price when it comes to Crystal Garden, it's absolutely stunning. And yet again, the packaging look stunning and the products deliver professional touch. Here are my top 4 products from Crystal Garden collection and a season appropriate makeup look...

Katera kolekcija ličil je letos resnično presenetila? Upam, da ste si že ogledali Artdeco Crystal Garden kolekcijo, ki je preprosto dih jemajoča. Je popolna kombinacija Swarovski kristalčkov, popolnih bleščic in lesketajočih delcev, popularnih mat šmink in cvetoče energije. Kolekcijo Crystal Garden bi lahko takoj obtožili zaradi pričakovane visoke cene, vendar je po standardih Artdeco popolnoma dosegljiva vsaki ženski, obenem pa še vedno nudi profesionalen videz in teksture...

artdeco crystal garden makeup

I've used Crystal Garden Blusher on my cheeks, Artdeco Perfect Colour Lipstick in 25A, Powder Lip Finish over for a shimmery, duo-chrome effect and Crystal Oil Drops on the tops of my cheeks as a highlighter.

Za sestavljen, novoletni videz sem uporabila Crystal Garden Blusher na ličkih, medtem ko sem na ustnicah uporabila le dva izdelka. Nanesla sem šmink Artdeco Perfect Colour 25A, čez njo pa s prstom slojila nov, unikaten izdelek Powder Lip Finish, ki spremeni vsako šminko v svetlikajoč odsev. Crystal Oil Drops sem nanesla na najvišjo točko mojih ličnic kot čudovit osvetljevalec.

The star is without any doubt Artdeco Crystal Garden Blush (22,95€ for 9g, Muller) in a glorious, black packaging with Swarovski crystal flower detail. It's fabulous yet still minimalistic, perfect for anyone's taste. The inside is actually even more charming - who could resist ombre, flower pattern in the most stunning neutral, rosy shade? Blush works wonderfully and you can intensify it upon your desire. On the skin, it's a lovely warm pink with dusty undertone. Blush is highly pigmented and you would need a light hand when using a brush. Pretty solid quality and it's nice to have a blush in a refill pan - you can re-use Swarovski packaging for other powders, bronzers or blushers in the future. Also, Crystal Garden blush smells like pure Monoi oil.

Zvezda kolekcija je zdaleč čudovito Artdeco Crystal Garden rdečilo (22,95€ za 9g, na spletu & Muller), ki zasije v vsej svoji cvetlični lepoti. Embalaža je klasično elegantna, z minimalističnim odsevom cvetlice iz Swarovski kristalov. Osupljiva pa ni le zunanjost, saj se znotraj skriva čudovita kompozicija različnih odtenkov in odtis cvetlice. Rdečilo je čudovito pigmentirano, obenem pa poda licu zdrav, topel videz rožnate barve. Prav tako diši po Monoi olju, zelo nežno in sladko. Embalaža se lahko ponovno polni in prazni z Artdeco bronzerji, pudri v kamnu in rdečili.

artdeco swarovski blush

artdeco oil drops

Shimmery face oils and serums are a hit this season. The creators behind the brand know exactly what we need this time of the year. Since our skin is slightly more dry and tight in winter time, Oil Drops are just calling for application. Artdeco Crystal Oil Drops (17,95€ for 13ml, Muller) are in fact, a mixture of nourishing, dry oil and silver particles. Works lovely as a base before foundation or oil drops on the cheek bones. Keep in mind, the silver particles are consisted out of shimmer and glitter - so it's not the most subtle highlighter out there. I love to use it on my collar bone, on my body and cheeks for special occasion. Mixed with daily cream it's pretty glowy and non-offensive. Perfect for the holiday season and special occasions, I wouldn't recommend it for every day as the sun really reveals glitters.

Trenutno so zelo popularna olja ali serumi z dodanimi bleščicami in svetlečimi delci, ki dodajo koži lesk in negovalen učinek. Koža izgleda naravno, vendar sijoče. Tokrat sem Artdeco Crystal Oil Drops (17,95€ za 13ml, na spletu & Muller) uporabila na telesu, pod tekočim pudrom in na ličkih kot osvetljevalec. Ima dodan vitamin E, sestavljajo ga srebrni delci in bleščice. Izdelek sicer ni najbolj primeren za vsak dan, vendar lepo popestri posebne priložnosti in dogodke. Prav tako so bleščice v olju manj vidne na koži, če se zmešajo z dnevno kremo in plastijo s tekočo podlago. Res zanimiv izdelek, želim si le bolj subtilno različico svetlikajočih delcev za vsakodnevno uporabo.

Another festive product is Artdeco Powder Lip Finish (10,95€, Muller), which is a unique blend of shimmer for your lips. Duochrome shimmer sticks to your lipstick or lipgloss for creating dimension and shine. It's a perfect new thingy to revive any of your old favourite berry or wine lipsticks. Works wonderfully with creamy texture, while super glossy or matte finishes can't properly grab shimmer. It also needs a lot of maintenance if you're planning to have a dinner with your family. But all in all, it's a nice gimmicky and unique product on our beauty market. Not the most wearable, but still fun.

Še en izdelek, ki je popoln za praznike in novo leto, je Artdeco Powder Lip Finish (10,95€, na spletu & Muller), ki doda šminki dimenzijo in holografski učinek. Je edinstvena mešanica svetlikajočih delcev, ki se nalepijo na kremne šminke in dodajo prazničen sijaj. Dodatek, ki obudi še tako zaprašeno temno šminko, saj je učinek najbolj viden na temnejših odtenkih jagodičevja. Z prahcem je sicer malce več dela in ne preživi večerje, vendar pa ni zdravju škodljiv in je unikaten na našem tržišču. Verjetno prva in edina verzija bleščic za ustnice. Bleščice niso tako uporabne, ampak so bolj za zabavo.

artdeco powder lip glitter finish

artdeco perfect mat lipstick 176

You probably already know, I love the texture of Artdeco Perfect Mat Lipstick (4 shades at 11,95€, Muller). It has a perfect balance of matte finish and comfortable texture - perfect to wear all day long. Crystal Garden brought out 4 new, nude shades and red shade that are wearable throughout the year. I've picked up a more rosy version called 176 Rosy Camellia. It's a lovely mixture of rosy nude and vibrant pink, quite similar to NARS Audacious Natalie, but a more toned-down version. This will suit any skintone, while texture is pleasant and scented with vanilla.

Verjetno že poznate mojo navdušenost nad mat šminkami Artdeco Perfect Mat (11,95€, na spletu & Muller), ki so popolno ravnovesje mat učinka in udobne teksture. Z lahkoto se lahko te šminke nosijo cel dan, obenem pa ne izsušijo ustnic. Z novo kolekcijo, so tukaj 3-4 novi nude odtenki, na voljo pa je tudi klasična rdeča. Izbrala sem 176 Rosy Camellia, ki je odlična kombinacija nevtralno roza, brez živahnosti in veliko bolj umirjena. Je podobna moji preljubi NARS Audacious Natalie, le da je malce bolj nosljiva in nevtralna. Odtenek pristaja prav vsaki polti, medtem ko je tekstura prijetna in dišeča po vanilijevih kolačkih.

Still looking for glitters and shimmers for New Year? Check Artdeco Crystal Garden in the stores as it combines matte lipstick shades and lots of glittery goodness for cheeks, lips and eyes. You can check entire collection online. Happy New Year!

Še vedno iščete popolne bleščice za Novo leto? Potem pogumno preizkusite Artdeco Crystal Garden v Mullerju, ki je polna bleščečih izdelkov za oči, lička in ustnice. Kolekcijo si lahko ogledate in kupite na Artdeco.si. Čaroben skok v Novo leto!


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