31 Aug 2015

Essence Urbaniced LE Review

An urban, street style inspired collection will be the main attraction this August and September 2015 in most European drugstores. Patterns, design and colours are re-capturing roller skate parks, while you can release your street style with graphite inspired colours. Essence Urbaniced collection seems fairly appropriate with it's wild side and inspiration for younger audience, which is not a coincidence as Essence is a perfect match for teenagers (but still regularly surprises more grown up and demanding audience). 
Urbana kolekcija po navdihu uličnega sloga bo letos presenečala na policah Essence v avgustu in septembru 2015. Urbaniced kolekcija bo tako na voljo v Sloveniji v večini drogerij. Vzorci, oblike in barve so v stilu uličnih parkov in športnem cestnem stilu kar se popolnoma prilega mlajši publiki. Z divjo platjo in nenavadnim potiskom bo presenečala tako mlade punce, medtem ko bo z dobro kakovostjo prevzela tudi malce starejšo in bolj izurjeno žensko občinstvo. 

Essence Urbaniced Blush (3,29€) is a balanced mix of pink and neutral toned blush with a splashing design. On the first glance it might seem a bit intimidating, however, once on the cheeks, it's a whole different story. It's a balanced neutral pink tone which suits any skintone. It's universally flattering and has a slight, almost unnoticeable sheen to it. Application is super easy due to lighter coloured pink and doesn't require any additional blending. I've been reaching for this particular blush for quite some time now as it's an easy thrown on everyday item. Texture is a bit dusty which is not really that noticeable. For longevity I can't say much as The Sunny Side of the Street is placed into average blush long wearing effect.

Essence Urbaniced Blush (3,29€) zajema čudovito uravnoteženo kombinacijo močne roza in nevtralne barve v obliki pljuskov barve. Na prvi pogled deluje rdečilo dokaj močno obarvano in skoraj nenosljivo, vendar pričakujte presenečenje, ko ga boste nanesli na lička. Zmešana tona obeh barv tvorita najbolj naraven odtenek svetle roza z skoraj nevidnim leskom. Barva je tako univerzalno nosljiva na vseh tonih kože, medtem ko z njo ni problema pri nanašanju. Rdečila ni potrebno zabrisovati v neskončnost, saj je dokaj naraven odtenek. Tekstura je malce praškasta, vendar z njo nisem imela težjih problemov. Samo obstojnost bi ocenila povprečno, saj se lahko zgodi da se čez dan malce zabriše ali zbledi. Sama rdečilo rada uporabljam za vsakodnevni videz, saj ga z lahkoto uporabim v naglici.

Essence Urbaniced Highlighter (3,59€) is definitely the main highlight of the collection. Texture is buttery smooth and highly pigmented. With one swipe you're able to highlight both of your cheeks with quite a unique pink-toned highlighter. Shade itself is quite light and has some multidimensional pink and violet shimmers to it. It's a perfect fit for fair ladies, if you're on a hunt for that youthful baby-glow. Also, this highlighter smells incredibly floral. This won't be a good match with tan skin. Longevity is fair as it stays on for a good 5-7 hours. For highlight addicts, this is a must look.

Essence Urbaniced Highlighter (3,59€) je vsekakor tudi zame vrhunec kolekcije. Medtem ko je tekstura mehka in zelo pigmentirana, osvetljevalec presenti tudi z zelo prijetnim cvetličnim vonjem. Naključje ali ne, prijeten vonj je vsekakor plus. Z enim potegom čopiča lahko osvetlite obe ličnice. Barva osvetljevalca je dokaj edinstvena, saj je močno obarvan z hladnim podtonom roza in vijoličastih svetlikajočih delcev. Sicer ni najboljša izbira za temnopolte in zagorele osebe, daje pa angelski pridih ženskam z zelo svetlo poltjo. Obstojnost je dobra, saj zdrži na ličnicah tudi po cel dan ali najmanj 5-7 ur. Če ste zbirateljica osvetljevalcev, je ta izdelek vsekakor vreden ogleda ali nakupa.

Essence Urbaniced Eyeshadows (2,19€) come in a asphalt-inspired pattern and sleek packaging. As far as I know, Essence eyeshadows usually have nice pigmentation but they tend to fade throughout the day. In this case, I've tested all three colours on my eyelid. Surprise, surprise, even the boldest grey black stayed on eyelids entire day. 03 For city-kittys only! is perfect for smokey eyes as it's almost satin with a slight sheen. 02 The Happy Direction is great for autumnal reddish-pink looks while overly shimmery silver would be great for inner corners or shimmery daytime look. Pigmentation could be better on the pink shade, grey and silver are okay. They are all swatched over primer so I do suggest to use these eyeshadows with it.

Essence Urbaniced Eyeshadows (2,19€) imajo teksturo, ki spominja na asfalt in urbane parke. Sama imam dokaj nevtralen odnos do Essence senčil, saj so ponavadi dobro pigmentirana vendar se ne obdržijo na mojih vekah cel dan. V tem primeru bi lahko rekli, da je Essence izboljšal formula senčil saj obstanejo na vekah precej dlje časa v kombinaciji z ''primerjom'' za veke. Tudi najtemnejši, sivo-črn odtenek je obstal na vekah cel dan. Prav ta, 03 For city-kittys only! je odličen za ''smokey eyes'' ker ima satenast zaključek z malce šimra. Koralno roza odtenek je odličen v kombinaciji vinsko rdečih senčil, medtem ko zelo osvetljujoča srebrna osvetli notranje kotičke očes. Pigmentacija bi lahko bila boljša pri koralno-roza odtenku, medtem ko sta ostala dva dobro pigmentirana. Vsi trije odtenki so prikazani preko ''primerja'', za kar ga tudi priporočam pri uporabi teh senčil.

Overall, Urbaniced Collection is not entirely my cup of tea but I would be all over it in my teenage years. I can totally see it being really appealing to the younger crowd and also more older audience as it has some solid picks. I would totally recommend highlighter and blush if you fancy new colours to your collection. Eyeshadows aren't bad either but my personal makeup collection is already overflown with similar silvers and greys. Pink shade is a unique color for me and it's actually perfect for a solid, smokey grunge-like look. I'm not head over heels with this LE while I'm not disappointed with performance either. And yes, I do feel old now. In Urbaniced LE you can also find 2 perfumes (3,49€), 3 nail polishes (1,99-2,19€), eyeliner (2,99€) and 2 lip creams (2,99€).

Če zaključim, Urbaniced kolekcija sicer ni moja osebno najljubša kolekcija od Essence, vendar bo vsekakor bolj priljubljena pri mlajšem občinstvu. Kljub temu sem presenečena nad kakovostjo izdelkov, saj so vsi dobro opravili svojo nalogo. Z veseljem bi priporočala osvetljevalec in rdečilo, če želite preizkusiti kakšen nov odtenek. Senčila prav tako niso slaba, vendar imam sama že nekaj podobnih odtenkov. Za razliko od starejših verzij senčil Essence, le ta obstanejo na vekah z ''primerjem'' cel dan. Koralno-roza je odtenek, ki je dokaj nenavaden a odličen za kakšen ''grunge, smokey look''.  Poleg omenjenih produktov so v kolekciji tudi 2 parfuma (3,49€), 3 laki (1,99-2,19€), eyeliner (2,99€) in 2 kremasti šminki v tubi (2,99€). Essence novosti lahko spremljate preko Facebook profila ali njihove strani. Essence Urbaniced bo tako na voljo v vseh drogerijah po Sloveniji.


  1. Se strinjam, tudi meni deluje kot kolekcija, ki je bolj primerna za mlajše občinstvo. :)

  2. That highlighter looks super pretty, I also like the look of the blush but I know I'd never wear it in a million years! x

  3. Osebno me tale kolekcija ni pritegnila, mogoče osvetljevalec, preostalo pa niti ne:)

  4. I really love that more affordable brands are trying to be a bit more interesting with their collections and products lately, it's a breath of fresh air from the usual drugstore selection! All the swatches look promising too, if it's easy to get a hold of these in the states I might pick up the highlighter and blush :)


  5. Wow this range looks so amazing, I’ll definitely be on the lookout in Wilkos :) I love the look of the Urbaniced Highlighter and I love the sound of this :) I’m sold on the floral scent also hehe.

    Charlee XO | CharmedCharlee


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