2 Oct 2013

Illamasqua Cream Blusher - Promise

Illamasqua just owns the block when it comes to blushes.
Thanks to my wonderful friends they managed to gift me Illamasqua products that I wanted to try out.
It's my first time trying out their cream blushes and I already fell in love!
They are super creamy and with a slight dewy finish.
Since Nyx cream blushes are a bit too slippery and dewy for my taste, Illamasqua hits just the right amount of dewy-ness.
Promise is a cream blush with thin creamy (almost liquid) consistency
Longevity: It stays on my cheeks for a decent full-time job
I would recommend it for dry skin but I'm still not sure about it's performance on oily skin.

The color itself is quite interesting.
In the pan it looks vibrant warm pink yet it swatches and applies lighter and cooler.
In fact it's similar to Sob which is a light bubblegum pink.
Application is easy and buildable but I prefer to use fingers instead of stippling brushes. 
Pigmentation is outstanding even though it's a lighter/thinner consistency.

It's a perfect dewy cream blush for dry and normal skin.
Since I don't have oily skin I can't really predict how it would react but I've heard good things from experiences of other people. Illamasqua cream blushes are sold on their official website here and also on Asos for about 23€.

What's your favorite Illamasqua product? Do you have any recommendations?


  1. I'm almost ashamed to admit that I don't have a single Illamasqua product - yet. I can't quite decide if to get a nail polish or an eye shadow. Decisions, decisions :o). Xx


    1. When you start it's a problem- you can't stop :) I don't even look at Illamasqua stand anymore just to be safe :D

  2. This is a gorgeous shade!


  3. Gorgeous shade, I don't own any Illamsua Blushers... need to try!

    Love your blog, new follower ♥

    Stevie | Stevie Hearts Makeup

    1. Love your blog too, thanks for stopping by <3

  4. This is so pretty! Your pictures and swatches show this product off perfectly Sara, brilliant post. And now I need this colour in my life haha

    Claudia xx

  5. I don't own a lot of things from Illamasqua... but the one thing that I do own and love from them is the cream blusher! I have it in the shade rude and it's perfect to layer underneath a powder blush to prevent it from fading throughout the day! =)

    1. Need to try that as well! Especially on the days I'm out for entire day :) Thanks!

  6. Bodi previdna, ko enkrat začneš kupovat se težko ustaviš... jaz imam počasi že celo kolekcijo doma :D Kremne blushe imajo res ful dobre, sama ga imam v odtenku Laid in je verjetno najbolj pigmentiran produkt kar jih imam, pa še res dolgo obstane na koži. Sicer ti predlagam da sprobaš še šminke, čeprav so malo trde in težje za nanašat, se praktično ne premaknejo z ustnic ko jih enkrat namažeš, definitivno najbolj obstojne v moji kolekciji, pa barve imajo <333 ostale stvari sem pa šele dobila, tako da nimam še nekega mnenja, bojo pa kmalu na blogu :)

    1. Se že izogibam stojala- kot da ga ni. Še dobro da pojamram kaj si želim ;D
      Oh, šminke <3 Sem videla mešana mnenja in me je strah sprobati- mogoče pa bom eno v prihodnosti če ti svetuješ :) Komaj čakam še več tvojih objav!

  7. This looks lovely :) I'm yet to try an Illamasqua blush- really want to! Never been disappointed by them yet.

  8. Joj, kako je lep. Tale Illamasqua je zelo nevarna za denarnico :)

  9. This is so pretty! I have one in Dixie & i love it. I'd really like to try laid next & now this one is added to my list! Great review & your pictures are so lovely xxx

  10. One more cream blush that I have to add to my collection!!Super gorgeous color pretty!! Enjoy!

  11. Včeraj sem si ogledovala Illamasqua produkte in me je kar srce bolelo, ker si nisem mogla nobenega kupiti. XD

    Sandra - The Puzzle of Sandra's Life

  12. Oooh, this is SO pretty. I've been dying to try Illasmaqua blushes for ages but up until recently they haven't been readily accessible. Now that the Illamasqua counter's opened up, I can't wait to go swatching!

    xo, alison*elle

    1. I know, right? We just got it and I'm already all over it :D

  13. Illamasqua has such pretty blushers and this one is just divine!

    Kelly | secondhandspring

  14. Krasen je! Edino njihovi kremni blushi so mi všeč :)

  15. This is the perfect Barbie Doll Pink <3 Love it

  16. I love these colors. They are amazing

  17. I love this colour :) x


  18. Wow great Post! I LOVE your blog, and would love if you followed me! <3

  19. I'm not really into blush but this shade looks really pretty x

    Heather | Of Beauty & Nothingness


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