6 Sept 2013

Rimmel Scandaleyes Shadow Paints - Rich Russet

It's hard to find creaseless cream shadows for oily eyelids.
Trying out different cream shadows I got totally creaseless experience with only Becca, Illamasqua, Buxom and Rimmel.
Maybelline, Catrice, Benefit, Chanel CREAM eyeshadows don't crease as much but after 4 hours of wear I start noticing creases on my eyelids.
Rimmel's new Scandaleyes Shadow Paints are truly a great cream product.
Out of 5 shades I had to pick the most neutral one.

Rich Russet is a taupe-bronze with highly metallic finish.
It's actually a perfect taupe brown even for cooler skintones.
The color reminds me on Maybelline Color Tattoo On and on bronze.
The bottle itself it's tacky looking but application is easy due to the wand.

Texture is similar to Becca Eye tints - medium thick liquid with tacky feeling.
You have to be super fast with application since it starts drying in 8 seconds.
I tap the eyeshadow with my finger and quickly blend with Mac 217 brush.
You can easily build the color intensity if you let every single layer to dry.
You actually need only 1-2 layer for fully opaque look.
Applied and blended Shadow Paint should wear without creases and up to 10 hours.

 I left Rich Russet on my eyelids for the entire day - no creasing at all.
I'm highly overwhelmed with these particular cream shadows since I have oily and hooded eyelids.
On the picture below you can clearly see Rich Russet all over the lid
You can easily blend it out if you're quick enough.
Application can get a bit patchy if you're not careful enough with layering.

I would definitely recommend you to check out Rimmel Scandaleyes range.
Since Rimmel is not sold in Slovenia I usually get Rimmel from FeelUnique.
You can get Rimmel Scandaleyes Shadow Paints for about 5,6€ on FeelUnique.

PROS: crease less, metallic finish, gorgeous color, affordable, pigmented
CONS: fast drying, messy applicator, entire color selection


  1. Tale Scandaleyes kolekcija zgleda ful obetavno, tut svinčniki za oči in 'chubby' svinčniki za oči so super prehvaljeni. Sem imela na WL en nude svinčnik za waterline, pa sem zdaj dodala še (vsaj) ta odtenek telih kremnih senčk - res težko najdem senčke ki mi ne zlezejo v gubo, kaj šele kremne senčke. Majo pa res beden izbor odtenkov pa presenetljivo cheap embalažo O.o

    ♥, moonchild beauty blog

    1. Verjamem, meni se vse premakne po 1 uri če ne dodam pudrastih senčil :D tole je res kot sekundno lepilo!

  2. Res čudovita senčka. Rimmel bi res lahko imeli v Sloveniji, ma ja tolk fajnih izdelkov :)

    1. Res škoda, baje bodo še v Avstriji odstranili Rimmel ponudbo :(

  3. Zgleda ful lepo, pa tak vsestranski odtenek :) Gre na moj wishlist :)

    1. Juhu, škoda le da se jih ne da dobiti v SLO ;)

  4. Čudovita barva, pa res lepo izgleda ko je nanešena :) Senčk v tem stilu še nisem sprobala, pa bo očitno treba :)

    1. Jaz nikoli nisem marala kremnih senčil...sem pa postala odvisna ko sem preizkusila takšnega, ki se ni nabral v očesni gubi ;)

  5. Such a gorgeous color! Suits you well! Just found your blog, loving it, I'm still a newbie.

    Hope you can go by and check my little blog out, new follower here!

    Lily | beautywithlily.blogspot.com

  6. It's a lovely shade and it's very easy to work with, and for the price it's definitely worth it. Xx



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