18 Apr 2015

Budget Buy: L'Oreal Öl Richesse Cleansing Oil

Cleansing oil in every European drugstore? It seems like a dream come true. Finally, we were hit by a proper, budget-friendly cleansing oil by L'Oreal. Of course, who else other than L'Oreal. By a massive disappointment with Balea Oil Cleanser, L'Oreal Cleansing Oil deserves to occupy space in my bathroom cabinet.

L'Oreal Öl Richesse Cleansing Oil does everything I want from a cleansing oil. It has a standard oil consistency for massaging while it transforms into blurry white consistency in contact with water. Texture is indeed, a bit more watery and runny as usual cleansing oils, leaving a slight doubt about actual oil ingredient. In fact, mineral oil is the only key ingredient in this product so be careful if you're blemish prone. Mineral oil can cause breakouts if your skin is sensitive. Oil leaves no residue whatsoever, only cleansed skin. Cleansing oils are pretty much the fastest method to remove your stubborn makeup. In this case, L'Oreal Cleansing Oil also melts down your eye makeup. Mascara in particular, is not so easily removed. You have to make a few circle motions around your eyes before you can break down the product from your lashes. Personally, I don't mind investing a minute or two for gently massaging my eye area. Altogether, oil removes base makeup, including eyeshadows, liners and lipsticks. With mascara, I gently remove residue with coconut oil afterwards. Scent is almost tropical, like a mix of pineapple and melon. For the ingredients, they are...let's say, typical L'Oreal.

Comparing L'Oreal Oil to The Body Shop Chamomile Cleansing Oil and L'Occitane Shea Cleansing Oil, it's smoother and not as thick in texture. Which is actually a bit irritating to always watch over spillage. Also, it removes mascara less efficiently and has a strong fruit scent. In terms of ingredients, L'Oreal contains mineral oil while L'Occitane Shea Cleansing Oil has the least ''harmful'' ingredients. The Body Shop uses soy oil as a base, L'Occitane contains sunflower seed oil and L'Oreal uses mineral oil as a main base. The Body Shop holds 200ml for 13€, L'Occitane bottles hold 200ml for 19,30€ while L'Oreal holds 150ml for 8,99€. 

All in all, new L'Oreal Cleansing Oil is a good alternative to high-end versions. It's not my favourite but it will serve as a perfectly nice pre-cleanser for every day. It's a first budget oil alternative that  removes makeup fairly well without breaking your piggy bank. L'Oreal Öl Richesse Cleansing Oil retails 8,99€ for 150ml. It's not the cheapest among drugstore cleansers yet it delivers. I believe this is currently sold only in Müller and other bigger European drugstores.


  1. Tega pa kupim ob prvi priliki :D Nisme še nikoli uporablajla olja, pa bi mi bil fajn, ker grem čez micelarno prehitro :/

  2. Še zdaj mi ni jasno, če je to ista stvar kot ta, ki ga imam jaz ( http://matejasbeautyblog.blogspot.com/2013/07/loreal-skin-perfection-15-second.html ) ali je to zdaj tudi malo spremenjena formula? Meni je bil super, še posebej zaradi vonja, ampak so se mi zaradi njega delali mozolji. Mi je pa od vseh olj L'Occitanovo še vedno najboljše, ker spravi vse stran :)

    1. Um, ja. Po sestavinah sodeč je to enak produkt, prepakiran v flaško za zrelo kožo. Hm...bom pozorna na mozoljčke. Ja, tudi jaz veliko raje uporabim L'Occitane, se počutim ''varnejše'' :D

  3. Si poskusila Vichy-jevega? Po opisu sodeč je precej podoben temu. Meni z malo vztrajnosti odstrani ves makeup (tudi maskaro!) :)

    1. Ne, nisem še poizkusila. Bom pa dodala na spisek :)

  4. Ohhh saj se lepo bere, ampak mi sestavinsko nekako L'oreal ne diši :)
    Imam pa L'Occitanovega na WL. Si ga privoščim, ko porabim malo zaloge :P

  5. It always confuses me when i read German on your Blog xD I really want to try the L'Oréal one ~

  6. Fab post,I like that this is thinner in comparison as I’m not sure I’d like a thicker oil on my skin. But sounds a great alternative for trying oils - I think I would probably opt for the Body Shop one.

    Charlee XO | CharmedCharlee

  7. Finally! Mene tudi mika, da ga sprobam (čeprav imam že čist preveč cleanser-jev) ker sem kar nekaj mešanih ocen :)

  8. Jaz imam zaenkrat samo tistega od Balea in mi je prav za prav zelo všeč :) moram pa poizkusiti tudi tega da vidim kakšna je razlika :)

  9. Jaz imam Vichyjevega pa me ta olja nekako niso navdušila, žal...

  10. Personally I used this oil for my body skin. It is more effective and natural for my body skin and it is not more expensive than other oils. Isagenix products in Singapore are best options for making body more cleansing and natural.

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