19 Apr 2015

Vichy Idealia Skin Sleep Test & Review

It's finally here...first European version of sleeping pack. Also known as a little night miracle worker in Korea, sleeping packs are a real treat for skin renovation overnight. They're not your typical night cream, oh no. They have in fact, a balm consistency gel, packed with nutrients and vitamins for a perfect start of the day. What better way to renovate your skin than during your sleep? During REM sleep (the deepest period of sleep), your skin is the most active with ''reconstruction''. Applied and efficient as a regular mask, sleeping pack makes wonders along with your night repairing skin process. Sleeping packs can be used as a quick perk up or as an everyday treatment for ideal skin. Caught your attention? Read on, I'll report everything about this new gem called Vichy Idealia Skin Sleep Recovery Night Gel Balm.

To be totally fair with impressions about Vichy Idealia Skin Sleep, I've included into experiment my mom. There's not a single more obvious result than a test on mature skin with wrinkles. So, starting with this little test, my mom and I religiously used this balm for two weeks. Results were actually obvious after first try. My mom was thrilled with this new discovery, while I've noticed small results myself. The thing is, Skin Sleep works miracles on mature and dry skin while still manages to surprise well nourished, young skin. We were both left with plumper skin without any morning tugging or dryness. Also, skin felt softer, smoother after first night sleep.

Compressed together, Vichy Idealia Skin Sleep Gel Balm is ideal choice for busy women, always in movement and with a lack of sleep. It's great for dry, normal and combination skin with extra hydrating boost. It's rich yet has a balmy gel texture. You'll be surprised how intensely packed this lightweight balm really is. When you first put it on your face, it has a slight stickiness to it. Almost as if you'd try to apply a creamy lipgloss all over your face. With minutes passing, you'll be left only with comfort, no stickiness whatsoever. Sounds bizarre, I know, but it works. If you tend to preserve your product, fear not. Skin Sleep doesn't have to be applied regularly for benefits but it can be used as a special treat before any big events. This way, Vichy Skin Sleep will bring you more joy for your buck. As for ingredients, balm contains Vitamin B3, hyaluronic acid, repairing oils and LHA for speeding up exfoliation.

Vichy Skin Sleep really exceeded my expectations. I'm always doubtful about overnight promises but Vichy delivers. Actually, I'm surprised to see it priced only at 28,50€. I would have expected a higher price for a miracle balm like this. But then again, there are budget friendly alternatives on Korean market. With sparing use, this will last you ages. Not to mention you'll be totally ready with freshly awaken skin for any special occasion. For 28,50€ you can find Vichy products all over European pharmacies, including Slovenia. 


  1. I loveeee vichy! This looks amazing.
    Thanks for sharing

  2. Sliši se zanimivo:) Multi purpose izdelek. Če gledam samo po imenu sodeč, sem jaz zadnjič kupila od Le Petite Olivier Regenerating Night Balm, ampak je to bolj kot ne maslo za redehidracijo čez noč:). Tale kremica pa je super, če ima še vse te kisline zraven, da res ne rabiš še 5 izdelkov zraven uporabit:).

  3. Thanks a lot for the great review! And thanks so much for incuding your mother into the test!
    I actually would wish to see waaay more products being reviewed by the older people that they were partly or mainly made for - our young skin just can't show many results because it already is rather smooth, wrinkle-free and fresh. Eg I got the Missha First Treatment Essence for my mum, just on speculation as I only found reviews by young people.
    I'll give this cream/mask a good look, thanks for showing.

  4. Meni pa pušča malo lepljivega filma :/ sem jo zato mela samo ene 2x odkar smo jo dobile, danes 3. in sem dala olje prej pa je recimo, da mal boljš :) Jo bom definitivno mogla še mal bolj stestirat.

  5. I'd buy this just for the packaging LOL but since u said it works, might have to actually go get it and try it out!


  6. Hi! I was just wondering - did you get paid by Vichy to write this review?

    1. No, I don't get paid for any review. I'm honestly excited with my mum, even after 4 months :)

  7. But it's full of bad alcohol, also known as scientifically demonstrated to be very drying, hence aging to the skin. I'm baffled. I'd wouldn't be if it were one of the bottom ingredients, but the third ingredient means it's got a ton. It's widely known as a "bad alcohol." I assume they use it as a penetration enhancer, but that means it will really let in those colorants (another confusing ingredient) like crazy, and that's not good, either. Again, if it's towards the bottom of the list, I wouldn't worry at all, but so much alcohol on the skin can cause the skin to react adversely by turning it into combo skin, dry on top and oily underneath. Perhaps it's okay since you wouldn't use this every night, although the instructions say every night. Hmm...

    1. Hm, never looked into ingredients list but you're probably right as it's really light/gellish on the skin. After all...me and my testing buddy (mum) used it approx. 2-3x a week. It's probably the best before any special occassions. On the long run, it's not the most nourishing (has also acids) or natural option. Thank you for your opinion :)


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