16 Apr 2015

Closest Dupe for Beauty Blender?

I'm picky with my sponges and I still think there's no product like real Beauty Blender. PERIOD. You can't convince me solid hard rock dupes are good enough as the real deal (proclaims like that often come from Beauty Blender virgins). In any way, you're either a sponge person or not. If you're not loving sponge application along with regular washing, cleaning and buying, then you probably won't understand high praises of Beauty Blender. I know, I've been there. I was a 100% sure nothing can beat my love for finger or brush application...until the real pink sponge. After a year long affair with Beauty Blender we're still firmly attached, without any bruises or hatred and clean as a baby's butt. Based on longevity, I can firmly proclaim Beauty Blender unbeatable as of today. Sure enough, Real Techniques Miracle Complexion Sponge was compared to the real thing HERE, but died in my hand after only 3 months. Here is now a competitive Nanshy Marvel 4 in 1 Makeup Sponge, promising a whole lot more than beaten Real Techniques...

Z mojimi kozmetičnimi gobicami sem izbirčna, in to zelo. Še vedno sem mnenja da nič ne premaga pravega Beauty Blenderja. Pika. Nihče me ne more prepričati, da so poceni, trdi ponaredki dovolj kakovostni za ''skakanje'' po mojem občutljivem obrazu (kar ponavadi trdijo ravno Beauty Blender devičniki). V vsakem primeru, ali si ''ljubitelj gobic'' ali ne. Če niste zaljubljeni v nanos pudra z gobico vključno z rednim čiščenjem, umivanjem in kupovanjem, potem verjetno ne boste razumeli navdušenja nad Beauty Blender čudežem. Vem, še nekaj časa sem bila trdna zagovornica nanosa z čopiči in prsti. Po enoletni romanci z Beauty Blenderjem (BB), sva še vedno močno povezana, brez prask in čista kot dojenčkova ritka. Res je, BB sem primerjala z Real Techniques Miracle gobico TUKAJ, ki pa na žalost ni zdržala niti 3 mesece. Zato pa je tukaj tekmovalna Nanshy Marvel 4 in 1 Kozmetična Gobica, ki obljublja veliko več...

Nanshy Miracle 4 in 1 Sponge without water

Nanshy Marvel 4in1 Sponge with it's irregular shape grabs our immediate attention with bright turquoise color. Edges perfect for blending, small work and tapping are just a bonus. What makes me happy about this sponge is actual material and ability to expand itself twice the size. Nanshy is soft enough to be bounced all over your face but still preserves it's gentle firmness. It holds just enough water to create a perfect foundation canvas as the original Beauty Blender. I'm stunned! Yes, you've heard right. It gives exactly the same finish and result as Beauty Blender. What I don't like? Although there's lots of similar benefits, texture is still too dense, meaning it won't be as lightweight and easy to clean. Also, sponge clearly soaks up much more foundation. Other than that, I'm really pleased with this beauty addition. After a month, sponge is still in pristine condition but I'm afraid it won't take the same long ride as my faithful pink companion. 

Nanshy Marvel 4in1 Sponge zagrabi pozornost s turkizno barvo, ne le z obliko. Oblika je odlična za popolno prekrivanje, doseg kotičkov nosu ter za ''skakanje'' po obrazu. Kar me je navdušilo, je material in sposobnost širjenja na dvakratno velikost. Nanshy je mehka dovolj za ''skakanje'' na še tako občutljivem obrazu. Kljub temu ohrani potrebno prožnost za umivanje. Nosi ravno dovolj vode za ustvarjanje popolne, naravne polti kot pri BB. Negativni vidiki? Kljub odličnemu izgledu kože, me še vedno moti pregosta tekstura, kar oteži umivanje. Gobica vpije tudi več tekočine in pudra. Po mesecu uporabe je gobica še vedno odlično ohranjena, ampak me je strah, da ne bo preživela enoletne vožnje.

Nanshy Miracle 4 in 1 Sponge & Beauty Blender soaked in water

In other words, Nanshy Sponge is a true blast. It will give you more than a fraction experience of real Beauty Blender for less than a fraction of the price. For the price, I should have not complain but let's be totally fair. I'm in love and if this budget miracle survives at least 6 months, I'm good to celebrate. Nanshy offers cruelty-free brushes and it's widely available to check out here. Nanshy is also available in Slovenia, costing 7,49€ on Click2Chic.

V drugih besedah, Nanshy Kozmetična Gobica preseneča. Ponudi vam lahko večino izkušnje kot pri pravem Beauty Blenderju, vendar za manj kot polovico cene. Glede na ceno, se niti nimam pravice pritoževati. Če bo pa zdržala več kot 6 mesecev, bom pa lahko čestitala novi zmagovalki. Nanshy znamka prodaja odlične čopiče ter pripomočke. Nanshy si lahko ogledate in naročite na Click2Chic za 7,49€. 


  1. Js sm jo kupila, takoj ko je prišla k nam, in mi je nadomestila mojo predrago UBU Bbaby blender gobico, ki je bila odlična, dokler nism v roke dobila Nanshy. Velikost je bila zelo podobna, filing tudi ampak je preveč vode zadrževala v sebi, tole je pa prav milina :D Se pa moja ful hitro očisti in zgleda kot nova vsakič :) Mam namen eno primerjavo naredit.

  2. I am definitely a sponge person when it comes to the finish they leave, but I hate how much product they soak up! This one does sound lovely, though.


    1. Yes, sponges have their bad side too. But better to loose some of the foundation and have a flawless skin :)

  3. Jaz tako ali tako ne uporabljam podlage prav veliko, zato za tiste redke trenutke ko potrebujem gobico uporabim kar cheap shit verzijo iz Tedija :) Je precej gosta in trda ampak za parkrat na mesec ok

  4. I really need to try a beauty blender as I have just heard so many good things and I do like my RT sponge :) The Nanshy one does sound fab though - great post :)

    Charlee XO | CharmedCharlee

  5. I heard from Kandee Johnson that the beautyblender is designed to have makeup only sit on top of the sponge, and I think I agree with that since it's so easy to clean! The beautyblender is my first sponge tool, so I haven't tried anything else. I don't think I will anyway, since I love it so much!

    becky ♡ star violet

    1. Really? Well that makes sense since it doesn't soak up foundation. It's unbeatable and worth every cent :)

  6. Samo eno gobico sem poskusila, dobila sem jo v review od Born PRetty Store in me niti slučajno ni navdušila, tako da ti čisto verjamem, da je samo original tisto resno pravo, mogoče bi morala s tem poskusiti in se potem dokončno odločiti, čopič ali gobica. :)

  7. Se strinjam da Real Techniques gobica ne zdrži dolgo :( moram preizkusiti tole da vidim kako se obnese :)

  8. Thanks for sharing a nice information.Beauty Blender, the little spongy hot-pink egg that has flipped and reversed our whole makeup method, in the best way possible. It is available here Beauty Blender Dubai | UAE Online Shopping Websites


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