16 Oct 2013

Essence & Catrice Blogger Event

Ah, it was simply amazing. Where to start?
It was my first blogger event participation and if I'm correct - it was the first proper Blogger event in Slovenia.
We all felt like princesses and their hospitality made us fell welcomed.
In fact Essence and Catrice team made even a step further - we were welcomed by Slovenian and German PR & Manager staff.
Champagne was delicious, collections and regular stands were full of joy and presentation was amazing.
A moment to remember for a life-time period.
I already see myself talking about it to my grandchildren ;D

I want to say a HUGE thank you to all Essence & Catrice team from both: Slovenia and Germany.
They were even kindly enough to let us take whatever we wanted to try out and gave us bonus goodie bags!
I'm also really happy to meet all the nice girls from Slovenian blog-o-sphere
They made the atmosphere on event even more exciting and joyful.
Check them here: Ana, Ivana, Gejba, Tamara, Sandra, Tatjana, Nuša, Tina, Lux, Ina
If anyone is interested in any particular review - just let me know.


  1. Holy cow, that looks awesome! I hope that one day I can be a part of such beautiful events.
    So jealous of you :-)

    1. I'm sure you'll get plenty of opportunities in the future :)

  2. Ah omg! That looks soooooo fun fun fun. I've always wanted to attend blogger events. It's awesome that you got to. Glad you had fun! The set up was so pretty!

  3. OH MY GOODNESS all that makeup to play with!! :O

  4. Tudi ti si bila skromna:) Zdaj pa že čakamo na ocene:))

    Zraven na dogotku sta ble še 2 blogerki, ena je imela malo modro/zelene lase, druga pa očala, pa ni bila Tatjana, a onih dveh nobena ne pozna kateri sta? Ko smo se me na koncu slikale so levo zadi stale pa čvekale :)

    1. z rjavimi lasmi je bila od Hysteria of decay, tadruga pa ima nek nov blog :)

  5. Noro, si bla skromna ja :D Kolk lepo res, svaka jim čast drugače!

    1. vzela sem tist kar bom res uporabila hehe :D to pa res, upam da se vidimo kdaj na kakem podobnem dogodku še s tabo ;)

  6. Ja, res je bilo krasno in vem, da smo že zlajnane, ampak res vas je bilo vse krasno spoznati in upam, da se kmalu spet kje srečamo. :D

  7. Oh, lucky you! I`m glad that you had a goof time and thanks for sharing with us!

  8. še zdj sm vam fullll fovš :)

  9. Looks like it was a really great event. I love Essence & Catrice products. I just wish they were easier to get hold of in the UK

    1. they will be eventually ;) you have some amazing products too!

  10. This looks like it was a really good event! I wish I could have gone!


  11. I love both Essence and Catrice, and think it's so great they have this kind of events!
    You're so lucky to have had the chance to go! :) Thanks for sharing with us!

  12. Can't find Catrice here and has such amazing products! Great pics doll!<3

  13. I was at the Avery Fisher Place last week. And, I would say, this place is about a thousand times better! This place has one aspect that is missing at Avery Fisher. And that is acoustics.


I would love to know your thoughts ♥