21 Oct 2013

Etude House Etoinette Crystal Shine Lips PPK004

Etude House Etoinette Collection was released quite a while ago so the products are quite accessible online.
I just couldn't resist this packaging when I saw Etude House discounted in a korean online shop.
Etoinette Crystal Shine lipsticks represent your inner princess and gives a shiny finish to your lips.
This lipstick range isn't meant to be super pigmented but I  love the color selection and easy application.

Etoinette Crystal Shine Lips in PPK004 is a lovely pink-reddish color with silver shimmer.
Formula is medium sheer and reminds almost on a tinted lipbalm.
 You get a lovely light strawberry pink after applied on the lips with PPK004.
You can definitely build it up but you'll still get translucency.
I actually hate shimmers but once applied theay aren't really noticeable. 
I usually get only leftover shimmer on my lips when it wears off.
Keep in mind I ordered the most shimmery shade (for a change).
Longevity is okay- about 2-5 hours at most.
Moisture effect claim is actually true since I don't suffer from chapped lips afterwards. 
Scent is kind of rose based with a bit of sweetness.

If you can resist the cute packaging I admire you.
You can choose from  various colors with/without shimmer but keep in mind these are more like a tinted lip balm.
You can get them for around 17$ here or discounted for 10,40$ on Roseroseshop here.
Love the formula but for better color pay off try My Blooming Lips range.

PROS: moisturising, lovely color selection, cute packaging, affordable
CONS: glitter leftover/fallout, rose scent (hate rose scents in general)


  1. The packaging is to die for! And the color looks very pretty too on the swatch on the right.

  2. This color looks very beautiful! :)

  3. I also hate rose scents! It makes me sick. The packaging is so cute!

  4. This sounds perfect for me. So difficult to buy this brand from the UK. I think I know one site that sells them though. Cute packaging!


  5. Če pa tole ni najbolj luštno pakiranje no :) Tud odtenek mi je všeč :)

    1. O ja, v živo še lepše :D da ne govorim o novi Minnie kolekciji *.*

  6. The packaging is lovely. I don't like shimmer/glitter lipstick too. I have seen this on ebay at only $8 sth!!

    1. Yes, you can get it cheaper for around 12-10$ :) I'll have to check it out, never seen Etoinette lipsticks under 10$

  7. Joj kako so meni všeč te Korejske zadeve! Sploh embalaža, uf... ah! :D *vdih, izdih*. OK.

  8. The packaging is really cute! <3


  9. loving your blog hun, followed you on gfc to keep up to date! xx


  10. Ohh I just love Etude House used to always go on gmarket to stock up :D haven't bought it in ages though :( lovely post x



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