29 Apr 2013

OPI Euro Centrale nail polishes

 This collection is a perfect release for Spring and Summer.
Bright teals, corals are always a must for Summer but pastel lavender-blue is too cute to pass in Spring.
The golden shade is a great addition for tanned skin and can be layered over all colors.
Layered effect kind of reminds me on marbleised Easter eggs.

Euro Centrale je čudovita kolekcija lakov za pomlad in poletje 2013.
Turkizna, koralna barva so OBVEZNE za poletje medtem ko je hladno-pastelna sivka primerna za pomlad.
Zlat lak je super kot nadlak za vse barve ali pa uporabljen večplastno na zagoreli polti.
ZaPikoNaI ima odlično ponudbo celotne kolekcije EURO CENTRALE.

 All polishes are great quality as usual for OPI.
Can't Find My Czechbook (teal) and Suzi's Hungary AGAIN (coral pink) are opaque with 1 layer.
You're Such a BudaPest (lavender) must be layered with 2 coats to get full opacity.
OY-Another Polish Joke (gold) can be layered over other colors or be fully opaque with 3 layers.
My favorite out of the bunch are clearly the cool blue-lavender and the versatile gold.

Vsi laki od OPI imajo vrhunsko kvaliteto kot zmeraj.
Can't Find my Czechbook(turkizna) in Suzi's Hungary AGAIN(koralna) sta dovolj prekrivna že z 1 plastjo.
You're Such a BudaPest(sivka) rabi 2 nanosa za popolno prekrivnost.
OY-Another Polish Joke(zlata) služi kot nadlak ali popolno prekrivna pri 3 nanosih.
Moja najljubša sta definitivno hladna sivka in vsestranska zlata.
Teoretično se da dobiti z to zlato 2x več različnih odtenkov :)

I admit I'm not good at swatching polishes.
My nails are always broken or different lenght.
I layered one hand with 2 layers of each polish and another with layered golden polish.
Golden nail polish dries up a bit semi-matte so I suggest you to use a top coat.
 For the price this is a great set of versatile shades if you're looking for in-trend colors.

Barvanje in slikanje nohtov mi ponavadi ne leži vendar upam da so barve dovolj razvidne.
Na eni roki sem uporabila vse barve z 2 nanosoma in na drugi sem uporabila še dodatno plast zlatega laka.
Zlata je tudi super prekrivna preko črnega laka- poda efekt zlato zelenega leska.
Kolekcija je odličen set za vsestransko uporabo in z zelo trend barvami.
OPI lake lahko dobite TUKAJ
Vse barve Euro Centrale si lahko ogledate in kupite TUKAJ.


  1. Lovely set, love the lilac colour. And love how you can layer the gold over too! xx

  2. Would never have though the gold colour would have come out that pretty layered over the other colours, so pretty!!! http://www.gilbsy.blogspot.co.uk/ xxx

  3. the mini's are so cute :D I love the colors!

  4. Oooh I agree the pastel lavender-blue is so pretty. Reminds me of cornflowers.

  5. the lavender colour is so pretty :)


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