17 Jan 2015

4th Blogiversary, Lush Giveaway & Top 4 Posts

I'm celebrating my 4th blogiversary and what better way to celebrate than giving away to you, my lovely readers. I've decided to give away one of my ultimate favorite shower gels, Lush Snow Fairy (100g) in case you missed the opportunity to snap it up along festive season. I'm also adding a couple of Makeup Revolution goodies, which were kindly sent by Ličila.si. The One Foundation is in the shade 1, a white base that you can mix up with your regular foundations - perfect for my lovely pale ladies, who have similar difficulties with foundation shades. I want to thank all of my readers for genuinely and faithfully reading my little piece of personal heaven.

Giveaway rules:
- Giveaway is open worldwide
- It starts on 19th January and ends on 2nd February 2015
- Just enter Rafflecopter options (down below) for chance to win
- There are no mandatory rules, enter only where you desire. More entries, higher chance to win.

I will highly appreciate some support and likes on my new Facebook PagePassing Fancy

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Want to know which are the top 4 posts of all time? Well, surprisingly the most read is HOW TO make your blond hair whiter. I totally saw this coming since I was pretty obsessed with white hair back in my younger age. I still need to ''refreshen'' this most popular post with some new techniques and tricks. Bourjois Healthy Mix vs. Serum is second most popular post, which is also not a big surprise due to high percentage of visitors from France and popularity of the product. Mac eyeshadow collection and dupes is on the third place, while ever so famous YSL Rouge Volupte #30 still holds it's ground on the fourth place. You might notice I refreshened up my Bourjois and YSL blog post, pictures back in the days were just horrific. You can check out these posts just by clicking on the pictures.


  1. OOH LA LA….Such a FABULOUS GIVEAWAY! This has “Megs” written all over it! Hello!? Oh please please please pick me? I have shared this giveaway on Twitter (@flutterbymegs)! All of these super stylish must haves has captured my heart, and it is calling my name as it wants to be a part of my life :) Fingers crossed! xxx

  2. super giveaway :) Snow Fairy je tako top ! ta MR korektor pa sem imela in ga že porabla :)

  3. Čestitke ob obletnici :) Mislim, da ti sledim že verjetno skoraj od začetka, našla sem te pa prav zaradi Healthy Mix objave na Googlu. Večino tvojih objav nekam shranim ali na Pinterest ali na Bloglovin', pa sem zelo selektiven človek ko pride do shranjevanja, ker grem res te objave še kdaj prebrat :D Ko sem zbirala za zadnji post lansko leto, sem imela pet tvojih objav in se nisem mogla odločit katero naj dam (tista mermaids inspired mi je bila tako všeč). Pa tole faubourg peach si želim odkar sem videla tvojo objavo :)

    1. iii, hvala za lepe besede <3 tudi jaz imam tvoje povezave vedno pod must zaznamki :)

  4. Čestitke za 4. obletnico! :) Moram obvezno pogledat post o posvetljevanju las in komaj čakam novega. Se vedno barvam doma in ponavadi samo narastek (vbistvu me mami barva in mi nikoli noče še mal dolžine pobarvat, ker je prepričana, da se mi bodo lasje uničili haha samo včasih jo prepričam) in mam potem na vrhu rumenkasto :P

    1. Hvala, upam da se hitro spravim k objavi :D Z blond lasmi je res veliko dela.

  5. Čestitke za 4 leta bloganja, želim ti še več uspešnih let v blogerskem svetu. :)

  6. rehana seedat email: rehanaseedat71@gmail.com Awesome giveaway. Have shared via twitter @rehanaseedat

  7. Veselo obletnico!
    Hvala za giveaway <3

  8. Čestitke!:) 4 leta pa že ni tako malo. Mi je všeč, da si zbrala svoje najljubše objave. Sem dokaj "mlada" pri bloganju in vseh še nisem prebrala, zdaj pa si mi dala dodatno gradivo:).

  9. Real great giveaway...with love from South Africa.

  10. Thank you for the giveaway! :)
    e-mail: floryfrancy(at)inwind(dot)it

    Finger crossed! ;)

  11. All done, thanks for chance! :)

    Please contact me via email if I win! Thanks so much!

  12. Thank you for this lovely giveaway!!
    Im new on your blog and very happy to follow your beautiful world.
    Fingers crossed!

  13. What a gorgeous pinky giveaway ! Thank you Sara :-)
    Entered with all of the steps !

    Miri Weiss
    Instagram : http://instagram.com/mirush777/
    Email : snow_white100@walla.co.il

  14. Thank you for this lovely giveaway!!
    E-mail: iotifrego2@hotmail.it

  15. This is my first giveaway ever! :D
    I have never owned a lush product before :(
    Thanks for this :p

  16. Thanks for giveaway

  17. Love the foundation! Living in a tropical country makes it hard to find makeup for pale skin..

  18. How awsome web site!!!!

  19. Happy Blogiversary! And I wish you more many blogging days to come!
    Love, Jessica


I would love to know your thoughts ♥