18 Jan 2015

Final Result: Finish X by X-Mas (Project Pan 13) Update

Still remember my last Project Pan named Finish X by X-Mas? I was pretty dedicated to use up 13 makeup/skincare items that are on it's last leg. High expectations or not, I manage to stick with most of the products until Christmas 2014. However, there were a few bits that were pretty tough and still sit in my makeup collection. Project pan is a great way to concentrate last opinion about a certain product. You can refresh your memory from the first post of Finish X by X-Mas here.

I had no problems using up two L'Occitane hand creams, Rose Velvet Hand Cream and cult favourite Shea Butter Hand Cream. L'Occitane products are hardly ever a miss so I enjoyed the last bits. In fact, I actually miss my beloved, decadent Shea Butter Hand Cream. If you love roses, L'Occitane covers rose scent pretty well. Next product I've used up is Badger Creamy Cocoa Lip Balm, my favorite natural lip balm with cocoa scent. These are actually quite hard to use up due to amount of product. I prefer Vanilla Bean and Mocha Cocoa over this ''barely here'' natural scent. Benefit Powderflage (discontinued) was another joy to use, a perfecting pink powder for pores and fine lines. Another great budget concealer is Essence Stay All day Concealer which is perfect for under the eyes. The only problem I've dealt is a dark shade. On the other hand, Garnier Roll On Concealer contains whooping 15ml which was impossible to use in 3 months. I was so focusing on Essence, I didn't even touch this particular product. Sadly, still another too dark concealer in my stash. Beauty UK grey eye pencil and Gosh eyeliner in white were okay but I hardly managed to use them up completely. I had these pencils for years so they were pretty hard by now.

Now onto most difficult products to use up. I swept away Tarte Angelic (Limited Edition) in no time due to translucent texture and subtle sheen. However, Jemma Kid All Over Radiance Creme (discontinued) is a whole another story. This cream highlighter just doesn't seem to end anytime. I'm religiously using this sucker for over 5 months now and it's still going strong. On the positive side, I fairly enjoy natural glow I get. Cream shadows are a true pain to use up. I've been digging into Essence Eye Souffle (Limited Edition) entire summer and more. I can't even explain the satisfaction of seeing an empty makeup packaging. One down, 10 more to go. Becca Beach Tint in Fig was unfortunately too old to handle and since I have a fresh backup - I've decided to let it go. TonyMoly Cherry Tint is still going strong but it should be finished in the next project pan 2015.

I'm pretty happy with my final result, I've used up 9 products, got rid of 1 item and still need to use 3 items up. Wait a second, can I even count? I actually had 13 items in my project, silly me. And while I'm still in the zone, I've decided to join beautiful Monika from Rocaille Writes on Project MAD - Make A Dent. Is anyone joining? I'll be posting my MAD picks soon...


  1. Wow, great job Sara! I'm using the Vanilla Bean Badger Lip Balm right now and I agree, it's fantastic, but so hard to use up that chubby stick! Thank you for the link love and can't wait to see your Project MAD picks! <3

    1. I can't wait to post them, there's gonna be a lot of lipsticks :) You're such an inspiration!

  2. jaz se tud ful trudim predvsem ličila porabit in imam toaletno torbico iz katere samo tiste izdelke večino časa uporabljam, je pa problem, da se ne ličim vsak dan in če se počasi ti enaki izdelki postanejo dolgočasni :D...ostali izdelki za nego kože niso tak problem, ker včasih kar kopnijo :P

    1. Ja, izdelkov se lahko hitro naveličaš - ponavadi si potem vzamem vmes malo pavze pa gre :D

  3. Jaz tudi razmišljam o podobnem projektu, ker bi morala nujno porabiti nekatere izdelke do konca. Je pa isti problem, kot je rekla Simona, tudi jaz se hitro naveličam določenega izdelka in potem začnem uporabljati drugega. Očitno bom morala tudi narediti objavo na blogu (za makeup in lake), da mi boto boljša motivacija. :)

    1. Ja, pridruži se! Sej si lahko za 2015 zadaš uporabo produktov, pa potem vzameš vmes kakšno obdobje pavze. Ali pa izbereš kar npr. 2 šminke za raznolikost. Ko padeš noter ni več tako težko :)

  4. Pridna! Jaz tudi upam, da mi uspe par izdelkov porabit v tem letu. Sploh Misslyn concealer, ki mi že gre ekstremno na živce :D

  5. Mogoče pa to res ne bi bila slaba ideja, kaj dejansko porabiti. Vidim, da je tebi uspelo:). Jaz imam vedno probleme s tem, razen če je nekaj takega kot maskara, puder ali korektor:).

  6. Lovey products.
    They look really great!
    I like the cocoa scent too.


I would love to know your thoughts ♥