24 Jan 2015

Bourjois Rouge Edition Velvet Review & Swatches - 4 Shades on Fair Skin

Bourjois Rouge Velvet Edition has the most perfect drugstore lipsticks for matte effect. Being a huge fan of matte lipsticks (especially when it comes to vibrant colors), I'm absolutely stoked over their comfortable wear with no cracking or tugging. Do I have to say they stepped up their game with longwearing effect for over 6 hours? You're care free for almost entire day without any unnecessary fading. Rouge Velvet collection had way too much red shades for my liking, but after reconsidering entire line I found quite a few picks for myself. They have a hefty 14€ price tag which is quite a lot for a drugstore brand...but in the end, totally worth every extra buck. I got all of these on offer so it's worth waiting for deals to show up.

If you're wondering about texture, these beauties apply liquidy like a gloss and slowly transform into a full matte effect. You have to be extra patient with some colors since matte effect comes after 5 minutes. Still, formula is creamy enough to stay in place. Keep in mind, swatches were made only a few minutes after application so two of them weren't fully matte by then. I get from all shades at least 4 hours of proper wear. While Nude-ist fades first, Grand Cru and Frambourjoise stay on the longest. They all come with a doe-foot applicator, which is easy to handle and use. Packaging is sturdy, adorable and quite heavy for a drugstore item. Pure love.

02 Frambourjoise is a bleached strawberry red that leans toward pink. You already know I despise true reds (including cooler tones) but this one caught my attention as it's not too bright yet not too red. I actually made a comparison of it HERE - a perfect dupe for Dior Fluid Stick Wonderland. It's one of the most longlasting colors with over 7 hours and leaving a stain. It's easy to apply and I had no troubles with formula.

04 Peach Club is a close dupe for Revlon Strawberry Suede. A warm toned orange that's bleached to the point it almost looks like a true peach in the tube. Applied is a whole another story. I was a bit dissapointed with warm orange-red tone, but it is still a lovely shade for warmer skintones. There's just something missing when I'm wearing warm tones. Still though, Peach Club has a lovely formula but needs extra time to dry up.

07 Nude-ist is definitely not a pale nude tone on me. It's a warm medium pink with nude tones that  makes it look milky and subtle. A perfect defining nude, similar to ever so popular Kylie Jenner look. It's quite noticeable yet subtle for every day. It's not as longlasting as Frambourjoise but pretty decent with two layers. I get 4 hours of straight wear. I usually wait for the first layer to dry up and apply another coat. Shade is similar to Bourjois Rouge Edition 12 Hours in 31 Beige Shooting, which you can check HERE.

08 Grand Cru is a wampy red with cooler tones. Well, where to begin? I almost thought I got a tester since it's so flaky in texture, dry and uneven at first swatch. It's not that bad, don't get me wrong, but you'll be a bit disappointed for the first time. You can get an even result on the lips but you need to be patient for each layer to dry up. Needless to say, you have to layer it two or three times unless you want a streaky finish with one coat. Gorgeous shade, suitable for every skintone, but hard to manage. No dupes in my lipstick collection.

As always, Bourjois blew my mind once again. These liquid, matte lipsticks are perfect for making an impact with extreme longevity. I would highly recommend picking up at least two shades, if not more. I'm personally in love with Nude-ist for every day and Frambourjoise to stand out. Grand Cru is a lovely dark, vampy lipstick but quite a hassle to work with. Still, if you don't mind investing extra time for perfect dark red lips, I could recommend Grand Cru as well. They retail for 12-14€ in most European drugstores, along with Asos, FeelUnique and LookFantastic. Seriously, pick them up!


  1. Fajn zbirko maš in vsi ti super pašejo - sploh Nude-ist in Grand Cru. :)
    Po tvoji objavi še je mene zamikal odtenek Grand Cru, čeprav vem, da ni preveč fajn, kar se tiče nanosa. <3

    Drugače pa so tudi meni ODLIČNI. Mam pa odtenek Ole Flamingo (ki ga obožujem!) in Peach Club, ki pa je žal bil zgrešen nakup - mi ni všeč kako izgleda na meni (mi je žal, da takrat nisem raje vzela Nude-ist).

  2. Your photos are stunning! I love these but I don't like the scent :( xx

    1. thank you Gemma <3 Ah, forgot to mention that plastic scent, but totally forgive them for it :D

  3. Meni je kar malo žal, da sem si najprej kupila Grand Cru, ker se res grozno nananša in nimam ravno časa, da bi pol ure šminko nananšala -.- Ker imajo odtenek, ki so mi lepi, ampak mi je zdaj bed karkoli drugega kupit, ker nočem še enega 14 eur faila, kar se tiče nanosa...

  4. Frambourjoise danes nosim in je eden izmed mojih najljubših odtenkov ever :) Grand Cru je edini s katerim je res težko delat, ampak se da in končni efekt je prekrasen, pa še zdrži forever na ustnicah. V Nude-ist sem se že prej zagledala, ampak zdaj ko ga vidim na tvojih ustnicah mi je pa gorgeous. In Peach Club, pa mi ni bil nikoli v živo všeč. Ma vse bi mi prodala :D

  5. All of these shades look absolutely beautiful on you!
    I've heard so many people rave about these and I would honesty love to get my hands on them!

    Check out my blog? And join my Beauty Bloggers Facebook Group?
    Krystal @ Little Beauty Bug | Bloglovin' | Facebook BBloggers Group!

  6. Damn girl, these all look fantastic on you! :D Great post!

  7. Sem ravno zadnjič hotela kupit Grand Cru, ker so na 10€ znižani, ampak me vedno odvrne ker zgleda tako flaky...Mah ne vem, mogoče bom vseeno šla po njega :D

  8. Danes sem jst dala še eno priložnost Frambourjoise pa še vedno nisem navdušena. Mi je pa full všeč Nude-ish. Full full :)

  9. I bought hot pepper when they first came out and though the application was awful. So patchy and uneven that I needed 3 or so coats. Have so say though nude-ist is tempting me to try them again!

    Honey Go-Lightly

  10. Čisto vsi odtenki izgledaj odlično na tebi:). Meni je finiš zelo všeč, mi pa rahlo izsuši ustnice. Ampak jaz imam vedno probleme s tem, ker imam konstantno suhe ustnice. Peach Club si kupila v Sloveniji? Se ne spomnim, da bi videla ta odtenek v Müllerju. Mi je zelo všeč zaradi tega oranžnega podtona in ker izgleda veliko bolj rdeče na ustnicah, kot v embalaži. Čisto po mojem okusu odtenek:).

    1. Ja, vsi so redni. Sem se kar nate spomnila ob njem :) malo še poguglaj, čudovit je na toplih podtonih kože.

  11. These look so pretty! I really like the Nude-ist shade.


  12. Nude-ist looks beautiful on you! x


  13. I have been obsessed with the Rouge Velvet’s since they were first released. I love both Nude-ist and Frambojurjoise :)

    Charlee XO | CharmedCharlee

  14. I love the Bourgeois rouge edition velvet's too! I have 'Pink Pong' which I adore :)

    Sam xx | insamazement.co.uk

  15. Oh wow, those shades are so stunning! xo

  16. All of these shades are so stunning! I own Nude-ist and is so lovely.


  17. Sem te ravnokar odkrila preko Bloglovina. Tvoj blog mi je zelo všeč. Imaš krasne fotografije, dobre izdelke super ocene, všeč mi je ker pišeš tudi v slo in seveda, ker mi je po okosu blizu :D
    Tudi sama pišem blog že tri leta. Najdeš ga tukaj: http://dekleizpariza.blogspot.com/

    Upam, da me boš spremljala. Jaz te že :)

    xoxo. F&C


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