6 Jan 2017

L'Oreal Color Riche La Palette: Review, Test & Swatches

Lip palettes were never my thing, but sometimes, I even amaze myself. I got the opportunity to test out two new lip additions by L'Oreal Paris, called Color Riche La Palette. On the first glance, two lip palettes seemed like nothing I would ever regularly use. They seem so impractical and messy while I was doubting quality as well. Certainly, I was massively wrong. L'Oreal La Palette is a cute, pocket-friendly invention with the most pigmented lipsticks from Color Riche range. Some shades can even compare to popular Mac lipsticks and 6 lip shades are definitely a bargain at about 13,99€...

My initial association to cheaper lip palettes (that actually work as lipgloss), was not fair. I can firmly say, L'Oreal Color Riche La Palette (13,99€ for 6 shades, all drugstores) deliver the same quality and pigmentation as their regular lipstick line. Shades are fully pigmented in both palettes, Red and Nude, while they also have distinct L'Oreal scent. La Palette also comes with the most handy lip brush I have ever tried - it's wide and easy to clean with a simple tissue. It's travel friendly as it doesn't take up a lot of space, while the variety of shades is pretty awesome. The quality of L'Oreal lip shades is fully pigmented, with a creamy finish and comfortable texture. I have to say, I'm impressed. 

The only downfall could be the concept itself - if you swear on using a lipstick from it's bullet, these will probably collect dust in your makeup drawer. However, if you like variety in one place, these will suit you like a glove. It covers more than enough shades from red or nude spectrum. Another negative aspect is the constant cleaning of lip brush - it's not the most sanitary thing in the world. Usually, I simply clean the brush in a clean tissue before closing the lip palette. I would also die to see new lip spectrums - I'm craving for pinks, purples or mauves.

L'Oreal La Palette in Red has 6 different tones of red, that are actually even more fun when applied on the lips. All shades look really similar in the pan, but they reveal themselves once they're on the skin. I was pleasantly surprised to see more than just plain, old classic red. You've got watermelon, orange, burnt brown, classic and cool red. Although I'm not a fan of classic red shades, this palette will definitely stay in my makeup collection due to the variety of reds. Check them out!

Shade 1 surprises with pinky coral tones, which makes it a perfect bright watermelon shade for summer. It's loud and slightly more pink in real life, just my kind of pinky coral.

Shade 2 is a juicy orange. It would suit everyone and I'm kind of digging this shade on my neutral skintone.

Shade 3 is a classic, cool red with pink tones. Another wearable option for cool tones.

Shade 4 is not your typical red, but somewhat a burnt, vintage red with brown tones. Reminds me of chili and it completes any kind of vintage look.

Shade 5 is my least favourite, a classic neutral red. Suits warm-toned skin and completes the look as a glamorous pick. Not my kind of everyday pick.

Shade 6 is a deep, berry red with pink tones. It look way more berry in real life, which makes me even happier.

My favourite is L'oreal La Palette in Nude. It has a lovely array of nude shades for anyone's taste.The best thing? You can easily mix'n'match shades for your perfect nude lips. It's a lovely nude addition to discover your favourite nude tones. Oh, and I've spotted 3 Mac dupes that are worth mentioning. Read on! 

Shade 1 is the lightest of them all - a pale beige that's nice to mix with other shades. This could be a nice alternative to Mac Myth. 

Shade 2 is actually a Mac Peach Blossom dupe. It's a lovely warm pink nude that suits fair or medium skintone. 

Shade 3 is a peachy, warm nude that's similar to Mac Kinda Sexy, only without matte finish. 

Shade 4 is my all-time favourite. It's a mauve pink that doesn't wash you out. A really trendy color that's really close to my Mac Brave. 

Shade 5 is a nude, neutral brown with a hint of grey. It's a deeper version of Mac Blankety. 

Shade 6 is a true, 90's chocolate brown, perfect for darkening other lip shades or wear it on it's own. Super popular.

All in all, I'm pleased with both L'Oreal La Palettes. They deliver expected L'Oreal quality and variation of shades for beginners. They are lovely products if you're still discovering your favourite nude or red shade - been there, done that. Everyone can find at least 2 or 3 shades that would suit their taste and skintone, while the price tag at about 13,99€ isn't as hefty when we're looking at 6 different shades. Packaging is also solid, travel-friendly, chromatic and pretty to look at. I can easily recommend them if you dig the whole lip brush application. You can check out these palettes in DM, Muller or Tuš drogerija if you're Slovenian. Also don't forget to check Mateja's swatches on her porcelain complexion. 


  1. These palettes look so great! I like the red shades! x

    1. They are pretty fabulous in terms of quality too. Swatch them in drugstore :)

  2. Obe sta prekrasni in ti res skoraj vsi odtenki super pasejo. Ne vem od kot ve dobite taksno pigmentiranost, ker ko sem jaz probvala v trgovini je blo vse bolj sheer :(

    1. Verjetno zato, ker jih nanašam z čopičem iz enega kota, ne čez celo črto. So bolj pigmentirane ko naredim luknjico ;)

  3. Omg gorgeous !! I am obsessed with these nudes. Have to try.

    Charming Coco

    1. Yup, especially if you don't own any mentioned Mac lippies ;)
      Thank you Amy <3

  4. O glej, pa te spet vidim v rdečih odtenkih :D. Rdeč 2 ti prav fantastično paše. Mislim, da sem te nekje že videla v tem dotenku na social media. Ta je zagotovo moj favorit. Zanimivo mi je zdaj nude paleta celo bolj zanimiva. Nude 6 mi je najbolj zabaven. Prav tak čokoladen odtenek :).

    1. Rdeča se kar prilepi name zadnje čase. Še malo pa bo moja najljubša (velik korak zame da bom obdržala rdečo paletko). Luštni paletki, bi na tebi zažarele ;)

  5. Sploh nevem kaj se pritožuješ - ker ti rdeča res super lepo paše <3

  6. Tebi res skoraj vsak odtenek paše. Super objava. :) Nude paletka mi je malenkost bolj všeč, ker je uporabna za vsak dan, čeprav so tudi rdeči odtenki zelo lepi. :)

  7. :o Wow! Thank you for sharing the swatches and this product! I love it! I think this will be very helpful for ombre lips color fans and people who wants more than one color :)

  8. are the red colors lighter in real life than the pictures? like are they more pink ?


I would love to know your thoughts ♥