25 May 2016

New makeup at L'Oreal and Maybelline

L'Oreal Paris and Maybelline are blooming just when we thought they won't. A new extensive set of products stormed into our drugstores before we've (almost) quit. Maybelline made some drastic changes while L'Oreal released some pretty sweet pieces as well. L'Oreal Superstar line with the front star J.Lo is all about black, big and dramatic.

Remember past 2-phase mascaras with white side for dramatic, spidery lashes? Well, L'Oreal Paris re-started everything all over again. This time, improved L'Oreal False Lash Superstar Mascara (15,65€, drugstores like DM, Muller) brings big and voluminous lashes without clumps. Natural is not the flirting word with this mascara. White base makes lashes thicker and pronounced while second layer gives ultra black finish. First white layer has a same-like consistency as regular mascara, no fibers or particles whatsoever. I was personally always a fan of these kind of mascaras and I still remember my first golden L'Oreal tube in high school. The brush shape is nothing extra. Keep in mind, that this mascara does clump lashes a bit but I personally love big, almost spidery lashes. Visible and huge lashes make me happy. Can't say it's my favourite but I like the finished result altogether. If you're still grieving the past version, I'm sure you'll love new one as well.

L'Oreal Super Liner Superstar (10,19€, drugstores) might be the best eyeliner that I've ever tried. Yes indeed, your ultimate eyeliner freak likes this thingie so much. Bendable brush tip is just perfect for adjusting to your eye shape. Ultra black formula is strong enough to be layered over powder eyeshadows. Ah, I just hate when an eyeliner stops working because of layering over powder products. Does that happen to you too? Well, not anymore. I've been using this product for over several months now and it's still running smoothly. On top of all, it doesn't crease on bare eyelids. It's almost as waterproof and doesn't crack with movement. Finish is not matte but rather satin smooth. 5 Stars from me!

Maybelline The Blushed Nudes Palette (11,90€, drugstores like DM and Muller) is a rather delightful discovery on our drugstore shelves. Pigmentation is way better and improved in comparison to original The Nudes palette (review here). If you love new Essence palettes with super buttery eyeshadows, this has almost the same formula. They are richly pigmented and quite soft as they tend to crumble with high pressure. Still, I had no problems wearing them all day - only the darker shades slightly faded in intensity. No creasing or transferring whatsoever. Also, shade combination is pretty unique but still in the rows of neutral and mauve. Swatches are made without a primer, on bare skin!

Maybelline Vivid Matte Liquid Lipstick (6,99€ a piece, drugstores) are my personal gems out of them all. I was so drawn to them, that I even managed to infect my co-workers. Finally, new matte lipsticks on our market. Well, not so much. They are actually in the same category as NYX Soft Matte Lip Creams, moussey and airy in texture. Above all, I got some feedback that the brighter shades actually don't dry up totally matte with time. And yes, I totally understand that it is a pretty good argument to be upset about them. Still, I choose the nudest out of them all - Nude Thrill, a brownish peach, and Nude Flush, modern mauve rose. I need to emphasise that I personally love them. They're not totally matte but rather a satin finish. They apply as soft mousse lipglosses with a bit of shine. Shine tends to disappear (at least on these 2 nude shades) within an hour or two. You're left with a comfortable formula that lasts up to 5 hours. It's not the most long wearing product on the market, but the nice feel on the lips repays it all. As a note, be careful at choosing colours. Possessed Plum is apparently the patchiest out of them all. Oh, and I bought both of them on my own - not to be mistaken. 

Don't forget to blot Maybelline Vivid Matte Liquid Lipsticks with a tissue, if you prefer more of a satin-matte finish. It makes all the difference, while formula is still comfortable and mousse-like. Color is slightly less intense and saturated but still wonderful.

My highlight is definitely the L'oreal Paris Superstar Eyeliner, which quickly became my ultimate necessity. Also, I'm religiously wearing my nude Vivid Matte Liquids everyday. Maybelline The Blushed Nudes and L'Oreal Superstar are favourites too, just not as intensely. Be careful before purchasing Vivid Matte Liquids - just to be clear, if you're on a hunt after super duper matte lipstick, Vivid Matte Liquid is not ''THE IT''. Maybelline and L'Oreal Paris are available worldwide in almost any nearby drugstore (DM, Tuš Drogerija, Muller for Slovenia).


  1. I purchased the exact same shades of the vivid mattes and love them both! Its such a odd formula to describe but really good!

    Parie x

  2. Sem čakala tole objavo <3

    Sicer me paletke ko vidim swatche ne prepriča in tudi matte liquidi niso tako pigmentirani kot sem mislila, ali samo jaz narobe vidim :( Če imajo kakšen bolj temen odtenek, bom preizkusila v drogeriji....

    Čudovite slike, kot vedno in hvala za draženje. <3

    1. Ja, swatchi izgledajo bolj slabo za paletko, ker sem dala kar preko gole kože. Ampak je dejansko zelo pigmentirana! :)
      Najbolje da preizkusiš še sama v drogeriji, meni so všeč liquidi. Ne vem pa, če bi kupila še kakšen temnejši odtenek.

  3. Očitno sem edina, ki se ji ta eyeliner ne zdi dovolj črn :D Ampak se strinjam, je top in tudi eden izmed mojih najljubših. :) Maybellinčkov pa še nisem videla v dmu, me zanima kako mi bodo v živo všeč.

    1. Super je, glede na to da ga imamo že nekaj mesecev :) Le poglej novo ponudbo!

  4. Jaz sem bila zelo navdušena z temi mat šminkicami ko sem jih prvič videla, ampak potem ko sem jih swatchala v živo me sploh niso prepričali. Pričakovala sem boljšo pigmentacijo, saj tiste temnejše nijanse sploh niso podobne barvi v embalaži :/

    Maskaro sem kupila ampak čaka da pride na vrsto. :) Tudi se spomnim tiste njihove verzije od sto let nazaj.

    Čudovite fotkice!


    1. Hvala Iva! Škoda, tudi jaz sem opazila malce odstopanja pri ''berry'' odtenku. Tile dve nude sta pa super. Maskara res ni slaba :)

  5. Wow I need that eyeshadow palette in my life! xxxxxx


  6. I have been so excited to try Maybelline Vivid Matte liquid lipsticks since they came out. Currently my biggest dilemma is to choice the shades that I like the most. They are all so pretty that I simply want to buy every shade avaliable! X

  7. Sem zadnjič preizkusila vse šminke ne roki pa me nekako noben odtenek ni navdušil. Čeprav mi je bil Nude Thrill lep, si še vedno bolj želim kakšen NYX odtenek, ker imajo res ogromen nabor nude odtenkov :). Paleta ni moja barvna izbira, mi je pa všeč, če je podobna Essence senčilom. Meni so te njihove nove palete odlične za every day.

  8. Na Dolenjskem nimamo še čisto nobene Maybelline novosti (niti Rimmla). Mislim, da smo uradno konec sveta :D Eyeliner je tudi meni super, čeprav je konica malo debela za moje mini oči, ampak s tem eyelinerjem se da najlažje flicks risat. Pa res je lepo obstojen in kot praviš, tudi meni se ni uničil ko sem ga nanašala preko senčil.

    Vivid mattes me ne ganejo. Jaz hočem mat ali pa nič. Pravilno naj poimenujejo svoje izdelke. Mogoče me bo premamil kakšen nude odtenek ko jih bo videla v živo, ampak potem pa vem, da ga ne bom pogosto nosila in ostala pri mojih pravih mat izdelkih.

    1. Mateja...to pa nisem pričakovala od tebe :'D če je podobna tekstura vivid mattsov kot bivši essence mousse glossi. Meni so super, ampak če hočeš res mat potem raje izberi kaj drugega :)

  9. Very nice! The palette looks great!


  10. Zadnjič sem v dm na roki hitro preizkusila oba odtenka Vivid Mattes ki ju imaš, ampak se potem nisem odločila za nobenega. Nude Flush mi je bil bolj všeč tako da se zna zgoditi, da naslednjič pristane v košarici. :)

  11. Ohhh, tele tekoče šminke izgledajo fantastično!

  12. The Maybelline palette looks so pretty! Great tip on blotting the lippies. That's so strange that they don't dry down matte!



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