29 Feb 2012

Turning into Powerpuff girls & hair update

Long time no see right? Well I'm still in a phase of buying camera because my previous one died for good. I hope I'll post some new things around the middle of the march with lots of different pictures!
But for now...you'll have to be satisfied with this kind of phone and laptop camera quality.
Anyways, we wanted to try something new with my sis and my boyfriend so we turned ourselves  into Powerpuff girls to try out the anime eyes look. Pretty good right? Not to mention the looks of people and betting if it is makeup or just a plain paper across the eyes.

As for my hair...I cut it off and changed a bit my color. You can see the ''hair difference'' between the upper photo and the new one. I was quite schoked with the length (but I had to cut it off) and not to mention my hairdresser went a bit too pinkish this time. But I like everything that's unusual...it's in the anime spirit...AGAIN.

So what are your thought about the anime Powerpuff girls look and the new hairstyle? Let me know your preferences and thoughts!
Take care and have lots of fun!


  1. Waaaaaa, to pa zgleda svetovno!!! Za pusta naslednje leto :D

  2. Wooow, you did a fine work on the Powderpuff eyes!!!
    Also, your hair looks amazing! Love both the haircut and the colour is pretty unique!

  3. :O brez besed....odličnoooo!!!

  4. WOOO lol it looks fab, must have took you ages! Looking forward to you getting your camera, have been missing your posts xxx


  5. haha! That's awesome! Well done on the makeup. Haircut is lovely too x

  6. wow thats all i ahve to say wow. loving the makeup and hte new hair x

  7. Aww I love the Powerpuff Girls! And the color of your hair is pretty unique = LOVE!

  8. Love the Powderpuff look…really cool !!!

  9. aaaaaaaaaaa. zakon. js sm si zanč take anime učke narisala, ko sm bla hello kitty :D
    frizura pa tko zmaga <3

  10. Tale anime look je totalno odbit, ful dobr in tako precizno narejeno :) :)

  11. OMG, kere oči =). FUUUUUUUL noro=). Sara, ti si res prava umetnica =)!

  12. Wow! how did you do this?! amazing!!!
    follow you!
    follow me back if you want: fofosfashion.blogspot.com
    xoxo :)

  13. Oh my! Your make up looks amazing! And your hair looks lovely, such a pretty shade :) x

  14. Any chance you could tell me how you managed this?
    Would really like to know, since i want to dress up as a power puff girl for this school thing
    If you could respond on my tumblr, i'd be forever grateful

    1. Look for Youtube tutorials - search for ''anime eyes'' or ''halloween big eyes''. Hope it helps, I learned about it on Youtube and made it more pigmented with black and white creamy liner :)


I would love to know your thoughts ♥