28 Jan 2013

Essence LE Hugs&Kisses and upcoming Giveaway

I was super excited to spot Hugs&Kisses collection from Essence.
It's filled with cute products and luckily it is avaliable in every drugstore (speaking for DM, Tuš).
However I couldn't find the red nail polishes from this range although the stand was full.
Oh well...I'm not a red fan anyway.

First things I picked up were of course cute glitter toppers.
01 MORE THAN WORDS - green/rose/pink/orange glitters with different sizes in a transparent base.
02 DREAMS FOR SALE - multi colored glitters with different sizes in a milky transparent base.
03 CRAZY IN LOVE - different sized purple glitters and multicolored hearts.
They are all super cute and remind me of Asian nail toppers- super glittery and playful.
They stay quite a long period on my nails (over a random choosen color) without topcoat.
02, 01, 03
with flash

Lip scrub was just a pleasant addition- an vaseline based scrub with extra fine particles.
Smells like artificial fruits and tastes like nothing.
I had several Lush lip scrubs and they all dissapointed me but this one is really effective at scrubing.
Plus the jar comes in handy when you use it up.

Lip tint 01 Sugar Baby Love is a NEON pink (like those flourescent pink pens) in person.
This one actually surprised me- super easy to apply and stains with a hot pink color for entire day.
Most of the Essence lip tints I tried were horrible (pointing at you mrs. Class of 2013 LE).

Glitter eyeliner 02 Love's out to get you is almost comparable to my beloved Etude House Tear eye liner (review here).
Has multi-dimensional fine glitters and it's great to brighten up the eye look anytime.
I always pick up white eyeliners from Essence- cheap but effective.

02 Love's out to get you eyeliner, 01 Sugar Baby Love lip tint

I also got 2 glitter toppers for you guys- for my upcoming Giveaway including Catrice and Essence.
You can also let me know if you want more of products from Hugs&Kisses line in a Giveaway.

Lots of hugs and kisses!


  1. The crazy in love nail polish looks lovely! And that lip scrub does too. I always end up with Lush all around my face haha xxx

  2. Thank you for your comment ♥ the nail polishes are so beautiful there are on my wishlist =)

  3. Those glitter top coats are sooo cute! I really love them and I am wearing the white one right now! I have also bought the other light one with those rose glitter particles. I really like this limited Editions and I think I will look at it again... maybe one of those hearty top coats will jump into my bag ;D

  4. So cute! I hope they release this collection in the US too! :) I would love to try the lip scrub too, if I can find it!
    <3 Kirstie

    1. They will come eventually there too :) I recently saw you have Cherry Blossom collection- that was our fall LE.

  5. Super post. Tale lip tint je tudi mene privlekel, ampak ga na koncu nisem vzela, sem ostala le pri lakih. Če si kupila kolekcijo v DM-u ali Tušu, potem si naletela na manjše stojalo, ki nima obeh rdečih lakov. Ta dva sta bila na voljo le v Müllerju.

    1. Hvala za info, res škoda za rdečke :(

    2. jz sm kupla rdeč topper danes v dmu.. tok da jih majo tud v dmu očitno..

    3. O super! Potem le Tuš drogerije nimajo rdečkov :))

  6. The lip scrub and lip tint look awesome! I've been having a lip scrub and tint craze lately, so I guess I'm naturally attracted to these 2 items first of all, haha!

  7. I so wish Essence was sold in the UK. This new collection looks lovely esp the glitter top coats.

  8. Purple one is amazing. But I still prefer the red one... (tega prodajajo v DMu pri Kliničnem, če te zanima :P)


    1. Yay, super hvala! Zdaj lahko samo upam da pridem pravočasno do kakega dm-a.
      P.S. Zelo mi je všeč tvoj blog ;)

  9. Oooo, toperji so prečudoviti! Upam, da mi jih rata dobit.

  10. well from wat I could see , I think I want the red glitter polish, the white glitter eyeliner, the scrub. and that would be awesome

  11. All of those nail polishes are irresistible to me!

  12. All the glitters look gorgeous! Especially Dreams for Sale x

  13. Ooooh, I haven't tried those Essence polishes yet. They're gorgeous :)


  15. Nail polishes are cute! I love glitter looks!

  16. Really fun nail polishes!



I would love to know your thoughts ♥