20 Oct 2017

Vichy Dermablend Foundation

Have you ever tried Vichy Dermablend foundation? If you have, you already know it's super longlasting and quite full coverage. Actually, I'm always angry at myself not re-purchasing a new bottle as soon as my older runs out. It's truly a multi-tasker: you can mix it, blend it and whip it with different products to achieve different finishes and coverage.

Ste si želeli kdaj preizkusiti prekrivnost Vichy pudrov? Potem je ravno pravi čas da obiščete lekarne, saj Vichy ob vsakem nakupu pudra podarja 100ml Purete Thermale odstranjevalca ličil. Vichy ponuda raznovrstno izbiro pudrov za vsak tip kože, tudi za gubice. Vendar je le ena linija tako kultna, da je enostavno greh če je še niste preizkusili. Pišem o Vichy Dermablend - popolni prekrivnosti, dolgoobstojnosti in naravnem zaključku. Je puder, ki sam po sebi ponuja mnogo možnosti saj ga lahko mešate in nanašate na različne načine.

Vichy Dermablend foundation is a little bit thicker in consistency and we could call it a ''classic foundation''. It's a perfect match for combination and oily skin as it's full coverage to cover off all your imperfections. In this case, I have dry skin. But I'm still a firm believer in Dermablend as I often mix it with a drop of oil or generous amount of moisturiser. It makes it more creamy, moisturising. Even 15 Opal is not such a terrible match for my pale complexion. Vichy foundations tend to have yellow undertone, which makes them suitable for most people. Still, keep it in mind if you're looking for neutral or pink undertone. The finish is quite natural, not too matte or too dewy. The main feature is also longevity of wear and you'll be surprised how long the tube will last you. 

Vichy Dermablend podlaga je resda na prvi dotik malce gostejši in dokaj klasičen po teksturi, vendar ga lahko prilagodite svojim potrebam. Sama imam suho kožo in sem se Dermablend podlage izogibala na daleč, saj mi je predstavljal popolno izbiro mešani ali mastni koži. Vendar lahko dodana kapljica olja ali radodarna količina kreme spremeni Dermablend v moj popoln izdelek. Tudi odtenek 15 Opal ni preveč daleč od mojega svetlega tena, vendar ima Vichy podlaga dokaj rumenkast podton. Kar lahko ustreza večini, če želite zdrav videz ali poenotiti barvo kože s telesom. Zaključek pudra je naraven, ne mat ne svetleč. Podlaga je zelo obstojna, obenem pa se tuba še dolgo ne bo izpraznila. Toplo ga priporočam tudi osebam z nepravilnostmi.

Vichy Purete Thermale is a effective companion with Vichy Dermablend. It cleanses your skin and eye makeup in no time, while it also acts as a toner. There's no need for rinsing although I like to add an extra step of cleansing.

Vichy Purete Thermale je učinkovit spremljevalec Vichy podlage. Kožo dobro očisti kot mleko za čiščenje, obenem pa se dobro bori tudi proti maskari. Izdelka ni potrebno izpirati, sama pa rada dodam še dodaten korak čiščenja. Purete Thermale lahko preizkusite ob nakupu Vichy podlage, saj dobite radodarno 100ml količino. Več si preberite tukaj.


  1. Need to try this! I'm looking for foundations that might work for my skin type and this one seems nice xx

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