23 Mar 2017

Aroma of kisses and lipsticks: Out of the box Cartier Baiser Fou

Cartier Baiser Fou review

Did you ever fall in love with a scent? The whole love relationship with Eau de Parfum is totally new to me. It's love on my first sniff and that really never happened to me before. Sure, I've had some one night stand ''relationships'' and crushes with different kind of perfume notes, but none has spoke to me like new Cartier Baiser Fou.

Si se že kdaj noro zaljubila v dišavo? Jaz priznam, da mi je tako močna ljubezen do dišave tuja. Seveda sem že imela afero ali kratko razmerje s kakšnim parfumom ali lahkotno dišavo, vendar me ni nič ogovorilo tako kot nov Cartier Baiser Fou.

cartier baiser fou
cartier baiser fou orchid gem

It's passionate, reckless and sweet - everything in one bottle called Cartier Baiser Fou. Baiser Fou or Crazy Kiss, is the perfect way to describe this scent. ''Delicious accents evoke the aroma of kisses with lipsticks'' and Eau de Parfum truly perfectly captures that scent. The creator Mathilde Laurent choose rare orchid as the main note, which is surprisingly, as we usually cannot detect orchids by scent. Baiser Fou starts as a really fresh, blackberry kind of scent due to rasberry notes and evolves into indulgent, gourmand scent along with vanilla and white chocolate. It's pretty clear Cartier doesn't like to reveal their additional secret ingredients that make it all work. Also, Cartier perfumes don't evolve as usual pyramid perfumes but it rather works in a horizontal way. I won't even start on longevity, the perfume is highly concentrated and potent for many hours. Be careful with application.

The scent was a mystery that opened up an entire new world. Cartier Baiser Fou is nothing like ever before, which almost makes it legendary. Lost in floods of scents, I've finally found what I really like. Berry and fresh notes, mixed with a touch of gourmand vanilla or any other sweet note. The best way to describe it in a simple way - a balanced scent between vanilla, classic retro lipstick scent and Lush Comforter bubble bar. Sounds like a perfect match for a lipstick junkie like I am, right?

Je strasten, nepremišljen in sladek - vse, kar si lahko želim je v novem Cartier Baiser Fou. V prevodu ''nor poljub'' želi Cartier opisati strast, instinkt in noro, mladostno izkazovanje ljubezni brez zadržkov. Malce gurmanske note spominjajo na vonj sladkih poljubov in šminke. Ustvarjalka parfuma, Mathilde Laurent, je izbrala redko orhidejo kot osnovo, kar je dokaj presenetljiva izbira v svetu cvetlic. Baiser Fou naprej preseneti z notami jagodičevja, kar lahko pripišemo malini, obenem pa se razvije v sladek vonj vanilije in bele čokolade. Seveda Cartier nikoli ne razkrije vseh svojih skrivnosti, česar se drži tudi pri notah svojih dišavnih kreacij. Prav tako Cartier note niso kompozirane v piramidno lestvico in so le-te enakovredne. O kakovosti in obstojnosti ne bi niti razpravljala, saj so vsi Cartier parfumi močno koncentrirani.

Baiser Fou je kot skrivnostna skrinjica, katero sem prvič odkrila. Je nov svet parfumov, katerega si niti v sanjah ne bi zmogla zamisliti. Ima priložnost, da postane legendaren. V poplavi različnih parfumov sem končno našla svoj dišavni stil, ki se zlije z mojo osebnostjo. Sladek in nežen, a nagajiv. Če bi čisto enostavno opisala Baiser Fou, bi bila to mešanica vanilije, klasične retro šminke s cvetličnim vonjem in vonj črnega ribeza, ki spominja na Lush Comforter penečo kopel. Sliši se kot popolna izbira za ljubiteljico šmink kot sem jaz, kajne?

cartier eau de parfum baiser fou
cartier baiser fou test
new cartier perfume scent
cartier baiser fou new perfume

The bottle of Baiser Fou was inspired by previous Baiser Vole, adding a touch of youth with gem imitation of their classic Orchid jewellery collection. Cartier Baiser Fou is an ideal pick for younger women, who love adventure, show passion and conquer the world with a bright pink lipstick. The price ranges from about 60-88€.

Steklenička je ustvarjena po inspiraciji predhodnikov (kot Cartier Baiser Vole), vendar ima dodan rožnat dragulj, ki se je že pojavil v Cartier kolekcijah nakita. Doda malce več razigranosti in mladostnega videza, saj je Baiser Fou namenjen ženskam, ki so strastne in osvajajo svet z drzno roza šminko. Cartier Baiser Fou lahko preizkusite v poslovalnicah Muller, Kompas Shop, Nama in Maxi.


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