12 Jun 2016

Artdeco Summer Lipsticks - Hello Sunshine Long-wear Lip Color

Who's ready for bright summer lipsticks? I know, I am. Artdeco Hello Sunshine collection just screams after sun, sea and sand. There's no better announcement of summer than beautiful bronzers, cheerful blush bronzer duo and a handful of bright lipsticks. Indeed, all new shades from Long-wear Lip Colour line are fabulous at describing summer vibes. A bronzey sand-nude for smokey eye at evening, a bright pastel orange for sipping cocktails in the afternoon and a bright coral rose for uplifting your tanned skin.
Kdo je že pripravljen na vroče, poletne odtenke šmink? Jaz sem že vključila poletne odtenke v mojo rutino s polno pestjo novih šmink. Med njimi so tudi šminke iz dokaj nove Artdeco kolekcije Hello Sunshine, ki kar vpijejo po pesku, soncu in morju. Ni boljše napovedi poletja kot peščeni bronzerji, zagorela polt in peščica živahnih šmink. Tokrat preizkušam linijo Long-wear Lip Color, ki je z novo kolekcijo pridobila 3 nove odtenke. Vse tri popolno predstavljajo delčke poletja. Peščeno nude odtenek odlično pristaja k ''smokey eye'' videzu pri večernih vragolijah, pastelno oranžna se poda odličnim ''koktejlom'' v sončnem zahodu in živahno roza poživi zagorel obraz.

Artdeco Long-wear Lip Color line is already a part of Artdeco's regular collection. If you're already familiar with the texture, you already know, that these are extremely longwearing but still super creamy and comfortable to wear. Indeed, they spread like creamy butter and smell like vanilla popsicles. Although the formula is really creamy and sweet, they tend to stay on the lips for good 4+ hours. Yes, I'm not kidding, even the nudest of shades. All this thanks to melted waxes and nourishing oils. They don't tug, they feel luxurious and they don't budge around lip lines. Actually, a pretty perfect formula with a hint of glue effect to stay in place for much longer. Color intensity is full, while they settle into a satin finish. Approved!

Artdeco Long-wear Lip Color linija se že sicer ponaša v redni ponudbi. Če ste z njo že seznanjeni, potem veste, da imajo te šminke izredno mazljivo formulo. Podobno kremnemu maslu z dodatkom sladkega vanilijevega vonja. Hkrati ponujajo tudi izredno obstojnost, saj tudi najsvetlejši odtenki ostanejo na ustnicah več kot 4 ure. Prav ste slišali, udobno in dolgo-obstojno zaradi mešanice voskov in hranljivih olj. Formula ne izsuši ustnic, je udobna cel dan in se ne premika čez linijo ustnic. Dejansko mi je linija skoraj bolj pri srcu kot že predhodno pohvaljena Perfect Color linija. Tekstura je izredno udobna in le za odtenek bolj lepljiva od normalnih tekstur. Nikakor ni moteče, obenem pa se šminke skozi čas spreminjajo v bolj žametni, satenast zaključek. Odobreno, A+!

The ultimate nude in the Hello Sunshine collection is Artdeco Long-Wear Lip Color in 50 Rich Desert Sand (around 10,95€, Artdeco counters). While it's not a nude I would choose for my pale skintone, it's definitely not as bad as it look on the first glance. I got intimidated over a sandy colour that looks pretty shimmery for current lipstick trend. But it's not bad at all - it gives a bit of shine that's not frosty or too shimmery at all. Just like you would wear a longlasting lipgloss. Color is not too light and still look healthy even on the palest skintone. Surprisingly, I got much more wear out of it than expected.

Najbolj nude odtenek iz Hello Sunshine kolekcije je 50 Rich Desert Sand (10,95€, Muller & Artdeco spletna trgovina). Medtem, ko ta nude odtenek že na prvi pogled odbija, me je dejansko presenetil na ustnicah. 50 Rich Desert Sand še zdaleč ni odvečno ''frosty'', ampak daje videz visokega sijaja kot kakšen lipgloss za ustnice, le z bolj udobno teksturo. Barva je dovolj intenzivna in lepo poudari ustnice na svetlih ali temnejših polteh. Presenetljivo, ta odtenek nosim veliko tudi čez dan.

Bright like a summer Tequila Sunrise cocktail, 54 Rich Papaya (around 10,95€, Artdeco counters) calls for ''dare to wear'' confident women. It's not your everyday orange, oh no. It's a rather whitened popsicle pastel orange with a retro feel. It's loud, bright and fierce. Works best with glowy fair skin, loads of mascara and fresh pinky/coral blush. It has full opacity but I rather dab it on with my fingers for a more even look. A great orange alternative to all fair skin ladies.

Živahna kot Tequila Sunrise, je šminka 54 Rich Papaya (10,95€, Muller & Artdeco spletna trgovina) in je popolna za drugačen videz pri odločnih ženskah. To vsekakor ni vaša klasična oranžna barva, temveč dokaj pastelno mlečno oranžna z belim podtonom. Rich Papaya tako doda videzu retro pridih, hkrati pa čudovito poveže svežo polt, veliko maskare in sijoče rdečilo. Odtenek je popolnoma prekriven, za nedolžen učinek pa ga lahko nanesete tudi s konico prsta. Zelo edinstvena oranžna, ki odlično pristaja svetlim poltem.

My ultimate favorite is Artdeco Long-Wear Lip Color in 57 Rich Coralle Rose (around 10,95€, Artdeco counters), an easy wearing pink with a hint of peachy tone. A safe pink in other words. Also, I need to mention that I got loads of compliments wearing this shade within my everyday errands. Many seem to notice it, although it's not the most brightest pink on earth. It really compliments any type of skintones while you can still detect some pastel/white notes. Cute!

Moj najljubši odtenek je očitno 57 Rich Coralle Rose (10,95€, Muller & Artdeco spletna trgovina), lahko nosljiva nežno roza s koralnim pridihom. Tako rekoč ''varna pink'' za vsak dan. Omeniti moram tudi, da je ta odtenek dobil neprimerljivo veliko komplimentov - očitno je nekaj posebnega na njej. Odlična je za vsak dan, obenem pa zdrži na ustnicah več kot 6 ur. Res lepo pristoji vsakemu tenu kože. Luštno!

Artdeco Long-wear Lip Colors have a surprisingly comfortable formula with a sweet vanilla scent and longevity bonus points. I almost prefer this formula to their standard Perfect Color lipsticks, which is a lovely range all by itself. You've guessed it, 57 Rich Coralle Rose is my favourite shade, while I don't neglect even a pastel orange and a shiny nude. I usually avoid reds and oranges just because they're difficult to pull off on fair skintone. For a change, 54 Rich Papaya seems to target even the most pale girls on earth. Along with 3 Long-wear Lip Colors, Artdeco Hello Sunshine includes bronzers, bronze blush, High Performance Stylo cream eyeshadows, Color Lip Shine lipsticks, mascara, bronze spray and bronze oil. Artdeco is available mostly in Europe and also worldwide on Beautybay.

Artdeco Long-wear Lip Color šminke imajo presenetljivo dolgo-obstojno formulo in hkrati čudovito teksturo. Dišijo kot vanilijevi kolački in se z urami pretvorijo v bolj satenast zaključek. Kot ste že uganili, je moja najljubša 56 Rich Coralle Rose, katera je dobila tudi presežek komplimentov. Pohvaliti moram tudi 54 Rich Papaya, ki je dokaj edinstvena pastelno mlečno oranžna, odlična za svetle polti in retro videz. Poleg vseh treh odtenkov, so v Hello Sunshine kolekciji še bronzerji, bronzer-rdečilo, razni porjavitveni pripomočki, živahna kremna senčila, Color Lip Shine šminke in maskara. Artdeco lahko najdete v vseh Muller poslovalnicah in v uradni slovenski spletni trgovini tukaj.


  1. Presenetljivo, mi je najbolj všeč nude! :D (redko se to zgodi!) <3

  2. Hey Girl! I initially clickedon your post because your photography is absolutly gorgeous I wish I could take beautiful photographs like this ! Anyways the lipsticks also look beautiful lovely packaging and you suit them so well. Great post! xxx


  3. Ooo zadnja mi je full vsec <3 Pa super fotke Sara :)

  4. Prelijepaaaa si. Zadnji je definitivno moja nijansa. Pratim te

    Charming Coco ♡ blog

  5. O-ou! Mislim, da bo treba v shopping! Desert sand ter Coralle Rose sta čudoviti! <3 Fotke pa vrhunske, as always!

  6. Beautiful lip shades! Love them all!

  7. Dejansko sem gledala eno recenzijo kjer me te šminkice sploh niso prepričale, odtenki so mi se zdeli res preveč neon. Ampak zdaj pa me je čist presenetilo kok noro dobro izgledajo na tebi! Fotke so pa res čudovite. :)

  8. Desert Sand <3 Artdeco ima vsako lepo zanimive bronzerje. Čeprav te znamke nikoli ne kupim, me ti vedno očaraš z njihovimi izdelki :).

  9. Wow, these shades indeed "scream" summer – very pretty! I haven't tried any Artdeco lipsticks yet, but now I'm curious!! I guess I'll have to check them out soon;)

    xxx, Mia
    Mia's Little Corner

  10. Coralle Rose is soooooo pretty *___* What Fake Lashes do you wear? :3 They look stunning on you!


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