17 Sept 2012

Worth repurchasing? Empties 1#

Dove Body Extra dry skin lotion
Nice body lotion but nothing exceptional. Will repurchase Garnier 7 days body lotion instead.
Repurchase: NO

Bath&Body works body lotion- Charmed life
Smells divine,moisturizing and would treat myself with more of these if we had Bath&Body works in Europe.
Repurchase: YES

Afrodita AromaAnti age- Grape hand cream
Sinks in really quickly and has a nice grape smell.
Repurchase: YES

Eucerin Anti pigment lotion
Already my 3th bottle and I'm always quite happy with results on my freckles.
Repurchase: MUST HAVE

Balea Urea SOS serum
It's a nice rich serum however it's more of a cream than an actual ''serum''.
Repurchase: NO

Essence My skin moisturizing cream-gel
This gel is packed with huge glitters. It also peels off if you apply too much. Not worth even finishing.
Repurchase: HELL NO! 

Olay/Olaz Complete day cream- Sensitive skin
Nice everyday cream with SPF15. It's already my 4-5 jar.
Repurchase: YES

Nivea Soft cream
Great for layering with serums,oils overnight. I don't like the fact it doesn't have SPF.
Repurchase: YES

Green line Hydroactive eye gel
Nice consistency, quite moisturizing and lots of product.
Repurchase: MAYBE

Bourjois 10 hour sleep effect foundation
Discountinued foundation which has a dewy finish, light-medium coverage and it's great for every day.
Repurchase: YES, if I could

Bourjois Healthy mix foundation
One of my favorite foundations, already my 4th bottle.
Repurchase: MUST HAVE

Chanel Vitalumiere Aqua foundation
Amazing texture and natural finish for summer but too dark and too light coverage for me.
Repurchase: NO

Benefit High beam
Noticeable highlighter, really easy to apply. However, there are too many good dupes.
Repurchase: NO

Nivea Fruity shine lipbalm-Dragonfruit
Smells amazing, leaves a pink tint but gets really bad after a year.
Repurchase: NO

Nivea Milk&Honey lipbalm
Okay but nothing special.
Repurchase: NO

Max Factor lip tint 01
Dries out really quickly, no color pay off. Just isn't worth my time and money.
Repurchase: HELL NO!

Lush Whip stick lipbalm
Really moisturizing, smells like jaffa cookies but leaves a brown tint.
Repurchase: MAYBE

Lush Honey trap lipbalm
Smells like menthol and honey/white chocolate together. Stings a bit your lips.
Repurchase: NO

Laura Mercier Long lash mascara
Nice fibre regular mascara but not worth the money.
Repurchase: NO

Max Factor False lash effect mascara
One of my favorites, repurchasing it over and over. Has a wide plastic brush great for long lashes.
Repurchase: YES

Benefit Bad gal lash mascara
Amazing mascara but again, not worth the money.
Repurchase: NO

Essence Lash&Brow sealer
This does nothing. Just sticks my eyebrows together and looks really unpleasantly.
Repurchase: HELL NO!

Max Factor Liquid eye pencil- black
Soft pencil great for smudging but lacks the staying power in the waterline.
Repurchase: MAYBE

Seche Vite Dry fast top coat
I used only half of it and it already dried up although I tried to fix it with nail polish thinner.
A really bad investment considering it can also affect fertility and child's development!
Repurchase: HELL NO!

China Glaze Crackle nail polish- Platinum pieces
Same as any other cheaper crackle nail polishes. This one dried up quickly as well.
Repurchase: HELL NO!

Bath&Body works hand sanitizer- Fresh picked watermelon, Island margarita
Both smell really fresh and fruity, almost like a perfume.
Repurchase: YES

Bath&Body works candle- Twisted peppermint
Amazingly sweet mint candle which smells DIVINE. Yankee candles have nothing on Bath&Body works.
Repurchase: YES, if I could


  1. seche vite? how can it affect fertility?

    1. I don't know...seems like some ingredients are harmful..the caution note says:
      "WARNING! This product contains a chemical known to the State of California to cause birth defects or other reproductive harm."

      Hope it helps! :)

    2. wow, I have 125 bottle of seche and it said nothing. Is not fair when the lable some bottles with the warning and the others not.

    3. Yeah, quite confusing :/ I wouldn't notice if other people didn't show it.

  2. ^ I'm wondering the same thing, what's that all about!?
    I really want to try some bath and body works products, they sound so yummy!

    1. On the bottle says:
      "WARNING! This product contains a chemical known to the State of California to cause birth defects or other reproductive harm."

      I'm not sure if it really does...but you never know :/

  3. Super objava!:) res koristna ;) zanima me kater "gel" za obrvi (oz kaj) pa uporabljaš, če ti od essence ni všeč?!:) plus če sem prav razumela so Bath&body works sveče nenormalno boljše od yankee svečk?! Ok in that case si jih še bl želim probat :$ zakaj ni tega pri nas :(( :)

    1. Uporabljam Alverde Augenbrauen gel 01 Blond. Lepo razčeše,fiksira in še doda malo barve mojim prosojnim obrvem ;)

      Pa še glava ne boli po Bath&Body works svečkah! Mogoče se da najti tamanjše na ebay-ju :)

    2. O super :) bom probala :)
      Joj js pa tale ebay :/.. Res si morm zrihtat viso al pa neki :)

  4. If i get better hours at work, ill totally supply you some more bath and body!! ;)

    1. Oh, you're so sweet <3
      I still have your cherry body lotion...don't want to use it all up! :)

  5. Ooh yeah i didnt see that this year!! But now they have some amazing fall scents, like sweet cinnamon pumpkin mmMMMmmm Ill browse around later for sure! :)

    1. Maybe we can even do another swap to be fair ;)
      Last year was crazy! I still have to make it up.

    2. Ooohhh yeah, you know my ...hm i think it was bourjois or catrice...the letters wore off! Lol but im almost done with it! Hit the pan just about. ;) my first pan hit haha but yes, lets do it again sometime ;) i think its great youre getting into asian cosmetics. Ive found they are sooo good. One of my faves is Etude House :)

  6. hej :) a drugače se Chanel Vitalumiere Aqua dobi pri nas? nisem še šla nič gledat okrog, sam sem rekla da bi ga probala.. a pokrivnost je slaba praviš? Medium? Glede na to kaj sm vidla na youtubu se mi ne zdi tok slabo..sicer pa jz res rabim sam za izenačit ton kože, nimam aken pa to.. Zanima me še kakšna je v primerjavi z HEalthy mix, ker jz tud sveto prisegam na njega :) Je podobna pokrivnost?Vlažilnost?Kako se blenda Vitalumiere v primerjavi z njim? Mal sem firbčna sam morem vprašat preden vržem tono keša za en puder ki mi sploh ne bo všeč :)

    1. Jaz sem ga kupila že predlani vendar ni najbolj opazen na polici :)
      Hmm...lepo pokrije vendar malo manj kot Healthy mix (podobno 10h sleep effect ali healthy mix serum) z light-medium pokrivnostjo. Mogoče sem pristranska ker rada zakrijem pege :)
      Bolj ''dewy'' finiš in je zelo fajn občutek na koži, kot dojenčkova koža.
      Blenda se ga najlažje z rokami ker je malo bolj tekoč in lahko daš več plasti in ni šans da bi zgledalo preveč na obrazu. Občutek ima kot lahka krema z vodo?
      Jaz sem ga imela za 3 poletja.
      Mogoče bi ga celo spet kupila če bi imeli svetlejše odtenke ;)

  7. Vidim, da imava precej različno kožo, glede na to da je meni tale Dove krema za telo najboljša na svetu in edina po kateri se mi ne luščijo noge :) Healthy mix mi ne odgovarja, Essence brow gel mi je pa top :) Katerega pa ti uporabljaš? Jaz sem kupila še Catrice brow gel, ki je bil OBUP :)

    1. Potem pa res čisto obratno :) Zdaj ko primerjam ta Dove proti ostalim novim ki sem jih sprobala - je eden izmed najboljših.
      Meni najbolj odgovarja Alverde gel za obrvi-Blonde ker je še barven.


I would love to know your thoughts ♥