31 Jul 2017

How to get the most perfect Candy Pink Hair: L'Oreal Professionnel Colorful Hair

loreal colorful hair

Hair color is the new makeup, L'Oreal Professionnel says. Why? With new technology, you can change your hair color easy peasy like makeup. Bright and pastel hair colors are becoming present as a normal splash of color and are easily replacing usual, boring hair colors. I'm pretty sure at least 1 out of 3 of you have attempted or tried at least one bright or pastel hair color. It was pretty darn difficult to find ''out of the frame'' hair color 2 or 3 years ago. And I'm super happy to see a huge interest in this colorful field these days in both - professional and drugstore lines. I had privilege to try out new L'Oreal Professionnel #ColorfulHair haircolors that are pretty innovative compared to previous hair salon possibilities...

''Hair color is the new makeup'', trdi L'Oreal Professionnel. Živahne barvne nianse se lahko z novodobnimi barvami #ColorfulHair hitro spreminjajo kot dnevni makeup. Barviti in pastelni toni danes niso več tabu, k večjemu že nadomeščajo dolgočasne, ustaljene tone. Prepričana sem, da je ''colormanija'' zajela tudi vas in ste že preizkušali pastelne ali neon tone barv. Jaz sem že na vrtiljaku pastelnih las že kar nekaj let in sem vesela, da se končno odpirajo nove poti do enakomernih živahnih barv. Pred 3 leti si niti sanjati ne bi upala o profesionalni barvni izbiri med 7 mavričnimi odtenki. Imela sem celo privilegij, da prva preizkusim nove odtenke barvne linije L'Oreal Professionnel #ColorfulHair in nastala je prava sladkorna pravljica...

perfect pastel pink hair

L'Oreal Professionnel #ColorfulHair are not your ordinary hair dyes. It's a spectrum of every rainbow color - fun, fierce and unique. What I admire the most, is that #ColorfulHair can be mixed with special clear agent to achieve perfect shade of pink, purple or coral. If you're a total newbie , you can easily start with pastels or colorful hues. The thing that is also pretty revolutionary is the fact, that these color treatments disperse pigments only in upper layers of your hair. That way, they evenly fade with 3-15 washes and don't have effect on your hair color base. Also, #ColorfulHair is a color treatment and doesn't damage on lighten your hair. You can change your look with your colorist in matter of days.

L'Oreal Professionnel #ColorfulHair niso navadne salonske barve. So mavrični spekter barve, ki je igriv, oster in poseben. Novi lasje bodo zažareli in opaženi boste v trenutku. Najbolj me je navdušilo dejstvo, da se #ColorfulHair lahko prilagodi vsakemu posamezniku - prozoren odtenek namreč omogoča mešanje barvnega odtenka od žive pa vse do pastelne barve. Če vas pastelni toni mikajo, potem je #ColorfulHair najbolj varna izbira. Prav tako pigmenti ne prodirajo v globino las in ostanejo na površini. Kratkotrajna obstojnost omogoči hitro menjavanje različnih barv, obenem pa ne uniči ali spremeni vaše osnovne barve. Barva se enakomerno spira po 3-15 šamponiranjih, odvisno od izbranega odtenka. Barve ne posvetlijo las ali jih uničijo, saj so ustvarjene za pogosto igranje.

l'oreal professionnel colorful hair
candy pink hair inspiration

There are 7 hair colors to choose from with various possibilities of intensity. I choose Pink Sorbet for the base and Electric Purple on the ends of my hair. Pretty cool result, right? In contrary to normal hair dyes, warm tones wash out quicker as cool tones like purple, blue and green. The 7 color options are: Electric Purple, Pink Sorbet, Navy Blue, Caribbean Blue, Iced Mint, Hypnotic Magenta, Pink Sorbet, Sunset Coral. I'm curious...which one would you choose?

L'Oreal Professionnel ponuja 7 barvnih odtenkov v različni intenziteti. Sama sem izbrala srednjo intenziteto roza odtenka Pink Sorbet za bazo in vijoličasto Electric Purple za konice las. Kot neke vrste ''sladkorni pastelage''. V nasprotju z ostalimi barvami, se najhitreje izpirajo ravno topli odtenki roza, koralne, magente. Hladnejši toni modre, vijoličaste in zelene zdržijo tudi do 15 pranj. Vsi 7 odtenki so: Electric Purple, Pink Sorbet, Navy Blue, Carribean Blue, Iced Mint, Hypnotic Magenta, Pink Sorbet, Sunset Coral. Res me zanima kateri odtenek bi izbrala ti?

how to get pink hair
From left to right: Tina Petrič with Sunset Coral, Ina Rakaš with pastel version of Pink Sorbet, me with Pink Sorbet & Electric Puple, colorist expert Martina Kopše

All in all, I'm super happy with results and how it evenly washes off. After 3 washes, I'm left with the most perfect warm pastel pink that even and still looks nice. You can also check my before/after video and short capsule video on Facebook. I got a really good question which I need to answer in case you're wondering the same thing. What's the difference between salon #ColorfulHair and drugstore Colorista line? It can get confusing and the question was just perfect - especially since they were both launched in the same time frame. PROS of L'Oreal Professionnel #ColorfulHair in comparison to L'Oreal Colorista:
  • color washes off more evenly
  • #ColorfulHair is available only in L'Oreal salons with professional application
  • pigments are less harsh and more evenly distributed
  • there's less possibility of unexpected results
  • certain colors can last much longer period
Ready, set, color!

Z rezultati sem več kot zadovoljna in že iščem najbližji salon, ki barva z L'Oreal Professionnel. Nazaj več ne morem, odkar sem izkusila kombinacijo Smartbonda (za bolj zdravo beljenje las) in #ColorfulHair. Po 3 šamponiranjih je moja roza še vedno prisotna kot enakomerna pastelna barva, ki še vedno izgleda lepo. Posnetke pred/po ter kratkega posnetka pa si lahko ogledate na Facebooku. Dobila sem tudi smiselno vprašanje o primerjavi novih L'Orealovih linij. 

Kako se primerja #ColorfulHair z novo drogerijsko L'Oreal Colorista?
  • barva se spira veliko bolj enakomerno, s tem se izognete ''cenenemu videzu'' neenakomerne barve
  • #ColorfulHair je na voljo le v L'Oreal frizerskih salonih in vas barva izkušen profesionalec
  • pigmenti ne uničijo las in se lepše porazdelijo po dolžini
  • manj možnosti za neprijetne rezultate
  • barva ne posvetli narastka ali pramenov
  • hladni odtenki imajo daljšo obstojnost 
Pripravljeni, pozor, barvanje! 


  1. Čudovito! <3 In ful ti pašejo ti odtenki :D

    Jaz bi seveda izbrala Sunset Coral zase. Sem pa preizkusila Balayage od L'Oreala in bom zdaj verjetno poskušala dat prek še Peach verzijo. Sama se ne bojim eksperimentiranja, ker si lase vedno barvam kar doma. Je pa fajn, da so tudi saloni začeli malo več eksperimentirat s tebi živahnimi odtenki :).

  2. Noro dobr ti paše ta barva, waaaw :)

  3. Your hair is so gorgeous~~ Thank you for sharing about this product, I also really love pastel hair colors <3
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