8 Aug 2017

The best foundation for dry skin: Shiseido Synchro Skin Glow Foundation

shiseido synchro skin glow foundation review test

It's waiting in a gorgeous glass bottle to be your new perfect skin. It's Shiseido, but not just any kind of Shiseido product. It's The best real-life photoshop for dry, mature or tired skin. Honestly, I couldn't imagine not treating Shiseido Synchro Skin Glow Luminizing Foundation like liquid gold. No wonder, it's older version Synchro Skin is sweeping off the feet everyone, including getting prestigious awards like ELLE's with left hand.  Is it possible, that Shiseido foundations are just well hidden beauty secrets? Glow version is my new favourite way to fresh and flawless skin.

Nova popolna polt vas čaka v čudoviti steklenički Shiseido. To ni izdelek, ki bi ga lahko spregledali. Nova tekoča podlaga je najboljša podlaga, ki spremeni suho, zrelo in utrujeno kožo kot Photoshop postopek za popolno polt. Nova Shiseido Synchro Skin Glow Luminizing Foundation je kot tekoče zlato, ki bo kot mlajša verzija Synchro Skin z levo roko pobirala najbolj prestižne nagrade. Ali smo del lepotne zarote, kjer vse skrivajo Shiseido podlage kot dobro ohranjeno skrivnost? 

Let's be real, we all have those tired days that reflect on the skin for a long time. Dull, dry and tired skin is my biggest concern and my dark circles still manage to shine through any kind of makeup base. And honestly said, I'm amazed at how good Shiseido Synchro Skin Glow enlightens and refreshes the appearance of my skin. I've never got so many compliments on my skin than with this foundation. Take a look yourself, skin looks smooth, luminous and almost naturally photoshoped, right? Luminosity from within and soft focus is the main appealing factor. Even my pores look somewhat perfected at a closer look. I use a generous amount of 3 pumps which is enough to get a light, almost medium coverage that smooths out the appearance of my freckles (check my bare skin here). It's not only perfect in perfecting aspect but also wears really nicely throughout the day. Longlasting with SPF20 which doesn't really interfere with camera. The stab at 50€ is rather painful but the overall transformation of your skin might really, really convert you. I wouldn't be able even thinking about spending more than 40€ on foundation but after trying crème de la crème, it's hard to lower your standards.

Vsi smo že doživeli, da se stresni trenutki z lahkoto poznajo na koži. Utrujena, medla koža z lahkoto postara videz človeka, da niti ne govorim o dodatnem nanosu težkih podlag. Tudi sama sem včasih želela zakriti vse nepravilnosti z eno potezo, pa te slej kot prej ujame čas z vedno bolj izrazitimi gubicami in potezami obraza. In ravno tam se puder najraje zbira. Shiseido Synchro Skin Glow tekoča podlaga je pravo nasprotje, saj na nek skrivnosten način osvetli in oživi obraz. Kakor bi s kože zradirale vse nepravilnosti v programu Photoshop. Še nikoli nisem dobila toliko povpraševanj in pohval kot takrat, ko nosim Shiseido Synchro Skin Glow. Prepričate se lahko sami in si pobližje ogledate mojo kožo z novim Synchro Skin Glow. Koža deluje sveže, osvetljeno, zdravo in skorajda popolno. Pore in moje pegice so manj vidne in enotne (mojo kožo brez pudra si lahko ogledate tukaj), obenem pa se podlaga lepo obdrži na koži čez dan. Cena pri 50€ je kar velik udarec, vendar vas bo učinek presenetil, če ste pripravljene vložiti v nakup podlage. Niti pomisliti nisem želela o tekoči podlagi nad 40€ (ki je bila najvišja meja), vendar po preizkusu nagrajene crème de la crème se je težko zadovoljiti z ostalimi. 

shiseido synchro skin glow foundation on skin

Shiseido Synchro Skin Glow foundation neutral 2 on skin

Foundation truly synchronises as one with skin. It's light and hydrating like a custom made day cream, a feeling that's pretty rare among foundations. Shiseido recommends warming foundation in your hands beforehand and applying it as a serum. I like this technique of application the most with this foundation. That way, you don't waste any precious liquid and you get the best coverage possible. The intelligent formula manages to hydrate just the right amount depending on your skin. In terms of shade range, snow whites will definitely find a good match within this luxury Japanese brand. I have Neutral 2, which is the second lightest shade and pretty neutral. It's similar to Mac Waterweight NW15 shade, while Bourjois Healthy Mix 51 is warmer and shade darker. Neutral 1 is the lightest shade in the range.

Podlaga se resnično sinhronizira s kožo in deluje popolnoma naravno. Je lahkotna in vlažilna kot po meri narejena dnevna krema, ki zadovolji vse aspekte. In takšnih popolnih tekstur ni veliko. Shiseido priporoča nanos tekoče podlage kot serum. Izdelek se segreje med dlanmi in nežno vmasira v obraz kot najbolj prestižno nego obraza. Tehnika je s takšno teksturo vrhunska, obenem pa ponudi še bolj naraven in prekriven videz. Shiseido Synchro Skin Glow se z lahkoto sloji iz lahkotne v srednjo prekrivnost. Sama uporabim radodarno količino 3 potiskov podlage, da dobim srednjo prekrivnost. Inteligentna formula prav tako uravnoveša potrebe vlaženja glede na tip kože. Če se dotaknem odtenkov v tej prestižni japonski znamki, je dobila Slovenija 10 odtenkov. Sama imam Neutral 2, ki je blizu odtenku MAC NW15 in malce svetlejši in bolj nevtralen kot Bourjois Healthy Mix 51. Nasvetlejši odtenek je Neutral 1, katerega še želim preizkusiti .   

Swatch comparison foundation: Shiseido Synchro Glow, Bourjois Healthy mix, MAC NW15

shiseido synchro skin glow review


  1. The foundation looks amazing on you! As I have oily skin I think it won't work for me.


    1. Probably not Carolina, but their award winning Synchro Skin is suitable for combo and oily skintypes! You should definitely try at least a tester :)

  2. Thank you for sharing!! I'm looking for a new foundation, gonna give this one a try.


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