26 Jun 2017

MAC Cosmetics in Slovenia & A Peek at my MAC Collection

Mac Collection and Mac in Slovenia

This is not a drill. I repeat, this is not a drill! 
It's true, I got an email directly from Orbico Beauty team that MAC Cosmetics is finally coming to our small Slovenia! And not only that, it will be a full size store in one of the biggest shopping centers in Ljubljana.
Where? Of course Shopping Center Citypark. Opening of MAC store in Ljubljana, Slovenia is planned in the Fall 2017. Only several months to go. It may sound boring to all my international readers, but we have truly waited for this moment ever since Zagreb got it's own MAC store. And of course, let's not forget you can shop in MAC while you're visiting Slovenia on your holidays.

Niti upala si nisem želeti, da bi MAC Kozmetika prišla v Slovenijo, pa vendarle...
To ni vaja! Ponavljam, to ni vaja!
Res je, danes zjutraj sem na sveže dobila eno izmed najbolj navdušujočih elektronskih sporočil. 
MAC Kozmetika prihaja v Slovenijo! In to uradno, s pravo pravcato MAC trgovino v našem največjem nakupovalnem središču v Ljubljani. Kje? V Cityparku.
Predvideno odprtje bo v jesenskem času pod okriljem Orbico Beauty, tako da nas loči le še nekaj toplih mesecev. Končno bomo lahko tudi Slovenke nakupovale to legendarno znamko, ki je bila do zdaj na voljo le v tujini.
Sama imam že preko 25+ MAC šmink in ostalih izdelkov, kar pa ne pomeni, da imam MAC listo želja prazno...


  1. Fantastic news Sara, I am happy for you! I felt just as excited when Kat Von D came to the UK! Happy shopping, beautiful photos x

    ALittleKiran | Bloglovin

    1. Sounds fabulous, right? I doubt any makeup lover could live without Mac. And having Kat von D? UK is truly a makeup heaven after all. :)

  2. Amazing! Have fun shopping! :)


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