12 Jun 2017

All Bourjois Rouge Edition Velvet: 7 Best Matte NUDE Shades

Bourjois Rouge edition Velvet review

They're not only fancy looking, but they're a true drugstore blessing in matte lipstick department. I'm talking about the most obvious non-drying lipstick pick called Bourjois Rouge Edition Velvet. The formula is just fantastic and it's the biggest selling point from my perspective. But who could resist cute bottles full of pigment anyway? These are my bulletproof lip picks of all time...

Želite spoznati moje najljubše in najbolj vzdržljive šminke iz drogerije? Potem spoznajte Bourjois Rouge Edition Velvet šminke, kot bi bile poslane naravnost iz nebes. Tekstura in formula sta naravnost sanjski, kar mi je prodalo kar lepo zbirko teh lepotcev. To je moja neprebojna vrsta najboljših šmink iz drogerije...

Bourjois Rouge edition Velvet review swatch

Bourjois Rouge edition Velvet review test

One would think I would get bored of Bourjois Rouge Edition Velvets by now, but it's only the opposite. The more I try, the more I like Bourjois. Rouge Edition Velvets are cushiony soft and slightly moussey in texture. While the plastic smell mixed with melon isn't the most pleasing feature, I can easily forgive that only downfall. The price (about 14€) is not brilliant either, but totally worth the drugstore splurge. Frankly, you can easily find it on discount. Speaking of texture, it's truly kiss-proof but still ultra comfortable for a velvety matte lipstick. I get easily irritated by other dry matte formula, but Bourjois has the perfect balance. There won't be any crumbling, crackling or drying. It's my safe choice when I have everyday errands (6+ hours) or fancy family lunch. Here are 7 nudes of Bourjois Velvets since other colours are quite bright and saturated. More comparison to other matte lipsticks is here.

Marsikdo bi si mislil, da se bom ob ogromni količini novih šmink že zdavnaj naveličala stare dobre Bourjois Rouge Velvet formule, vendar je učinek ravno nasproten. Več kot preizkušam, bolj ugotavljam, da je popolna formula že ustvarjena. Bourjois Rouge Edition Velvet šminke so po teksturi žametne na ustnicah, hkrati pa malce spominjajo na ''mousse''. Šminka potrebuje nekaj minut, da se posuši v satenast občutek, potem pa postane praktično neprebojna. Kljub temu ohrani malce vlažnosti in ustnic ne izsušuje. Je moja varna izbira za vsakodnevne obveznosti (6+ ur) ali za posebno družinsko kosilo. Bledi zelo enakomerno in počasi. Čeprav plastičen vonj po meloni ni najboljša lastnost, vonj hitro izgine po nanosu. Cena je pri okoli 14€ kar visoka, vendar vredna investicije. Trenutno jih lahko najdete znižane v DM poslovalnicah, vključno z vsemi 6 novimi nude odtenki. Primerjavo z ostalimi mat šminkami si lahko preberete v moji starejši objavi tukaj. Tokrat vam predstavljam vseh 7 nude odtenkov, vključno z dobro poznano 07 Nude-ist. Spregledati pa ne smete niti Don't Pink of It, romantične svetlo roza z hladnim podtonom. Več Bourjois novosti lahko spremljate tukaj.

Bourjois Rouge edition Velvet review - 7 shades

best matte drugstore lipstick Bourjois

best matte drugstore lipstick Bourjois Velvet

bourjois rouge velvet 07 nudeist

bourjois velvet swatch: don't pink of it, cool brown, honey mood, nudeist, happy nude year, so hap pink, beau brun

bourjois rouge velvet 10 don't pink of it

bourjois rouge velvet 17 cool brown

bourjois rouge velvet 07 nudeist

bourjois rouge velvet  09 happy nude year

bourjois rouge velvet 16 honey mood

bourjois rouge velvet  12 beau brun

bourjois rouge velvet 11 so hap pink


  1. Lepe so, jaz sem bila prvo full razočarana nad njimi, zdaj so mi pa vedno bolj všeč ;)

  2. Oooh I love the cool brown shade! I might have to give it a try, I'm always on the hunt for matte lipsticks that don't dry my lips out :) xx

  3. Nude-ist je moj večni favorit, ampak si že dlje časa ogledujem tudi Don't Pink About it. Na tvojem swatchu izgleda krasno in mi je najljubši na tebi :)

  4. Super objava!

    Meni so všeč - sicer niso tisti čisto matte, ki so tako posuši kot pri Milaniju, Bellu, Pupi itd.

    Ampak so mi super <3

  5. Meni so itak všeč cool brown in honey mood. Mi je zelo všeč, da so dodali več teh novih odtenkov, čeprav so za moje ustnice še vedno malo preveč suhi. Imam raje NYX formulo. Na tebi so mi čisto vsi všeč :D.

  6. I also love this Bourjois Rouge Edition Velvet so much~ I have 3 of them although I have never bought the same lipstick, different colors :D
    Thank you for the swatches!
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