13 Dec 2015

Soft Clarins Kisses for New Year's Eve

Clarins Lip Perfectors are caramel classics, not to be missed out on a cold New Year's eve. Clarins, a cult favourite for magnificent skincare, is also undoubtedly the right address for soft and protected lips. You're probably sick and tired of hearing about Instant Light Natural Lip Perfectors, which is not a coincidence. Cushion applicator for perfect outcome, captivating caramel scent to seduce your taste buds and utterly enjoyable balmy texture for that perfect lip conclusion. It really is a money's worth at 12ml of joy. What I haven't showed you properly yet, is Clarins Instant Light Lip Balm Perfector with the same idea just in a more convenient form and packaging...

Clarins Lip Perfector linija za ustnice je potrjena karamelna klasika, ki ne sme manjkati v torbici na mrzel novoletni večer. Clarins, kot kultna znamka z veličastno nego obraza, je vsekakor najbolj preverjen izbor za mehke in navlažene ustnice. Če že nekaj časa raziskujete lepotno sfero izdelkov, potem ste verjetno že naveličani potrjenih hval in spevov dobro poznanemu Clarins Instant Light Natural Lip Perfector, kar nikakor ni naključje. Mehka blazinica kot aplikator, očarljiv vonj karamele, zelo udobna formula in popolni videz ustnic bo verjetno očaral tudi vas. Brez pomislekov je izdelek vreden svojega denarja, kar pa dokončno potrdi še ogromna količina pri 12 ml užitka. Kar še verjetno nisem na blogu objavila, je mlajša verzija Clarins Instant Light Lip Balm Perfector, ki ima podobno idejo v izboljšanem nanosu in embalaži...

With this luxurious lip balm, you just can't go wrong. Either as a good ''gift excuse'' for smooching with your girlfriend or treating yourself to something new. I stayed in the same corresponding colour theme, as I find 06 Rosewood perfect for every day casual wear. It's not too brown yet it gives that desirable oomph to your lips. Buildable coverage with translucency and micro shimmer will make your pout perfected, juicier and luscious. Caramel dreams is the main theme when it comes to the scent. Hydration and glossy finish is based on plant ingredients. The only downfall compared to original Clarins Natural Lip Perfector is the amount of product (1,8g which is way lower than an average lipstick). Still, there's not another single mistake made with this luxurious, creamy perfector.

Z razkošnim balzamom kot je Instant Light Lip Balm Perfector (okoli 20€), ne morete zgrešiti. Lahko je dobro darilo kot izgovor za mehke poljube od ljubljene osebe ali posebno darilo zase ob koncu leta. Sama sem ostala v isti barvni shemi, pri številki 06 Rosewood, ki je odlična barva za vsak dan. Odtenek nikakor ni preveč rjav, hkrati pa doda tisto ''nekaj'' za polepšane ustnice. Instant Light Lip Balm Perfector je srednje prekriven, obenem pa doda kanček sijaja in optičnega povečanja ustnic z mikro bleščicami. Ustnice tako izgledajo sočne, polepšane in navlažene. Karamelni vonj vas bo spremljal ob vsakem nanosu. Edina slaba stran tega balzama je količina (1,8g), kar je dokaj majhna glede na originalen Natural Lip Perfector v tubi. Če izvzamem omenjeno, kremnemu balzamu ne manjka niti ena stvar. Prednost je vsekakor še lažji nanos med vsakodnevnimi opravili.

While Lip Balm Perfector seems to be a bit more luxurious piece due to the amount and price, Instant Light Natural Lip Perfector is a total steal. 12 ml is on contrary, a doubled amount of an average lipgloss and it will serve for months. Sure enough, I also have noticed slightly more plumper and perfected finish. Creamy lipbalm-like texture is heaven to apply and there's no signs of stickiness or heavy texture. A staple in my handbag.

Medtem ko deluje omenjeni balzam dokaj razkošen del vaše garderobe ličil, je Clarins Instant Light Natural Lip Perfector popoln ulov glede na količino izdelka. Pri radodarni količini 12 ml za le okoli 16€, skoraj presega dvojno količino navadnega bleščila za ustnice. Obenem še polepša videz ustnic, doda volumen in čudovit, kremen lesk. Tekstura je nelepljiva in razkošno kremna, kar pripelje do popolnega zaključka. Popoln spremljevalec v vaši torbici.

On the end, both can be layered for a more intense look - like I did on my upper picture. Both can achieve a full-on lip look without looking fake but they rather give that eternal glow and creamy shine. Between both Clarins Perfectors, I'm likely to choose original Natural Lip Perfector over Lip Balm Perfector. However, both from the series give off enjoyable caramel texture and perfected ending to your look. Now who's ready for some New Year's kissing?

Ob koncu naj še omenim, da lahko obe vrsti izdelkov za ustnice slojite za še bolj sijoč in sočen videz. Nenavaden balzam kot tudi popolno bleščilo doda ustnicam naraven lesk, brez da bi izgled deloval umeten. Če bi morala izbirati med obema, bi verjetno raje izbrala Natural Lip Perfector, kljub temu pa obe verziji dodata popoln zaključek in prijetno kremno teksturo. Ste tudi vi pripravljeni na novoletne poljube? Clarins izdelke za mehke ustnice lahko raziščete v večjih lepotnih trgovinah kot so Muller, Nama in Kompas.


  1. Bam,bam tvoj look:) ful lep odtenek,meni je všeč naravni videz,in ja jst sempripravljena na novoletne poljubče, najjih bo čimveeeččč:) (p.s ciljam na fanta):).

  2. Ahhhh lepotička! Mi oba izgledata obetavno, odtenek pa je čisto zame :D

  3. I'm ready for some New Year's drinking, haha :D
    Glede na to kako so mi všeč ti Catrice Lip Smoother, mislim da bi si lahko že enkrat privoščila še tega od Catrice :)

  4. Ohh i own them too and i love them!!!!

  5. Zanimiv odtenek. In tvoj makeup :) <3 Super pretty.


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