6 Dec 2015

Best Smelling Gift on the Block: New Yankee Candles for Christmas

What better time to spark up your festive mood than in December. This time around, Yankee Candle traditionally released a new batch of innovative scent for Christmas spirit 2015. While they seem unlikely traditional, they might become your personal festive bells. Following Christmas expectations, there are 2 unusual reds, one fresh bright and one outdoor green. Being new, they are totally a safe gift for Yankee fans as well.

Mislim, da je že skrajni čas, da prižgete svoje praznično vzdušje. Pri tem z lahkoto pomaga Yankee Candle, saj boste preko lastnih čutnic lahko najhitreje pripotovali v praznično deželo. Tokrat je Yankee Candle zopet tradicionalno predstavil nove božične vonje za 2015. Ker vedno sledi trendom in željam, je tokrat na meniju sveč dokaj nenavadna skupinica glasilcev božiča. Kljub temu, se je barvna tematika ohranila, saj so izšle dve nenavadno rdeči, sveža in sijoča bela ter gozdno zelena. Preverjeno so najbolj varna izbira za še tako velikega Yankee Candle oboževalca. 

Berry Trifle (Food & Spice) creates a familiar combination of red raspberries and velvety whipped cream. Quite an extravagant scent in the bunch is easily the most sweetest and creamy pick. If your girlfriend, sister or mom prefer fruity or creamy fragrances, then this is the perfect pick. It has a sour raspberry kick at the start but ends up with calming creamy tone. Just enough sweet and sour to awaken your taste buds.  

Berry Trifle zajema dokaj prepoznavno kombinacijo rdečih malin in žametno stepene smetane. Sam koncept vonja je dokaj ekstravaganten, vendar hkrati zadosti željo po sladkem, sadnem in kremnem. Vaša punca, mama, sestra ali babica bodo navdušene nad to mešanico jagodičevja in sladke smetane. Z malinami se doseže sladek a hkrati kisel podton, obenem pa smetana na koncu poskrbi za kremno ravnovesje. Ravno dovolj sveže kisla, sladko kremna in žametno zlita. Preverjeno se Vam bodo pocedile sline ob prepoznavi kiselkastega a sladkega vonja.

Bundle Up (Fresh) is in the similar lines like Soft Blanket or Clean Cotton but with a more festive spin. It gives the same effect of clean clothes scent with a tad of greens. Not much, just the slightest bit. As the picture already suggests, you'll probably want to bundle up in your favourite warm clothes as you marsh out the doors. Not a typical Christmas scent but a perfect pick for adding ''fresh air'' feel to your home.

Bundle Up se uvršča med podobne linije vonja kot prepoznavni Soft Blanket ali Clean Cotton vendar s ščepcem praznikov. Poda enak občutek in vonj po opranem perilu, le z dodatkom zelenja. Kot bi se ponovno lahko zunaj igrali v svežih puhovkah. Akord borovca je sicer skoraj popolnoma nezaznaven, a prisoten. Ni najbolj tipičen božični vonj, a smo verjetno že navajeni zunanjih, svežih vonjev pri Yankee Candle. Domu dodajo svežino in poskrbijo za ostale moteče vonje.

Winter Glow (Festive) is definitely not what is seems to be on the first glance. Looks innocent and subtle but it actually has a good amount of pine tree with a touch of clean scent and warmth from the sun. Pine trees are definitely not everyone's cup of tea, so this might not be the safest pick for a gift. For an outdoor feel and for that real Christmas tree illusion, this is yet another version of pine trees for the holidays.

Winter Glow vsekakor ni to, kar izgleda na prvi pogled. Nežno in dokaj nedolžno belo zunanjost spremlja nič kaj nežen vonj. Ima dokaj udaren vonj zelenih borovcev z mešanico čistega snega in sončnih žarkov. Sveča vsekakor ne bo ustrezala vsem, zakar sicer ni najbolj primerna kot slepo darilo. Bo pa vsekakor navdušila tiste, ki že imajo dobro izoblikovan okus za vonje. Odlično bo popestrila božični večer, saj bo skoraj oživela vaše umetno božično drevesce.

Cosy By The Fire (Festive) creates a festive mood like no other. If you're long lost wish is to sit at the fireplace and sipping a glass of mulled wine, this will definitely bring the joy. It has all needed components to feel safe and warm. The tart and slightly sour scent of mulled wine, cinnamon and cloves to spice up and smokiness from the fireplace...what else could you ask for? It's universally likable and heart warming, a candle with character. A perfect encapturing of snuggling indoors with your favourite hot beverage.

Cosy By The Fire ustvari domače vzdušje kot nobena druga sveča. Če je vaša dolgoletna želja sedenje ob kaminu s skodelico toplega kuhanega vina ali čaja, potem boste tokrat uslišani. Ima vse komponente, da se boste počutili doma še bolj varno in domače. Rahlo trpek, sladek vonj kuhanega vina doda svežino, cimet in klinčki poživijo in dodak zadimljenosti poskrbi za ''efekt'' kamina. Zelo ljub vonj, ki otopli srce in duha. Je vsekakor sveča s posebnim karakterjem in pooseblja tople trenutke.

Yankee Candle is never a bad gift idea in both cases, once you really know a person or if you're thinking about more conservative gift for yet-not-so familiar personal character. Price ranging from 1,99€ up to 24,90€ and special gift sets (check here), you'll be able to find gifts for everyone within a certain price range. Over 18 Christmas scents to choose and a large variety of standard scent will help you to find a perfect candle for your loved ones. You can read about other Christmas scents from my older blog posts here and here. My personal favourites are Snowflake Cookie, Candy Cane Lane and Christmas Eve. My sweet tooth is just overpowering my personal stash of candles.

Yankee Candle svečke niso nikoli slaba ideja za darilo. Tako pri obdarovanju vam ljube osebe, kot tudi znancev, katerih še ne morete takoj prebrati in želite podariti konzervativno darilo. Cene se gibljejo od 1,99€ pa vse do 24,99€ kar omogoča raznovrstnost in dosegljivost. Na voljo so tudi praznični seti (poglejte tukaj)in več kot 18 prazničnih vonjev. Da niti ne omenjam redne kolekcije sveč, ki zajemajo skorajda vse mogoče vonje. O ostalih božičnih vonjih si lahko preberete na mojem blogu tukaj in tukaj. Moji osebni favoriti so Christmas Cookie, Candy Cane Lane in Christmas Eve. Yankee svečke lahko naročite na spletu ter jih povonjate v prodajalnah, ki so na seznamu na spletni strani.


  1. Your photos are so beautiful! I would love to smell these candles, especially the berry trifle that just sounds absolutely delicious and I'm sure it smells just as delicious too! xxxxx


  2. Fotke so prekrasne, kot vedno. In tudi svečke se super berejo. Bi imela prvi dve ;)


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