6 Nov 2015

How to easily change up makeup look: 1 Eye Look & 4 Artdeco Lipsticks

Although Artdeco recently brought out fresh New Year's collection called Arctic Beauty, I still barely gasp after my personal favourite Mystical Forest line for Fall/Winter 2015. Sensuous vampy lips or innocent fairy nudes are perfect for this season. Mystical Forest is by no means out of regular assortiment but rather still hinding within Artdeco stands. You can still grab and get everything, maybe even lowered in price. I've checked if the Mystical Forest lipsticks are still in stock before this tease and there's a good amount left in every other Muller. As you've probably already guessed, today's topic is spinning around Artdeco lipsticks. And not to bore you with a standard review, I've decided to show off how you can spice up your standard eye look with lipsticks, since Mystical Forest has such a eventful variety of colours.
Pred kratkim je Artdeco znova presentil z novoletno kolekcijo Arctic Beauty. Sama si še sicer nisem opomogla pred lepoto prejšnje kolekcije Mystical Forest, ki vsebuje čudovite, univerzalno nosljive odtenke za Jesen/Zimo 2015. Čutne vampirske ustnice ali vilinsko nedolžne ''nude'' barve so vsekakor več kot odlične za to sezono. Ker je na voljo že nova Arctic Beauty, pa še ne pomeni, da ne morete zaslediti Mystical Forest linije, verjetno pomešane med ostalo redno ponudbo Artdeco. Sama sem preverila, če so glavne zvezde te objave, šminke, še vedno na voljo. Vsekakor se jih še da zaslediti in preizkusiti na lastni koži v Mullerjih, mogoče pa sledi tudi kakšno znižanje. Kot ste že verjetno uganili, se bo danes tema (spet) vrtela okoli šmink in kako spremeniti svoj običajen dnevni videz le z odtenki šmink.  

In Mystical Forest, there are 2 different lines from regular Artdeco stand with 3 different finishes. Perfect Color (10,00-13,00€) lipsticks can be also detected in their regular line and is known after high pigmentation, silky texture and long durability. Fun fact is also, that the heavy metal sleeve protects lipstick from melting when exposed to heat. Texture is indeed silky yet creamy with a not so shiny finish and slowly transfers into a more satin feel. The lighter shade from Mystical Forest, 38A lasts for 3-4 hours while 25A stains and lasts for hours. Both are scented with light vanilla. At about 10€ they really feel like a high end makeup product. Highly recommend darker shades from this line.

V Mystical Forest kolekciji se tako nahajata dve različni liniji iz redne prodaje Artdeco in tri različne teksture. Perfect Color (10,00€, v Mullerjih) so poznane po dobri pigmentaciji, svilnati teksturi in dolgi obstojnosti. Zanimiv podatek je mogoče tudi to, da je dokaj težka embalaža namenjena temu, da ščiti šminko pred taljenjem na vročini. Tekstura Perfect Color je res svilnata in spominja na satenast zaključek MAC šmink. Svetlejša članica, 38A, ni tako obstojna zaradi kremnega ''nude'' odtenka, vendar lahko zdrži tudi 3-4 ure. Temnejša 25A pa lahko zdrži tudi po več ur po nanosu zaradi močnega odtenka. Obe rahlo dišita po vaniliji. Kljub nizki ceni, bi lahko Perfect Color linijo zlahka uvrstila med visoko cenovno kozmetiko. Močno priporočam! 

38A Mountain Rose is a dusty rose pink, which is really close to best selling MAC Angel with a fraction of the price. It will suit any skintone and it's ''my lips but better shade''. Perfect for everyday sophisticated look.

38A Mountain Rose je pepelnato ''nude'' rožnata, ki je po odtenku in teksturi zelo podobna najbolj prodajani MAC Angel šminki. Cena je polovična, kar je vedno bonus, hkrati pa bo pristajala prav vsakemu tenu kože. Popolna je za vsak dan, če si zaželite sofisticiran videz brez kričečih barv.

25A Mystical Heart was already featured in my 7 lipsticks for Fall. It's a perfect medium warm berry that's not too dark or terrifying on the lips. It has a more creamy-satin texture and doesn't easily budge. Great for everyday yet for a night out, universally wearable for all occasions.

25A Mystical Heart sem že omenila med izborom jesenskih šmink (berite tukaj). Je srednje temna barva maline, ki ni pretemna za vsak dan. Ima dokaj satenast zaključek in se ne nabira v gubicah ali drsi izven roba ustnic. Čudovita tako za vsak dan kot tudi večerno druženje.

Art Couture lipstick line has two different finishes: normal/creamy called Art Couture Classic (14,99-20,60€) and satin finish named as Art Couture Velvet (14,99-20,60€). Art Couture Classic in 233 (also featured here) has a creamy nude consistency that's really nourishing and comfortable to wear. It's not the most longlasting lipstick line but it rather has a creamy and shiny finish. So called gel texture is lightweight and reminiscent of lipbalms. It has nourishing properties and ingredients to keep your lips soft and moist. Scent is a light vanilla. Art Couture Velvet on the other hand, is much more gritty in texture. Not in a bad way but to provide a longlasting effect and satin-matte like finish without any silicones. 675 (also featured here) is a vampy dark red with brown undertone. This particular lipstick lasted on me for more than 8 hours, which is crazy. It doesn't move or budge and it dries into a more matte finish after two hours. Packaging on both Art Couture lipsticks is glorious, heavy and with a special detail on the top.

Art Couture linija iz Artdeco asortimana ima dva različna zaključka: kremni ''finiš'' z imenom Art Couture Classic (14,99€, v Mullerjih) in satenast ''finiš'' imenovan Art Couture Velvet (14,99€, v Mullerjih). Art Couture Classic v odtenku 233 ima resnično kremno teksturo, ki je enostavna za uporabo. Ni med najbolj vzdržljivimi formulami, vendar poda kremno svetleč zaključek, ki je hkrati lahkoten zaradi gel formule. Ima dodane sestavine za mehkobo ustnic, hkrati pa jih olepša že s samim nanosom. Na drugi strani, pa ima Art Couture Velvet dokaj satenasto formulo. Ker ne vsebuje silikonov, se v teksturi čutijo delčki/kroglice pigmenta kar dejansko ne moti. To omogoča enakomeren nanos in razporeditev pigmenta tudi po več urah nošenja. Nikakor ni moteče, šminka pa zdrži več kot 8 ur po nanosu. Po približno dveh urah se tekstura spremeni v satenast/mat ''finiš''. Embalaža je na obeh Art Couture čudovito težka, z lepimi detajli in hkrati minimalistična.

233 Cream Skin is a warm nude with peachy undertones. It's still flattering on fair skintones while it would look gorgeous on tanned skin. Creamy feel makes it easy to wear and apply on the go. It's close to Honeylove but with a more sheer and shiny texture.

233 Cream Skin je topel ''nude'' odtenek z podtoni marelice. Kljub temu pristoji tudi svetlejšim tonom kože, hkrati pa izgleda popolno na zagoreli polti. Kremast občutek naredi šminko univerzalno uporabno za vsak dan. Enostavno se nanaša in je približek poznani MAC šminki Honeylove, vendar z malce več prosojnosti in svetlečega zaključka.

675 Velvet Dark Queen is the boldest pick out of them all. This is not your standard everyday pick but rather a sophisticated and noticeable pick for evenings. Chocolate vampy red is truly unique to my collection. If you need some extra glamour, Velvet Dark Queen will not disappoint.

675 Velvet Dark Queen je najtemnejša izbira med vsemi štirimi. To ni verjetno vaš vsakdanji izbor odtenka, vendar lepo popestri večerni videz. Čokoladno temno rdeča je edinstvena tudi v moji obsežni kolekciji in diši po vaniliji. Začetni, malce bolj kremni občutek se v roku 1-2 ur spremeni v bolj mat verzijo. Če potrebujete kanček glamurja, je Velvet Dark Queen popolna izbira.

Artdeco has truly suprised me with it's quality and high end properties. I've been only aware of their eyeshadow quality and I'm truly enchanted with Artdeco lipstick formulas and high end feel to them. They are definitely worth every additional penny and probably hide loads of similar colours that could be compared to MAC. All lipsticks are vanilla scented, lovely in texture and easy to wear. You can check out Artdeco lipstick lines here or buy them worldwide from Beautybay.

Artdeco me je resnično presentil z visoko kvaliteto, ki bi se lahko kosala tudi z višje cenovnimi znamkami. Pred preizkusom šmink sem bila seznanjena le z njihovimi senčili, sedaj pa sem očarana nad vedno odličnimi odtenki tudi v oddelku šmink. Absolutno so vredne vsakega centa brez zadržkov, hkrati pa ponujajo neverjetno lestvico barv. Obe liniji dišita po nevsiljivi vaniliji, imajo odlično teksturo in pustijo nežen občutek. Artdeco izdelke lahko preverite v vseh Mullerjih, hkrati pa se pripravlja tudi spletna trgovina tukaj.


  1. Saj so vse lepe, ampak zadnja je pa special. <3

  2. The packaging and pigmentation of the lipsticks are brilliant! xxxxx


  3. Vse ti super pašejo :). Meni sta najlepši zadnji dve:)

  4. Še enkrat- tebe si z nude šminkami nisem predstavljala, ampak hej, kako ti pašejo!

  5. prva dva ruza su prekrasna, divne boje

  6. V Vseh odtenkih si tako lepa, ampak rdeče ti pa noro pašejo, čist te poživijo:).

  7. Prva in zadnja sta moji najljubši :D a je tole v ozadju mogoče H&M make up? :D sama si zelo želim preizkusiti kremna senčila baje da so super!

  8. Amazing! You look so beautiful. I loved Mountain Rose x

  9. Ful dobra objava! Res zanimivo kako lahko samo z barvo šminke dosežeš popolnoma drugačen videz =)

  10. Ko gledam odtenke takole v pakiranju me ne prepričajo amapk na tvojih ustnicah vsi odtenki izpadejo čudovito

  11. Na tebi so itak vse krasne, ampak jaz pa rabim ta prvo :D

  12. Prvi in zadnji odtenek sta kot naročena zate! <3


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