20 Feb 2015

Project Make A Dent: Makeup I want to use up in 2015

Remember Finish X by X-Mas? I was so successful using up makeup bits, I instantly obligated myself to do another one for 2015. With loosely defined goals of course. That's why, Project MAD or Make A Dent seemed the most obvious choice to me. You choose how many items and which you want to pan or entirely use up in 2015. So here is my bravely picked bunch to which I'll stick for the entire year.

Jemma Kid All Over Radiance Creme is a roll over from my previous Project X by X-Mas. This cream highlighter just won't give up after more than 4 months of continuous usage. I'm confident to say it will be finished until summer. Pixi Flawless Powder has a slight dent but no where near hitting the pan. I already see myself getting bored of it but rotating powder once in a while might keep me focused. Powder itself is just a mediocre quality. Maybelline Color Tattoo Seashore Frosts should be a massive accomplishment once I make a fair dent but I don't expect to fully commit. Maybelline Dream Touch Blush is one of my oldest cream blushes so I need to hurry up with application. It has a really smooth and creamy texture and it would be a shame to see it dry out. Nars Orgasm blush is also an oldie but a goodie, too shimmery and stunning to let it go to waste. I had a fair amount of usage but still no where near the pan. A staple I shouldn't let go to waste. Stila Trio Rose Gold Glow is a neutral baked trio that's easy to use and has stunning pigmentation. I made a major dent in the taupe shade, how predictable of me. 

Lip balms are a no brainer to use within 2 months, so I added Lip Smacker Vanilla Coconut. Lipstick stash is my main concern, so I've tried to focus on lip area the most. Nars Niagara lipstick was a thoughtful gift two years ago. Nars has amazing lipstick quality and texture but due to creamy formula, mine looks like a messy wreck. And since I'm more fond of cool mauve shades, Rimmel Moisture Renew Vintage Rose will be a treat to entirely use up. A stunning darker mauve, quite unique in my collection. Catrice Kiss Kiss Hibiscus is on it's last leg. This little nib could be used fairly quickly, however bold shades are currently not on my radar. I already see myself struggling with this beauty but upcoming spring can change my unsaturated mind. Another darker raspberry colour, Revlon Lip Butter Raspberry Pie, could be my thing. Revlon Lip Butters can be used up really quickly, darker shades on the other hand not so much. We'll see, maybe I'll leave it on the side until fall. TonyMoly Cherry Tint is another roll over. Considering it's a mini trial size, this sucker just doesn't seem to bend over. I'm pretty confident tint will stick around for a long time. I might use it a base for my Raspberry Pie. Etude House Roll Roll Gloss 08 is on it's last leg as well. I have a month of usage. Frankly enough, I care about this lipgloss. It's smells like a delicious banana cream pie, leaves a great non-sticky texture and has a twisting wand. I'm pleased!

Hopefully, post wasn't too tiring. I love writing about project pans and inspire other people to dig into their own collections. I will post updates every once in a while, about every 3 months. Or let's say every season until 2015 ends. Let me know if you like ''Project'' kind of posts, they sure make me a bit more obligated to picked items. On the positive note, project pans also help with less spending and more shopping in your own stash. 


  1. This is such a great project to do! x

    Annie | www.drugstoredreamer.blogspot.com

  2. Tudi sama razmišljam o podobnem projektu, h kateremu me je vzpodbudil ravno tvoj lanski, ker se mi zdi, da moram nekaj izdelkov nujno porabiti, ampak jih vedno znova zanemarjam zaradi novih izdelkov. Bom pa sama verjetno vključila še en kup lakov. :)

    1. ojoj, lakov raje niti ne vključujem. upam samo, da ne bomo utrpeli kakšne nove manikire manj ;)

    2. Ziher ne, ker se da vedno vsak lak vkljucit v kako novo minikiro. Pa na ta nacin jih tudi hitreje porabim. :)

  3. Super objava, zelooo vzpodbudna. :P Si mi dala misliti. :) Čisto možno, da se še sama odločim za nekaj podobnega, ker imam kar nekaj izdelkov, ki bi jih blo fajn porabiti, ampak jaz pač raje vedno nove uporabljam, groza. :S :D

    1. ja, potem še vidiš da se šminka ne porabi v 2 mesecih...in glede na količino...veš da bo 1x moralo kaj v smeti. kar pa je škoda :)

  4. Meni pa ponavadi drugi vzamejo stvari preden jih imam šanso porabit do konca :D Si me pa že zadnjič spomnila na highlighter od Jemme Kidd, tako da ga tudi jaz zdaj pridno uporabljam. A swatch od Rimmelove Vintage Rose imaš kje? Sem se zadnjič zapičila vanjo poleg petsto drugih šmink (nisem šla v drogerije že dolgo in se mi pozna :D).

    1. za Snow white sem opazila JK. Počasi se približuje konec temu highlighterju. Nimam Rimmla nikjer, lahko pa naredim mauve primerjavo ;)

    2. Jaz priznam, da sem ta highlighter preveč šparala zato ker mi ga je škoda :)

      Samo če se ti da :D

  5. These challenges are always such a good idea. Its amazing how many similar products we have on the go at once. I need to look a few bits out that I need to use up this year. I have about 5 products I have almost hit pan on that I'd like to finish.

  6. Love how you have flat laid your products, i think it's great that you are going to use up all of that because you can treat yourself after it all :) made me realise the amount i should finish before buying more make up xx


  7. Jaz se tudi grem nekaj podobnega, morem rečt, da mi greš še kar ok, ampak sem pa zadnje čase res pridna in tudi ne nakupujem tako brezglavo kot sem. Pa veliko stvari tudi oddam naprej...

  8. Meni so takšni posti super, ker imam tudi jaz odločno preveč make-upa, ampak še kar naprej kupujem, ravno danes sem si kupila nov gloss, nič pa ne porabim do konca. Že lani sem si zadala nekaj ciljev in ko vidim poste blogerk, ki imate še mnogo več stvari in dejansko sfiniširate kakšen kos, vidim da se vse da. Meni so te objave trenutno najljubše, tako da se že veselim updata ;)


I would love to know your thoughts ♥