22 Feb 2015

How much makeup can a woman use up in half a year? Makeup Empties

I know, it's gross to collect empties for half a year. Curiosity and laziness brought me so far that I have a good excuse for thrilling little experiment. Let me also note that this is my last makeup empties post due to my hatred of collecting extra dust. How much can a girl use up in half a year? This quantity might not be the most trust worthy number since most products were in my collection for some time. That means. that they were fairly/half used before I even started counting the days. Interested to see what's on my empty plate? Look no further and enjoy in the most thrilling empties post ever.

Let us start with cream shadows, blushes, concealers and pencils. I've used up 3 cream blushes: NYX Boho Chic, Max Factor Cream Blush and Essence LE Happy Holiday Stick. Essence Stay All day Cream shadow was used to the last point when it dried out. Duo Lash Adhesive was well loved but started to change texture and scent after 2 years. Urban Decay eyepencil in Whiskey and Catrice Eye Brow were a treat to entirely use up. Essence LE glitter eyeliner was also a lovely addition to my eye looks. Catrice Made to Stay eye pencil was dry since the day I bought and fell apart after second use. For concealers I used up 4 concealers in total: Collection Lasting Perfection, Catrice Light Reflection, Artdeco Perfect Teint and Essence Stay all day (in my Finish X by X-Mas), all as under eye concealers.
Repurchases: Duo Lash Adhesive, Max Factor Cream Blush, Catrice Eye Brow in Date with Ash-ton, Collection Lasting Perfection

I had major troubles using up nail polishes. Quite frankly, it's absurd to have a extensive nail stash but I rarely even wear nail polish. Essie Nude Beach and old Essence nail polish were the only victims in this section. L'Occitane Shea Butter and mini Rose hand cream along with L'Occitane Shea Butter hand cream are the only nail care items I've used up in half a year.
Repurchases: None, only L'Occitane Shea Butter Hand Cream

I'm pretty suspicious about my amount of mascaras. I really need to calm down with layering or I had some beforehand dried mascaras in my stash. However, Essence mascaras usually dry up in 2 months but considering their price and quality, it's totally worth of repurchasing every month. I've used up 3 I love extreme, 1 Get Big Lashes Volume Curl, 1 Get Big Lashes Triple Black, 1 Get Big Lashes Volume Boost Waterproof and Catrice Glamour Doll. I think you can already guess my absolute favourite, others were fairly okay.
Repurchases: Essence I Love Extreme Crazy Volume

Lipsticks, my guilty pleasure. I've used up in total 7 lipsticks, one of them being a mini size. Revlon Lip Butter in Creme Brulee & Cupcake were both really unflattering but easy to use up. 17 Mirror Shine in Beehive is my second tube that I used up and I still crave a fresh new repeat. Clinique Chubby Stick was a mini freebie that didn't convince me with it's sheer texture. Lioele L'cret Lip Miracle was for the longest time my favourite pink lipstick with a long lasting stain. Revlon Matte lipstick in Pink Pout was also one of my favourites, along with gorgeous Barry M Mulberry. They were both exquisite but pretty old.
Repurchases: 17 Mirror Shine, Lioele L'cret Lip Miracle

Purge was also made in lipgloss and lipbalm department. I have 3 lipgloss empties, which are Catrice LE Bohemia, Essence Go Snow and Urban Decay Lip Junkie. For the lip balms, there are 8 empties ranging from Babylips, Lipsmacker to Sugar, Yves Rocher The Body Shop and Burt's Bees.
Repurchases: Sugar Fresh lipbalm, Lipsmacker

I've used up 4 foundations, 1 cushion foundation, 1 Bourjois Flower Perfection primer and 1 white foundation for mixing. Revlon Colorstay is my favourite full cover foundation, while Bourjois wins in medium coverage category. Stargazer foundation in White was a lovely mixing foundation with semi-thick texture. Etude House Precious Mineral Any Cushion is my go to when I'm in a hurry. Refills are easily bought on any Korean store or Ebay.
Repurchases: Bourjois Healthy Mix, Stargazer White foundation, Revlon Colorstay, Etude House Precious Mineral Any Cushion

I've also kept skincare bits that left a really positive impression. Bubchen Shampoo & Shower with Honey scent was a pleasant honey scented shower gel. I fairly enjoyed the scent and mild ingredients. Aussie Miracle Moist is a favourite because of bubblegum scent and nourished hair, L'Occitane Bonne Mere is an all rounder with honey scent, suitable even for babies. I particularly used it as a day moisturiser. Yves Rocher  Vanilla Shower Gel had a rich, warming vanilla scent. Clarins Gentle Eye makeup Remover was a pleasant surprise at how gentle yet effective it is. Steamcream is a must have all rounder - natural and nourishing for sensitive skin. REN Clay Cleanser and Clarifying Toning Lotion are staples in cleansing routine. A special treat for the skin once in a while. La Roche Posay Hydraphas Intense Eye treatment and Effaclar Duo left me doubtful. Both were mediocre.
Repurchases: Bubchen Shampoo&Shower, Aussie Miracle Moist, Steamcream, REN, Yves Rocher


  1. damn kolk maskar si spraznila... jaz porabim 1-2 v pol leta :D .. je pa res, da ne nanašam dosti plasti, ker mam že tako ful dolge trepalnice in ne uporabljam Essence maskar trenutno
    in pa pohvalno za šminke, jaz jih tud morem nekaj spravit stran :)

  2. Si bila pa res pridna! :)
    Sploh za maskare in šminke kar nisem mogla verjet, koliko si jih porabila. :O Maskari jaz porabim največ dve v pol leta, najbrž ker se ne ličim čist vsak dan.
    Jaz mam vedno občutek, da se šmink ne da porabit do konca, ker jih mam tudi veliko, ampak zdaj vidim, da je vse možno, haha. :D Se počasi tudi jaz spravljam zraven - sem že zbrala nekaj ličil, ki jih želim porabit (predvsem šmink). :P

    1. vedno rabim 3-4 sloje, ponavadi 2 maskari naenkrat. se potem kar nabere čeprav so mi mogoče 2 ali 3 ostale še v škatli od prej :)

  3. Uau, kok šmink si porabila! :)

    Pri meni je tudi maskar veliko, ampak šmink pa res ne :D

    1. no sej tako hudo tudi ni. Vse so bile do polovice že porabljene, tako da lahko rečem 3 vse skupaj :D

  4. Wow, impresivna zbirka izpraznjenčkov. :) Tudi če je bilo že vse napol prazno, je zmeraj super filing (vsaj meni), da eno stvar porabim do konca. Pri šminkah bi se tega z veseljem lotila, pri ostalih zadevah se kar zadržujem pri nakupih. Noja, razen lakov, kjer si ne delam utvar, da, razen nadlaka in podlaka, karkoli kadarkoli porabim do konca. ;)

  5. Uau, to je pa res velika zbirka za pol leta! Pri meni gre vse ful počas, ker ponavadi se mi res ne da ukvarjat preveč s celotno rutino :)

  6. Tudi jaz bom rekla: vau. Tole je pa res impresivno. Maskare in balzame mi uspe porabiti do konca, tudi kak korektor in puder, pri rdečilih pa niti ne dosežem dna, ker jih toliko menjujem + ne ličim se vsak dan. To je tudi tisto, kar me zanima - a se naličiš vsak dan, da ti je uspelo porabiti toliko makeupa? Drugače pa tudi sama rada nanesem več slojev maskare, sem jih sedaj vrgla cel kup stran (bodo v naslednjem empties postu). :)

    1. Ličim se 3-4x na teden. Sem pa imela od junija project pan/e in sem uporabljala izključno le te izdelke. vsi so bili do polovice porabljeni da sem se jih zares lotila. Lahko razpoloviš teoretično število :D

    2. Hvala za odgovor. Ti pa moram reči, da si zame velika inspiracija, da se še sama lotim tega. Sicer znam biti precej lena, januarja sem se mogoče naličila ene štirikrat, zdaj februarja skoraj ves dan, tako da upam, da se bom držala tega tempa in bom sedaj kar začela s podobnim projektom in skušala porabiti nekatere izdelke. :)

  7. THAT is wow I mean truly have no words. So amazed with all this! :D Great post
    Maliha Rao / Red Alice Rao

  8. OMG to pa je veliko izdelkov! :)

  9. Wau, toliko šmink in blushev! Kako težko pa je bilo uporabljat ene in iste izdelke pol leta? Jaz se moram tudi spravi, sploh kremne blushe hočem porabit. Sicer imam samo 2, ampak sta res lepa in mi je škoda haha pa skoraj vsi ostali, ki jih imam so mi tudi ful všeč :D

  10. Kapo dol! Jaz dvomim, da mi bo kdaj uspelo do konca porabit kakšen blush ali pa šminko :D Bi se res morala striktno držati project pan-a in uporabljati samo tiste stvari :D

  11. Great job using all of that up!

  12. Tudi jaz lahko rečem samo wow...jaz tuš gele, kreme za telo, šampone/balzame/maske vedno vse porabim, mam malo več časa...ampak ličila...mogoče pudre in maskare, ostalo pa težko...v pol leta porabim 2-4 maskare, 2 labeli, šmink nikoli ne porabim do konca, da o paletkah s senčili ne govorim... pridna!

  13. I wish I could use up that many lipsticks and lipglosses! And -maybe- some day I'll be able to use up an eyeshadow! Till then I use up concealers-foundations-powders-mascaras and once in a while a blush and a nail polish

  14. Ulala! Da bi sama porabila vsaj eno šminko do konca v pol leta - to bi bilo že prelepo. :)


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