28 Nov 2014

Yankee Candle Christmas - Part 2 Food & Spice

I reviewed almost all Yankee Candle festive scents in previous post (click here), but there's still a couple of wintery scents that come out every end of the year. If you're a huge fan of food, spice, cinnamon kind of scents, well here's your pick. Yankee Candles are perfect for sparking up Christmas mood or act as a perfect gift for your loved ones. Did I mention their jars are reusable? You can easily clean them out once you burned down entire candle and use it as a storage for your hair ties, nail polish or makeup. I usually decorate them with extra bows or glass paint.

Poleg Yankee Candle prazničnih vonjev, so tukaj še časovno omejeni, zimski vonji sadja ter hrane & začimb. Če ste velik oboževalec sadja in začimb, potem boste navdušeni nad omenjenimi vonji. Yankee sveče omogočijo božično razpoloženje in so primerne kot božično darilo, ko ste v dilemi kaj izbrati. Ali veste, da so kozarci sveč lahko ponovno uporabljeni? Kozarci Yankee sveč se enostavno očistijo z milom in vodo, na kar lahko kozarce uporabite za shranjevanje nakita, gumic za lase, pripomočkov za nohte. Z lahkoto se okrasijo s pentljo ali barvami za steklo.

Sugared Apple seems to be a popular choice of sour and sweet. Crisp, fresh apples are rolled over a dish of vanilla sugar. It's simple yet suitable for everyone. Sugared Apple is similar to Sweet Apple but has that extra kick of sweetness and vanilla. If you don't want to pick the wrong scent for a Christmas gift, this one is the way to go.

Sugared Apple je vedno popularna izbira sladkega in kislega. Sveže nabrana, skoraj kisla jabolka so potresena z vanilijevim sladkorjem. Vonj je enostaven a hkrati primeren za vsakogar. Sugared Apple je dokaj podobna Sweet Apple, ampak z dodatkom sladkorja in vanilije postane dokaj edinstvena. Če želite podariti Yankee svečko, je ta vonj univerzalen za vse okuse. 

Snow in Love smells like sweet, fresh, creamy baby powder without any harsh, bittery undertones. It's a scent you can't describe. Unique scent that also contains a touch of woods and creamy base. Sweet, creamy and fresh.

Snow in Love diši dokaj kompleksno. Sami vonj je težko opisati, saj že meji na kompleksnost parfumov. Note so vsekakor sveže, sladke in kremne, z dodatkom dojenčkovega pudra. Vonj nikakor ni trpek ali grenek, se pa zavoha kremno, gladko teksturo sladkorja in svežine. Edinstven vonj, ki vsebuje dodatek lesnih not in kremne osnove.

Cinnamon Stick is a scent, I can't really explain in terms of notes. It's basically a straight up cinnamon without any additions. In most cases,cinnamon candles often contain some sort of mix, whether it's apple or other spices. You can sense a bitterness and sweetness at the same time. Cinnamon fans will definitely like this particular candle.

Cinnamon Stick je enostaven, a težko pojasnljiv. Vsekakor je čist cimet brez dodatkov začimb. V večini primerov je cimet mešan z jabolko ali ostalimi začimbami, kar uniči prvotni namen. Pri Cinnamon Stick se zazna trpek podton in sladkost. Oboževalci cimeta bodo navdušeni nad enostavnim vonjem.

Spiced Orange offers fresh, sweet oranges with spicy cloves. It's sweet, fruity and slightly bitter like orange peel. Exactly like whole oranges with cloves would smell like. Not that unique but it's definitely straight to the point. Pretty nostalgic.

Spiced Orange ponuja sladke pomaranče s klinčki. Je sladka, sadna dišava, ki zajema tudi malo grenkega olupka za dodano svežino. Diši enostavno enako kot bi pomarančo prepikali s klinčki. Enostaven, a nostalgičen vonj.

Christmas Memories is that kind of smell, you love or hate. However, once you sniff it a couple of times, it kind of grows on you. This one is perfect for those, who love salty scents. If you expect a sweet, food-like scent, you will be disappointed. On the other hand, Christmas Memories smells exactly like salty pretzels with cinnamon tea on the side. It also has some gingerbread notes on top of all. It's a perfect food & spice scent for kitchen. It makes entire room more homey and welcoming.

Christmas Memories je zelo specifičen vonj, ki ni všeč vsakomur. Vendar se sveča sčasoma priljubi z nenavadnim vonjem. Je odlična izbira za vse, ki imajo radi slane prigrizke. Diši enako kot slane preste s cimetovim čajem na strani. Ima tudi note medenjakov, če smo dovolj pozorni. Vonj se dobro združi z vonjavami iz kuhinje in ustvari določeno domačnost.

Cranberry Ice smells like cranberry whiskey on rocks. Since I'm not sure if it actually exists, it's pretty much like cranberry bush with icicles and fresh snow. It has a cranberry tea note but still retains freshness. This is definitely not my cup of tea.

Cranberry Ice diši kot brusnična alkoholna pijača z obilico ledu. Je vsekakor sadni vonj z noto ledene svežine. Ima podoben vonj brusničnemu čaju, vendar ohrani leden pridih.

Apple & Pine Needle is another Christmas tree- like scents. Perfect for evenings around your favourite festive decorations. Fresh apple and overwhelming pine needles make this scent strong and long lasting. A great scent if you don't own freshly cut pine tree.

Apple & Pine Needle je še eden vonj, ki ustvari vzdušje prave smreke v vašem domu. Je odličen za večere ob vaši najljubši dekoraciji, božičnemu drevesu. Sveža jabolka omilijo močan vonj bora, hkrati pa se ohrani intenzivnost vonja. Zanimiv vonj, če hrepenite po vonju prave smreke ali jelke.

You can find Yankee Candles worldwide and there's also an online store for every country.
Yankee Candles are available in Vonj Narave, Yankee Candle store (Nazorjeva 12) and online.
Yankee Candles lahko najdete na Nazorjevi 12 v Ljubljani, trgovinah Vonj Narave in na spletu.


  1. Vse razen zadnje imam, ups :D Od Sugared Apple si vedno kar zalogo naredim :D

  2. Čeprav sveč ne kupujem, bi tole cimetovo z veseljem imela :)

  3. Melting Snowman! :D
    Sem pa zadnjič prevohala vse vonje in mi pine apple ( oh, a pun) kombinacija ni všeč oz me preveč spominja na osvežilce za avto/wc. :S

  4. Sugared apple sounds amazing! xo

  5. snow in love and cinnamon stick sound amazing!! defo added to my wishlist!

    Beth Bethany Georgina


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