16 Oct 2014

Catrice & Essence Blogger Event Slovenia - Fall 2014

I'll just start saying there's no words to express overwhelming thoughts from yesterday's Blogger Event in Slovenia, Ljubljana. But I wanted to put out fresh thoughts and first impressions. Essence and Catrice (Cosnova) did it again and overtook minds of beauty bloggers for a decent period of time. Last year was a blast and you can read all about it here but they managed somehow to put even more effort into this year's event. There were over 20 bloggers from Slovenia, which is frankly quite a big bite (but a successful one). I enjoyed cosy atmosphere while gazing at new makeup items and releases. Introduction of both brands was a pleasant point to start and staff from Cosnova made us feel really welcomed. Food, beverages and nail & makeup corner gave a final touch to this experience. Oh, I do think pictures tell more than million words but forgive my lack of creativity.

Big thank you to Catrice and Essence for a creative and fun event that will remain on my mind for some time. Not to mention extensive pile of freshly new makeup to play with. 
So fellow bloggers and readers, what's your main thought about Cosnova events?


  1. Dobro si uspela poslikat, jaz sem bila preveč navdušena nad vsem in sem čisto mal fotk nardila. Ampak ja, tudi jaz sem presrečna da sem bila lahko zraven in pravo veselje se šele začenja... tooooliko izdelkov imamo za probat! :D

    1. Začuda vsaj 10 slik, lani je bilo polovico manj :D juhu!

  2. jaz sem si ful želela, da bi bila povabljena :/ , ker je zgledalo ful lepo in vidim da ste uživale.

  3. Lucky you!
    It looks like so much fun there and I think I would go crazy over the nail polishes!! :L

    1. That's a department where I picked out nothing :D I went mad with lipsticks though :P

  4. Kok noro dobro, pa sladice zgledajo ful kreativno ( in okusno :D ). Ste bile res v beauty blogger nebesih ^.^

  5. This looks like an amazing event!! Amazing photographs xx

  6. Looks like an amazing event, great pictures, and new makeup is always exciting!
    Messy Bits

  7. Krasno si poslikala, jaz nimam praktično nobene slike z eventa. Fino je bilo :)

  8. Vsaki bom (pomoje) enako napisala pod ta post iz event-a: FAUŠ! Zgleda, da ste se imele super :)

    1. Smo te pogrešale Ana :) Upam da prideš naslednjič!

  9. Name seletus zal niso spomnali, lepe slikce full, itak pa vem, da ste uzivale!;)

  10. božična kolekcija od Essence zgleda čist kjut! :D
    drugače pa mislim, da ste to res mele fantastično izkušnjo :)

  11. I would go crazy over that Essence stand!! Ours is not even 1/4 of that size! Everytime the shade I want is never there! :(
    Looks like you had an amazing time! The new Essence come to town collection looks awesome! The berry lipstick looks so pretty! Looks like Catrice came out with a dupe for Clarins lip perfector that you gifted me? Cupcakes look good too! Looking forward for swatches/reviews of everything that you picked up! ;)

    1. You would actually go really nuts, I'm sure of it :D I had the same moment last year haha

  12. Super, da si uspela sploh kaj pofotkati. Jaz raje nisem vzela s seboj fotoaparata, ker se potem preveč s fotkami ukvarjam :) Sicer me pa malo firbec matra kaj ste izbrale kot svojih 10 produktov..

  13. Everything looks AH-Mazing! <3


I would love to know your thoughts ♥