12 Oct 2014

Bourjois Rouge Edition 12 Hours lipstick - Beige Shooting (#31)

Bourjois has to be my favorite makeup brand in the drugstore. It's almost impossible not to try out every single new thing, preferably lipsticks. Rouge Edition 12 hours sounds like a dream come true. 12 hours wear with stunningly beautiful satin/velvet finish? Yes, please! Color selection is fairly wide (currently 6), however Bourjois can't seem to de-attach from making their new lines season appropriate. In this case, most colors aren't really Fall appropriate- nude pinks and some brights. They also re-released a favorite shade from the past by popular demand - Pamplemousse.

Rouge Edition 12 Hours claims to be long lasting with a comfortable wear. Includes shea butter and silk powder for fixing the color. Let me clear the longevity first. Lipstick doesn't last 12 hours, at least the nude shade I've picked out. But I can definitely say it's pretty long lasting for such a light color. Beige Shooting usually holds up to 5 hours which is long enough to be work appropriate without any major touch ups. As for the finish, Bourjois identifies it as a semi-matte. It's not overly drying matte yet it gives a polished satin finish. It feels comfortable on the lips and I didn't experience any tugging or dryness over the day. I'm truly over the moon with #31 Beige Shooting, it's a perfect darker dusky rose with grey undertones that looks modern and up to date. It's similar to Rouge Velvet in Nude-ist (almost a dupe) if you're interested in less drying version. A cheaper dupe would be new Catrice lipstick In a Rosegarden.

What can I say, other than Bourjois just never disappoints with quality and performance, expected from a 11€ lipstick. I don't approve the 12 hours tag which can be misleading but I do congrats Bourjois to bring out a perfect non-drying semi-matte formula. I would actually highly recommend this range if you're prepared to close one eye on 12 hours claim. Keep in mind there is 3,5g of product. You can get Bourjois on Asos and Feelunique.


  1. Sem ful navdušena nad temi šminkami, tak da me niti ne moti da niso obstojne 12h :) je pa res da tudi sama pogrešam kake bolj jesenske odtenke :)

    1. Jaz jim tudi oprostim ravno zaradi dobre formule :D Upam da še naknadno izpustijo par odtenkov.

  2. Sem se odločala med to in pa Velvet glossom, pa sem potem Velvet izbrala, pa mi je strašansko žal! Ker je mene na celi črti razočaral. Si pa še želim šminko, ampak bi imela rdečo. Hvala za tole super oceno!

    1. Velveti so res suhi.Po parih urah mi kar zateguje ustnice ampak zdržim če rabim barvo za cel dan. Ena rdeča je tudi v tej formuli, res so ok :)

  3. Lepa :) Par mesecev nazaj bi rekla, da je pretemna, ampak zdaj so mi pa taki odtenki res všeč :)

    1. Ane? Jaz enako, malo starikavo lahko delujejo. Ampak z mat finišem in nude liplinerjem bo ravno ''IN'' :D

  4. Amazing color! Looks great on you! :)

  5. Lep odtenek :) Pa zelo ti paše <3

  6. Zelooo lep odtenek :) Popoln za vsak dan!

  7. The colour looks lovely on you! Not exactly a nude but a perfectly wearable and pretty pink. <3

  8. Res odlične šminke. In se popolnoma strinjam, bi želela več temnih odtenkov. Sploh kakšno vinsko rdečo trenutno:)

  9. Sicer bi lahko imeli malce več odtenkov, ampak tudi od teh, ki so na voljo me eden mika (mislim da 32) zdajle po tvojih slikah bi pa tudi tega tvojega 31 imela :P

  10. Such a stunning colour, it really suits you <3 xx

  11. That's such a pretty colour! I've not tried this range yet, but I keep meaning to give one of the colours a try.

    Gem x | flutter and sparkle


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