8 Aug 2015

Matte Liquid Lipsticks

Longevity, precise application and fully matte effect are the main reasons why everyone love a good matte liquid lipstick. Lipglosses lost their charm a few years (or a decade) ago while with new trend, matte tubes of lipstick seem to overtake beauty industry for a good period of time. Eating, drinking and kissing without smudging and bullet-proof formula makes a girl's dream come true. Without any worries about having a lipstick on your teeth, liquid matte formulas are nowadays also stick-free. Remember early Revlon Colorstay long lasting ''lipstick glosses''? Those were a true pain to wear as they were super tacky while also peel off the lips in pieces. Not anymore. Welcome to the new era of comfortable matte liquid lipsticks!

Bourjois Rouge Edition Velvet (12,95€) are still my top choice for comfortable matte lips. There's not a single similar product that would provide velvety matte finish but still feel like you're wearing almost nothing. As for longevity these aren't the most long wearing nude shades but they deliver a good amount of wear. Darker colours can stick a lot longer. My top favourite is definitely Nude-ist, a flattering rose nude. So Hap'pink, Happy Nude Year and Don't Pink of it are three out of four new additional shades that are unfortunately not available in Slovenia. Shades tend to settle into matte finish after a few additional minutes, I apologise for my unsettled, freshly applied swatches. You can find Bourjois in almost any European drugstore while you can still shop internationally on FeelUnique, LookFantastic and Asos. You can read a more indepth review and swatches here.

L.A. Girl Matte Flat Finish Pigment Gloss (3,99$) range is my second top favourite brand for matte lips with extended longevity. They are truly opaque with one swipe, extra matte when settled, don't peel off and leave an outstanding impression. For the price these are definitely a steal and I can't recommend them warmly enough. As there might be some formula trouble with lighter, white-based shades I haven't had any problems with my 3 picks.They stay on for the entire day, don't smudge and fade evenly. Dreamy is similar to my Mac Oxblood (LE) lipstick (review here), a warm peachy nude on fair skin tones, Timeless is a good dupe for Mac Flat Out Fabulous with neon purple-pink. Rebel is one of a kind grape colour with a balanced warmth (wore it in my older post here). Highly recommend. Keep in mind these are a tiny bit sticky with drying. Sticky feeling slowly fades with wear. You can buy them on Ebay or BeautyJoint.

Menow Long Lasting Gloss (1,18$) from Ebay sparked up my attention solely for being good dupe shades for Lime Crime Velvetines and Mateja's review. I instantly snapped shade 18 as it is a good dupe for ever so famous Lime Crime Cashmere. It's truly a wonderful taupe-rose-nude. Number 33 is supposedly compared to Lime Crime Wicked, a darkened red. Colour 30 was just a random mistake as it's too warm toned and brown for my taste. If I dedicate a minute or two to formula, these aren't the best matte lipglosses I've come across. They do wear a couple of hours but slowly start to peel off unevenly upon eating or drinking. Any sort of oil will leave you with a bare spot on your lips. Also, hard to remove or touch up. Formula is not trust worthy but okay for smaller errands. Also, I'm not too keen of not knowing ingredients and it's origin. I might toss out shade 30 and 33. All in all, great for experimenting with colours but nothing majorly impressive. They are slightly sticky upon application.

Too Faced Melted Liquified Lipstick (23,60€) in Melted Marshmallow is not entirely matte. It delivers more of a velvet/satin/creamy finish to your lips. Still it's comfortable without any extra moving or smudging. I truly enjoy this product as it also has a sponge tip applicator, smells delicious and has a good colour payoff. You can definitely find more affordable options but if you're eyeing this particular product I would recommend it. Melted Marshmallow in particular is a baby pink with warm undertones. You can buy Too Faced internationally on Beauty Bay.

I've recently snapped a Makeup Factory Mat Lip Fluid (about 14,50€) from their recent Mat Wanted Collection but Mat Lip Fluids also became a part of standard assortment at Muller (under Artdeco brand). You can snap up 6 different colours along with bold colours and dark nude. Violet Mauve at about 14,50€ left me feeling restless until I finally cave in. It's a wonderful dusky violet mauve with ashy undertones. Formula is slightly more liquidy than the usual liquid lipsticks and also a bit harder to apply. I usually tend to use it with a corresponding lipliner. Violet Mauve stays on my lips for approximately 4-5 hours. It's dermatologically approved so no worries about unpleasant ingredients.

Sephora Cream Lip Stain (around 12€) in #13 Marvelous Mauve was on my wishlist due to high rating and good impressions. First thing that I've noticed is the scent. It's actually pleasantly scented with vanilla which is a nice change in matte liquid lipstick sphere. Also, shade is to die for due to warm mauve tones. It's pleasant on the lips, non-sticky and long lasting as Bourjois Rouge Edition Velvets. Easy application is just another bonus. A great, solid lip product if you're venturing into liquid lipsticks.

So my final verdict sounds something like this: If you're looking for comfortable velvet finish try Bourjois Rouge Edition Velvet. If you need a long lasting, budge proof formula with flat matte finish and affordable price, L.A. Girl Matte Glosses are the right choice. These two lines are my top two choices. As for the others, Menow is okay for discovering your matte shades but not the best formula while Makeup Factory and Too Faced deliver high quality product but are a tad more expensive than other options. Sephora Cream Lip Stain is a another great alternative if you're nearby Sephora store. 


  1. Wooow, L.A. girl izgledajo čudovite moram sprobat! :)

  2. Vsi odtenki so lepi ampak Sephorina Marvelous Mauve ga pa zmaga <3

  3. I WANT THEM ALL :D Sploh za tega od Makeup Factory mi je žal, da sem ga zgrešila...

  4. Te mat šminke so trenutno res vsepovsod. Imaš odlično zbirko. Sploh Bourjois Velvetov. Jaz bi rada, da bi naredili še kak bolj nude odtenek, ampak očitno ne bo nič iz tega :/ LA Girl Dreamy mi je zelo všeč :).

  5. Jao modelka kok si ti meni zdaj povečala wishlisto :D :D Bourjoisove Happy Nude Year in Don't Pink of it obviously rabim, to sploh ni vprašanja, samo zdaj sem se zagledala pa še v te od LA Girl (Rebel <3 *faints*). Pa Sephorine verzije si res želim preizkusit. Me Now sem pa tudi jaz že v oceni govorila, da ne bledijo lepo, ampak mi je pa všeč ker so res mat. Se strinjam s tabo, da so najboljši za eksperimentirat z barvami, ker so tako poceni. Thanks za link ;)

  6. The LA Girl ones sound amazing, love the colours too <3

  7. I love matte liquid lipsticks :) Sephora's one is probably my favourite :)

  8. Ma nora zbirka... Melted mi je ful dobr :D

  9. I have to agree, Bourjois Rouge Edition Velvet is so comfortable to wear. I have been wearing Peach Club daily.

    Xo Mabes

  10. Great picks! There are a few I'd love to add to my collection!

  11. Super zbirka samih lepih odtenkov, kar ne vem, kateri je lepši :)
    Zgleda pa ta Violet Mauve čudovit odtenek.

  12. Bourjois Velvets are so good! I think I'm going to be eighty and still ramble about them :D

  13. Liquid lipsticks are my absolute go-to! Sephora Lip Stains are my favorite recently. Love all the colors you watched here, but personally, the Bourjois one, I've tried it and was really disappointed with. I found it didn't dry and looked anything but matte! Maybe it was just a bad batch, I don't know. I've been wanting to try the L.A. Girl one, the colors you picked look amazing! x

    Bitchin' Pam'

    1. Really? Grand Cru is one of the most difficult colours to work with. Also, they need a lot of time to settle into a mix of satin/matte finish :) They're definitely a more subtle matte than other - LA Girl might be just up your alley.

  14. Really beautiful colours *-*

  15. Amazing pictures. I have LA girl in Backstage it's beautiful shade for autumn, but I really like Dreamy I'll order it 'cause I love nude shades. Didn't tried Menow products, but they look nice especially shade 30.

  16. wonderful information shared about lipstick,Thanks for sharing.


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