30 Mar 2015

Yankee Candle New Fruit Scents 2015

It would be almost impossible to pass spring without Yankee Candle released at least a candle or two in fruit fragrances. While upcoming releases will be more orientated around earthy scents & spices (Grand Bazaar), Summer collection will surprise us with urban coffee-holic dreams (Cafe Culture). Pretty much, these two fruit scents are the only ones, which will stir fruit bat senses. Indulging raspberries for a sweet tooth, while ripe grapefruit will refresh your home.

Skoraj nemogoče se je izogniti sadnim vonjem pri Yankee Candle v času razvijajoče se pomladi. V prihajajočih dneh sledijo zelo nenavadne kolekcije dišav z zemeljskimi, orientalskimi vonji (Grand Bazaar) in urbanistična poletna kolekcija za vse kavo-holike (Cafe Culture). Torej sta dva nova sadna vonja v omejeni kolekciji letos prava redkost. Oba bosta zagotovo zmešala Vaše čute, če ste pravi ''sadni netopir''. Čuteče in sladke maline so odlične za vse sladkosnede, grenivka pa bo poskrbela za svežino v majhnih prostorih. Oba vonja sta Limited Edition, kar pomeni, da ne bosta ostala v redni kolekciji dolgo časa.

Red Raspberry smells exactly the same as scrumptious raspberry jam in the making. It's like visiting your grandma on a warm summer afternoon. Lots of warmth and sugary sweet berries with a hint of bubblegum. Likable scent but not everyone's cup of jam. To some, it might be too overpowering or sweet, especially if you like pristine fruit scents. If you're a true fan of cult favourite Black Cherry, Red Raspberry might feed your senses. 
Pink Grapefruit is on the other hand, a more refreshing and clean, citrusy scent. It almost boarders on ''fruit cleansers'' kind of scent. Bitter as the sun-kissed grapefruit peel, it still preserves a hint of sweetness and sourness. Worth checking out if you're craving a good old spring clean. 

Red Raspberry diši popolnoma enako kot malinina marmelada v pripravi. Vonj spominja na otroške dni, ko je še babica pripravljala marmelado v poznem poletnem času. Veliko topline in maline v stopljenem sladkorju dajo poseben čar tej sveči. Prav tako se zazna rahel dodatek vonja po sadnem žvečilnem gumiju. Zelo všečen vonj, vendar pa ta kozarček sveže marmelade ne bo priljubljen pri vsakemu. Nekaterim bo vonj mogoče presladek. Če ste oboževalec zelo poznane Black Cherry dišave, bo Red Raspberry čudovit dodatek za hranjenje Vaših čutov.
Pink Grapefruit je na drugi strani veliko bolj osvežilen in čist vonj. Dišava že skoraj meji na vonj sadnih čistil, kar pa je lahko dobra lastnost za osvežitev zatohlih in malih prostorov. Grenek, zrel olupek je sicer prisoten v vonju, vendar ne zasenči majhnega deleža sladkobe ter kislosti. Vonj bo dobra izbira, če hrepenite po dobrem, starem spomladanskem čiščenju doma.

Both scents are limited edition so they won't stick around. While Red Raspberry is a really pleasantly warm scent, Pink Grapefruit just isn't anything special for my personal taste. Yankee Candles are sold worldwide. You can find Yankee Candles in Slovenia online and in Yankee Candle store on Nazorjeva 12, Ljubljana.

Yankee Candle svečke si lahko ogledate na spletni strani in v Yankee Candle trgovini na Nazorjevi 12, Ljubljana. Yankee Candle se prodaja prav tako v Vonj Narava na Prečni ulici 2, Ljubljana, Citycentru Celje in Gubčevi ulici 4, Celje. Cene svečk in voskov se gibljejo od 1,99€ do 24,90€.


  1. OMG! I need these in my life! Specially Red Raspberry xx


  2. The red raspberry sounds delish! <3 want to try that one!


  3. They both sound so good, especially pink grapefruit! xo

  4. Red Raspberry sounds amazing, I love the fact that it’s similar to jam hehe :) I love the sound of Pink Grapefruit also, as I’m a fan of citrusy scents. Definitely feel a Yankee haul coming on, fab reviews :)

    Charlee XO | CharmedCharlee


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