1 Apr 2015

New Skincare Launch: Bocassy

New Croatian French synergy took over blogger's skin routines like a storm. French quality control with a daringly natural concept from Croatia created a balanced range called Bocassy. What makes Bocassy so special on already full cosmetic market? Competitive price, superb ingredients, cruelty free products and high quality. What better way to support European products along with cruelty free cause. All Bocassy products have sleek glass jars and bottles with velvet bordo red boxes with inspiring quotes. While they currently offer a small selection of perfectly balanced products, I'm sure we will witness some more innovative skincare in the future. 

Nova hrvaško francoska naveza lahko obrodi le odlične rezultate pri ustvarjanju kozmetike. Bocassy se je tako razširil kot ogenj med blogerji in prejema same pozitivne ocene. Francoski nadzor kvalitete in drzen koncept iz Hrvaške je ustvaril uravnoteženo kozmetiko, imenovano Bocassy. Zakaj je Bocassy tako poseben že na tako polnem kozmetičnem trgu? Konkurenčna cena, odlične sestavine, kozmetika prijazna do živali in visoka kvaliteta. Kaj boljšega kot podpreti naše sosede in investirati v prijazno kozmetiko? Vsi Bocassy izdelki imajo lično stekleno embalažo z žametno bordo škatlico. 

Bocassy Hydrating Gel-Cream (22€ for 50ml, Muller) for caught my attention with supposedly gel texture. Let's just say I wasn't too optimistic at first but surprisingly, gel-cream does have a jelly texture. Score! Gel-cream itself has a really hydrating gel consistency, perfect for upcoming hot days. Medium thick texture sinks into the skin after good 3 minutes, not leaving a residue. Instead, skin feels plump and subtle, almost as if you'd splashed your skin with water. Slightly cooling effect due to gel consistency is also a nice bonus. Targeted skintypes? Basically all skintypes as the Bocassy itself proclaims. Coffeine and wheat germ oil make it perfect as an uplifting morning cream. Fun fact? It smells and feels exactly the same as discontinued L'Occitane Apple Almond Velvet Concentrate, a firm favourite of mine. Yum!

Bocassy Hydrating Gel Cream (22€ za 50ml, Muller) je pritegnila mojo pozornost z gel teksturo. In ker je takšnih produktov milijon in ne stojijo za svojimi dejstvi, sem bila skeptična. Presenetljivo, Bocassy gel-krema ima želatinasto teksturo. Produkt je lahka krema, ki hidratira in hladi obenem. Omenjeni produkt bo odličen za prihajajoče vroče dni. Srednje gosta tekstura se vpije v kožo po dobrih 3 minutah in ne pušča neprijetnega občutka. Koža je po nanosu navlažena in napeta, skoraj kot bi jo poškropili z mrzlo vodo. Gel je tako primeren za vse tipe kože, kakor Bocassy tudi navaja. Kofein in olje pšeničnega kvasa poskrbijo za odlično jutranje počutje. Posebna zanimivost? Diši in občuti se enako kot ukinjena L'Occitane Apple Almond Velvet Concentrate, ena izmed mojih ljubših krem. Diši po zmletih mandljih in jabolki, njam!

With Bocassy Serum (24,92€ for 50ml, Muller) I still feel a bit of uncertainty. Due to heavy texture and self-proclaimed ''strong firming and hydrating'' I'm still on a fence about this product. Don't get me wrong, product itself is gorgeous. What I can't put into same perspective is actual texture and serum naming. For a serum, the liquid-cream like consistency is too hefty. I would actually re-name it a rich cream. As I've said, texture is nothing groundbreaking compared to normal night creams. I enjoy adding it as an extra rich layer before bedtime. It's suitable for mature, dry and normal skin. Oily skintypes might get a breakout or two with regular use. Vitamins A,E, panthenol, oil and butters will surely nourish a skin in need. 

Pri Bocassy Serumu (24,92€ za 50ml, Muller) še vedno občutim razdvojenost po več kot mesecu dni testiranja. Navadna tekstura kreme in dokaj bogate sestavine vzbujajo dvom o namenu seruma. Ne razumite me narobe, Serum kot izdelek je odličen. Česar ne morem sprocesirati v isto dimenzijo je imenovanje ''Serum'' in sama kremna tekstura. Za tipičen serum je tale izdelek prebogat in prekremen. Sama bi ga raje preimenovala v bogato dnevno kremo. Kljub nenavadni bogati teksturi, ga z veseljem uporabim kot dodatek pri nočni negi. Izdelek je ''pisan na kožo'' zreli, suhi in normalni koži. Masten tip kože bi lahko sprožil neprijetnosti, ni pa nujno. Vitamini A in E, panthenol, različna olja in masla bodo zagotovo negovala suhe predele kože.

I'm happy to share such a joyful new skincare brand with you. Not only the ingredients are superb, Bocassy is also cruelty free. I highly recommend both products, of course with consideration about your skintype. Hydrating Gel-cream is perfect for everybody, while Serum isn't the safest choice for oilier skintypes. Along with Steamcream, Hydrating Gel-cream will make the cut as my everyday moisturiser. You can find Bocassy in Muller stores, ranging from 21,90-25€. 

Vesela sem, da lahko delim takšno odkritje nege kože. Priporočam oba izdelka, seveda naj vsak vzame v obzir tudi svoj tip kože. Zelo cenim, da se oba izdelka (kljub naravnim sestavinam) ne svaljkata na koži - velik moteč problem pri ''naravni'' kozmetiki. Hydrating Gel-cream je čudovit gel za vse tipe kože, medtem ko Serum lahko ponagaja mastnemu tipu kože. Bocassy izdelke lahko najdete v vseh Muller poslovalnicah, kjer se cene gibljejo od 21,90-25€. 


  1. These products sound great, thanks for the detailed review!

  2. Very nice post! Would love to try!!


  3. i love hearing about new beauty products releases!


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