24 Aug 2019

The power of Clay & Clay-based Skincare

I was never putting a lot of attention to clay. It was usually in my harsh acne-skin products (which were a big failure btw) and I always felt clay is not the best choice for my dry skin. However, ever since I've been sick and I've been rediscovering different treatments to boost up immune system, I came across clay a lot, a lot of times. Heck, it's perfect to re-boost back your health only by drinking it. And it has a lot of helpful minerals for your body. Why not trying it also on my face then?

Nikoli nisem veliko razmišljala o glini. Je pač bila tam nekje, glino pa so ponavadi vsebovali moji najbolj agresivni čistilci za aknasto kožo v najstniškem obdobju (slaba, slaba ideja). Glino sem vedno povezovala z izsušitvijo moje suhe kože, zato sem se je izogibala. Dokler nisem prišla do točke, ko sem zbolela. Odkrivala sem različne naravne načine za povišanje mojega imunskega sistema in glej ga zlomka, pitje gline dejansko pomaga pri čiščenju in regeneraciji telesa. Glina vsebuje ogromno mineralov, ki jih telo potrebuje za normalno delovanje (poleg vseh probiotikov in vitaminskih dodatkov). Če je dovolj dobra za notranjnost, zakaj ne bi preizkusila gline tudi na obrazu?

9 Aug 2019

My first try of Petit Vour - Cruelty-free Clean Beauty Subscription Box

I've been updated with beauty bits for almost a decade and I felt pretty safe to say I'm a small beauty enthusiast that knows too much. However, since I've started to venture into clean beauty world, I felt lost. Totally lost. It's like opening doors to an undiscovered pandora box. Where to start, what are the best basics and where to find them? I struggled with same questions I usually get asked. One of the first things I came across in clean beauty department was Petit Vour. A pink subscription box that contains only best cruelty-free, vegan and non-toxic products. From makeup, skincare to bodycare and haircare. The best part is the affordability and worldwide shipping...  

22 Jun 2019

Books I've read and what I'm planning to read in Summer 2019

Uh oh, I haven't updated you with my book progress for a really long time. I feel kinda guilty simply because I've had some nice classic gems in my hands. If I start with the whole J.K. Rowling thing, I've enjoyed her Fantastic Beasts and where to find them. Even though it's written as a script. You actually get used to it quite quickly and the story plot just glides effortleslly. I really liked it, it's not too much and not too little. It has some hidden magical secrets that keep you going until the end. Speaking about Rowling, the first part of Harry Potter was in my hands for the third time. Just because of the beautiful illustrated art work that made a whole new perspective to the book. This is easily a piece of art that shouldn't be missing in fan collection. I adore it and I go through illustrations many times when I feel down.

Ojoj, o knjigah se že nismo pogovarjali kar nekaj časa. Pogrešala sem to, vendar mi čas ni dopuščal da bi brala več kot si želim. Vendarle pa sem uspela zaključiti nekaj dobrih knjig, ki so vredne branja. Z J.K. Rowling ne moreš nikoli zgrešiti, zato sem se lotila knjige Magične živali. Priznam, zapis v obliki scenarija mi na začetku ni bil pri srcu in mi je deloval potratno. Vendar sem se zapisa hitro navadila in knjiga je drsela kot svila pod mojimi očmi. Knjiga je res prijetna za branje in jo boste končali v zelo kratkem času. Ima ravno dovolj zanimivih elementov, hkrati pa osrednjo zgodbo, ki takoj pritegne. Nikakor ni cenena kopija Harry Potterja, jaz sem v njej tako uživala, da sem pogledala še film. Ko že ravno pišem o Harryju Potterju, novejša ilustrirana verzija prve knjige Kamen modrosti je veličastna. Ilustracije dodajo novo dimenzijo in je prava majhna umetnina. Večkrat jo vzamem v roke in jo občudujem (khm,weirdo).

24 Mar 2019

How does cactus smell like? The Body Shop Cactus Blossom

How would you define cactus scent? I wouldn't say that cactus has any particular scent. In fact I'm not even sure if I ever smelled one. Which makes The Body Shop choice of spring scent even weirder. Cactus sounds itchy and scratchy but don't get easily terrified by the sound of it. Cactus Blossom is one of the nicest smelling line from their floral-fruity scent family. It's that kind of scent you can't easily get bored of. It's zesty floral but still neutral. Do you know aloe vera? Kind of the same with a mixture of lime and peony.
 Cactus Blossom Shower gel and Exfoliating Gel Body Scrub have pretty standard TBS formulation. Shower gel is your typical shower equipment (but the scent lasts quite long on the skin), while Body Scrub has biodegreadable raspberry seeds and extra honey. Body Scrub could be a little more rough for the skin-out season. My favourite is Cactus Blossom Body Butter since it softens skin with shea and cocoa butter while the veil of floral scent lasts entire day. I really like it. It's non-offensive and light enough in texture so you're not sticking to everything. 
If you're up for some cruelty-free or vegan cosmetics and pretty neutral spring scent, The Body Shop got you covered.