4 Mar 2014

Kiko Haul and Review, Swatches

Kiko stores are always a pure joy.
The entire store is based on makeup, skincare, tools and nail polish.
You can also easily order worldwide from their Kiko online store here.
Makeup heaven with available prices (discounted lipsticks were 2,5€! Even Catrice can't beat that).

Kiko Perfect Picture serum - 4€
This serum was reduced to 4€ so I'm pretty sure it's discontinued.
Gives a nice glow to the face and sinks in quite fastly.
Can you see that pink hue?
It's nothing miraculous but still a good bargain for a highlighting base. Reminds me on L'oreal Lumi base.

Kiko Boulevard Rock Long lasting eyeshadow Innocent Rose - 6€
It's from their Spring/Summer collection called Rock Boulevard.
It has a lovely mousse-texture that dries up to powder.
 My picked shade isn't particular opaque so I use it as an all-over wash of color.
 Especially the darker colors from this range were really opaque and smooth at the same time.
 It also doesn't crease on me so that's a big bonus.

Kiko  Glamorous eye pencil 403 - 4€
This was a purchase on a whim. 
I didn't expect any great quality but I was amazed by it's smoothness and creaminess.
 The color was the main attraction - it's a beautiful  dark brown with red/gold shimmer.
 I use it almost daily since I bought it.
 Shimmer stays in place and you can easily smudge it on the lashline. 
I also like to use it for a simple inner eyes lining.

Kiko Velvet Mat-Satin lipstick 612 Strawberry pink- 6,90€
I'm pretty sure you've already noticed two similar colors on lower picture.
I'm currently loving natural-smokey deeper colors with a rustic twist.
They fit to every outfit and don't make you look bland.
In termination of texture these aren't so drying. It's quite comfortable for the first few hours but gets a bit drying over time. Packaging on the other hand is sturdy and opens up like a Chanel classic lipstick. Tube is also holographic.

Kiko Smart lipstick 913 Rosewood - 3,90€ (got on sale for 2,5€)
 It's the second rustic color I picked (unintentionally). Has a standard lipstick texture with full opacity.
 Did I mention they smell like vanilla cupcakes (exactly same as Mac)?
 I'm pretty disappointed with myself that I didn't pick up some more vibrant shades.

Kiko Smart lipstick 923 Peony Purple - 2,5€
This one caught my eye after I researched Kiko products.
It's a lovely straight purple in the tube but comes out as a wearable pink based lilac.
Again, smells like vanilla, it's opaque and wears off in matter of a few hours.

923 Peony Purple, 913 Rosewood, 612 Strawberry Red

Kiko pH enhancer lip balm - 6€
I was fully intrigued by this product. I've been recently loving all types of tints or glows. In fact, it's pretty similar to Catrice Lip Glow so you generally don't need both. They both leave a pink stain and slightly shiny finish but Kiko smells much better (again- vanilla). Oh, and I love the pencil form too! 
I also like the fact you don't need to reapply every hour since it leaves a slight pink stain.

I'm definitely happy with my purchase and open about visiting Kiko in the future.
I wasn't too impressed by their blushes but I do like their ''always-on-trend'' collections. 
Their staff is really kind and they even let you browse without annoying you with their presence. 
As for online, I've heard they have a decent service but the shipping costs can get a bit high. 
What's your first impression of Kiko? Do you like their stores?


  1. Šminke so mi zelo lepe pa senčilo mi prekrasno izgleda. Zadnje čase so mi podobni odtenki popolni za vsakdanji makeup. :)

  2. Sem bila že parkrat v Kiku pa nisem nikoli nič vzela. I know I'm weird :/. Všeč mi je večina stvari, ki si jih vzela, Strawberry Pink še najbolj :)

    1. Mja...jaz sem tudi prvič na silo vzela par stvari, na koncu sem jih tako podarila. Nekak embalaža ni zanimiva, mogoče si vnaprej kdaj poglej barve, mi je pomagalo zdaj v drugo :P

  3. Lepe šminke :) Jaz imam rada Kiko, se mi zdi, da imajo dost kvalitetne stvari, ampak nisem še vsega probala :)

  4. Love strawberry is a pretty shade and is alos matt.

  5. Ufff jaz sem spisala tako dolg komentar že, potem mi pa vse vn vrže!
    Jaz ful kupujem v Kikotu in sem res zelo zadovoljna z večino izdelkov. Mam ogromno njihovih lakcev in maskar...naslednjič ti res priporočam, da sprobaš kakšno, ti ne bo žal!

    Drugače pa tale mousse senčka mi zgleda noro lepa, jaz mam namen v kratkem it v Kiko in jo bom kar vzela.

    1. uuu, hvala za priporočilo :) Malo se še lovim v njihovih trgovinah, bom pa počasi odkrivala nove stvari.

    2. Poglej drugače moj post o naj maskarah je med njimi tudi Kiko, drugače so pa nasploh meni zelo všečne maskare. Če boš pa kdaj kaj rabla kar reči, ker sem jaz dosti v Kikotu, ker ga imam blizu :D

  6. It's funny because their staff here is really pushy and it's what keeps me from visiting their stores =/

    1. Oh my, maybe I had a good experience since I didn't speak Italian and their English was quite bad :)

  7. Mousse senčka je prekrasna<3 Šminke tudi! :)

  8. i love all my kiko products, i know for sure i'm gonna pick up more when I'm in italy next week! :D

  9. Meni so njihovi laki in stick eyeshadows zakon. Pa tale eye pencil je prekrasne barve, si ga morem zapomnit za naslednjič ko bom kje v bližini njihove trgovine :)

  10. Jaz imam nekaj njihovih lakcev in šmink. Bi pa sprobala še veliko več stvari... :P

    Sandra - The Puzzle of Sandra's Life

  11. Ooo Kiko je res top! Lepe slike & lep blog, sledim!:))


  12. Enjoy your goodies hun!! Those lipsticks look gorgeous! Off to Kiko site!! :D


I would love to know your thoughts ♥