19 Jan 2014

InstaWeek #1

 Long time no see, right?
Just to keep you a bit updated I decided to share my recent Instagram account and pictures.
 I finally joined Instagram and I'm already addicted. I want to post everything as stupid as it sounds. 
You can easily add me since I'm always happy to get some company.
You can find me here or find me with @sarapassing

1. My first Instagram upload - my current makeup products in my new Paul & Joe makeup bag.
2. I didn't introduce you to my sister's guinea pig! He actually looks like a tiny Totoro. 
3. Cuddling with guinea pig. 
4. Our cat gets fluff-crazy in winter. 
5. I need to update you on my lipstick collection but I'm too ashamed to show you over 70 lipsticks I collected. 
6. Yankee Candles are currently on sale.

7. My favourite snack: fruit with plain old yogurt and cinnamon. 
8. Too many nail polishes to try out. 
9. First Insta-selfie with ''no makeup'' makeup. 
10. A few new bits with a discount. I finally managed to almost complete my high-end lipstick collection. Now I only need a Chanel one and I'm good to go. 
11. Boyfriend surprised me with a new Katy Perry perfume for no reason. Gotta' catch 'em all! 
12. Pomegranates are sooo good.

If you have an Instagram account, let me know and I will gladly add you.
How was your January? 


  1. Replies
    1. Ja hvala, sem se potrudila po tvojih nasvetih ;)

  2. mine is @gypsywardrobe! xx

    i also have a big pamper pack giveaway on my blog! check it out if you like, its easy to enter :)


  3. Joooj, a si lahko sposodim kdaj morskega prašička? :D

  4. I miss your blog posts Sara! I see you re-decorated your blog, it's super cute! I've always wanted the Georgia peach blush!
    Your cat looks like my long lost kitty :( Don't we all just need a little Chanel in our life?? ;)

    1. You're right about Chanel ;D Aw, hope I brought back good memories about the kitty :/

  5. Lepa slika brez make up. Imaš pa tako velike, skoraj azijske oči, sploh na tej slike deluješ tako (:

    1. O hvala za kompliment. Bi bila zelo vesela azijskih oči :D

  6. Luškane slike! In zelo ti pristaja no make up - make up(:
    Ti sledim, bom zelo vesela če se odločiš slediti nazaj(: (@crayonsandbeads)


I would love to know your thoughts ♥