5 Sept 2017

Comforting Shower Edition: Drugstore products I'm currently using & loving

I was recently inspired by comforting almond and oats scent. It's such a refreshment to start a new colder season and getting further away from tropical scents. Birthday treats like Kneipp Almond Blossom Shower Foam (about 6,90-10,00€ in drugstores) by beloved friend, is truly a wonderful transition into more rich shower care. Shower foam is thick and soft as a cloud, giving off a soft scent of almonds and baby powder. Scent is beautiful and lingers all day, while my body doesn't feel dry and uncomfortable. I'm curious to see how the corresponding Kneipp Almond Blossom Lotion will act. I'm intrigued to try more of Kneipp. Another indulging scent I discovered in new Balea haircare. I'm amazed at how good ''the milky oat'' scent lingers on my hair with only using Balea Hafermilch Conditioner or Shampoo (1,50€ each in DrogerieMarkt). New Balea line is all vegan, silicone free and adorable to look at. Also, my hair feels soft although I use silicone products pretty regularly beforehand.

Nedavno me je navdušil vonj nežnih mandljevcev in toplega ovsa. Res si je lepo pripraviti nežno rutino za tuširanje v hladnejših dneh, ki kar kličejo jesen. Po tropskih vonjih je zopet prehod v jesen tisti, ki mi predstavi največ nežnih novosti. Prijateljica mi je za rojstni dan podarila set Kneipp Almond Blossom (okoli 6,90€ za izdelek, DrogerieMarkt), ki je najbolj nežna nega kar sem jih preizkusila. Kneipp Almond Blossom pena za tuširanje me je še posebej navdušila, saj je hkrati kremno bogata in zadovolji mojo potrebo po hranljivi negi. Koža je neizsušena, obenem pa nežen pudrast mandljev vonj obstane na koži cel dan. Losjon me še čaka, in vendar sem že obupno radovedna kako se bo obnesel. Še ena (presenetljivo) dišeča novost so Balea šamponi in balzami za nego las. Vesela sem, da se vonj mlečnega ovsa obdrži dolgo časa v laseh. Balea Hafermilch šampon in balzam (1,50€ na kos v DrogerieMarkt) enostavno morate povonjati in preizkusiti. Nova linija je veganska, brez silikonov in hkrati naredi lase zelo mehke. Sama se vedno zanašam na silikonske izdelke za lase, vendar sem več kot zadovoljna z učinkom Hafermilch balzama.

Garnier Micellar Cleansing Gel Wash (about 4,50€ in drugstores) was a total miss after several tries. But once I got used to the unfamiliar gel texture, I'm most certainly going to repurchase. It's actually a liquid gel that you gently rub into your face with a splash of water. The gel will easily remove all makeup at once. The more you massage, the better the effect will be. It gets off all the main makeup and it's a perfect speedy addition in my shower. Still, I always follow with another step of double cleansing. Although Mixa Soothing Moisturizer Light Pro-Tolerance (about 6,99€ in drugstores) can't be used in the shower - it perfectly concludes my shower routine. It's really gentle, comforting and pleasant on the skin. It's approved by dermato-allergists and suitable for all sensitive skintypes. The ingredient list is sufficiently good but the main point is texture. It's quite rich but still kind of light, both at the same time. Makeup Factory Bamboo Lip Peeling (about 12,00€ in Muller drugstores) covers two thing at once. It's a creamy peeling that can be easily removed with paper tissue and still leaves feeling lips soft and nourished. Ointment base acts like a lipbalm while ground bamboo takes away any dry flakes. Do I need to add it smells like refreshing mint?

Garnier Micelarni Čistilni Gel (okoli 4,50€ v drogerijah) me sprva ni prepričal in sem nad njim že skoraj obupala. Vendar sem čez nekaj časa ugotovila, da je lahko izredno učinkovit čistilec obraza v eni potezi. Čistilni gel sprva deluje površno in pretekoče, vendar če ga dobro vmasirate v naličen obraz, bo s krožnimi gibi stopil vsa ličila. Moram priznati, da je res super izdelek za lene dni, ponavadi pa nadaljujem nego z dvojnim čiščenjem. Zaključim z novo Mixa Soothing Light Pro-Tolerance vlažilno kremo (okoli 6,99€ v drogerijah), ki je namenjena posebno občutljivi koži z iritacijami. Krema je nežna in prijetna, saj je dovolj bogata in hkrati lahkotna v teksturi. Potrjena je s strani dermatologov in ima zadovoljivo listo sestavin. Več-funkcionalen izdelek za ustnice je Makeup Factory Bamboo piling za ustnice (okoli 12,00€ v Muller drogerijah), ki nahrani in odstrani odmrle celice na ustnicah. Se vam kdaj zgodi, da imate po nanosu šminke rob bele snovi v notranjih kotičkih ustnic? Ponavadi je to rezultat sline in odmrlih celic, zato je piling ključen pri nošenju (sploh mat) šminke. Makeup Factory piling je osnovan na bazi oljno-kremne teksture, ki vsebuje zmlet bambus. Aplikator pa omogoča enostavno nanašanje kjerkoli. Ostanek pilinga ponavadi obrišem v papirnat robček, ustnice pa so že navlažene. Tudi vonj svežega minta je očarljiv.


  1. Penca je the best. Jaz samo še te uporabljam. :)

    1. Res je zelo hranilna! Sploh nisem vedela, da ima Kneipp tudi ostale izdelke poleg kopalnih stvari.

  2. Uuu, te Baleine zadeve se berejo zelo obetavno!

    1. Ja super so Tamara :) Vzami kakšnega ko boš v DM-u.

  3. Great article, love your sharing so much, thank you!

  4. Thank you for sharing these drugstore products, gonna give them a try.
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