10 Apr 2017

Ultimate Spring Beauty Picks that never fail to Impress

spring beauty picks that never fail

It's time to bring out those vivid lipsticks we've all been saving up for Spring time. In fact, I have several different beauty items that tend to crawl on the surface of my makeup pile, when the air gets warmer.
Firstly, your eye will probably set on my lipstick picks. Guerlain La Petite Robe Noire Deliciously Shiny Lipstick in 002 Pink Tie is just too good at giving that perfect lip glow in the most romantic season. I've been already intensely writing about it previous season. Still, it's one of my favourite high-end lip treat. A more intense version of creaminess is Too Faced Melted Lipstick in Melted Fig, which is not your usual spring pick. Indeed, it's a lovely mauve with violet tones that manages to brighten your face nonetheless.

Speaking about eyeshadows, I mostly go all in with proper shimmer or use a wash of creamy shadow. A light camel with tiny specks of gold is my all time favourite eye colour from H&M Colour Essence Eye Cream in Champers. Not only it looks stunning on it's own, it also has a lovely creamy finish that lasts. You should definitely check it out, it's been too long. On the opposite, Aritaum Shine Fix Eyes are probably the most potent thingy of shimmer and glitter. It's a Korean item that never fail to impress. Only a swipe with your finger into the creamy-dry texture and you're ready to shine.

My year round holy grail is Clarins Beauty Flash Balm. Several tubes of this magic served me so nicely! It moisturizes, thightens the skin and gives lit-from-within glow. Truly a magical multi-tasker I can't get enough off. Probably my favourite anti-age beauty item of all time. As for the base, I like to wear light and dewy coverage. Lancome Miracle Cushion makes your skin look and feel beautiful. Fresh start of the day while cushion compact makes it travel friendly. I'm only bothered by ratio of amount (only 15g) and price tag. I'm having terribly dry hands lately and L'Occitane always helps to sort out skin things like that. Although my favourite formula is still classic Shea Butter, I'm enjoying their new Terre de Lumiere fragrance. It's warm and cozy but still sweet like honey and based around lavender.

Spet lahko prebrskam svoje lepotne predale in povlečem ven moje najljubše, a neomajne favorite. Služijo mi odlično že nekaj sezon, vedno znova pa me presenetijo v romantični pomladi. Ne govorim samo o šminkah, čeprav le-te kar lovijo vaše poglede. Še zdaleč najljubša je Guerlain La Petite Robe Noire šminka v odtenku 002 Pink Tie. Sočen odtenek mi zlahka poživi obraz, medtem pa sladek vonj isto imenovanega parfuma razvaja moja čutila. O njej sem že pisala tukaj, ne pozabite pa preveriti nekaj novosti na Guerlain Facebook strani. Ob boku ji stoji Too Faced Melted šminka v odtenku Melted Fig, ki ni klasična izbira. Vseeno, ''mauve'' odtenek s pridihom vijolične lepo poudari svetli ten.

Če že izbiram med senčili, ponavadi izberem vse ali skoraj nič. Govorim o H&M kremnem senčilu Champers, ki je čudovite kamelje-bež z zlatimi delci. Enostaven nanos in hkrati zdrži čez cel dan. Toplo priporočam, prevečkrat spregledan izdelek na H&M poličkah. Druga izbira so bakrene bleščice s kremno teksturo, ki so verjetno najbolj sijoče bleščice v moji zbirki. Že eno leto me preseneča korejski Aritaum Shine Fix Eyes, ki enostavno ne sme manjkati ob večerih. 

Najpomembnejša, koža, pri meni tokrat sije v naravni svetlobi. Od Clarins Beauty Flash Balm se ne ločim niti za sekundo, saj je najbolj vsestranski, negovalni izdelek za mojo kožo. Navlaži, doda sijaj in naredi majhen ''lifting'' obraza z nežno masažo. Ta je že dolgoletna stalnica, ki je ne spustim. Kot piko na i najraje nanesem lahkotne podlage, ki le optično izboljšajo mojo polt. Odlično formulo ima Lancome Miracle Cushion, ki je prav tako priročna za potovanje. Moti me le razmerje cene in količine (le 15g). Obenem, v tem času izkušam zelo suhe in hrapave roke, kar je zame nenavadno. Pri tem mi pomaga kdo drug kot L'Occitane. Čeprav nimam na zalogi moje najljubše Karitejeve kreme za roke, mi pomaga krema z novim vonjem Terre de Lumiere. Ima visok delež kariteja, obenem pa zelo prijeten in topel vonj. Skoraj domač, saj je meden in nežen, z dotikom prave sivke.
too faced melted lipstick, guerlain lipstick, terre de lumiere loccitane
spring picks: loccitane, too faced, guerlain, h&m champers, aritaum, clarins beauty flash balm


  1. Full mi je všeč stil pisanja te objave :)

  2. Uuuu Champers, komaj čakam da ga dobim! :) Javim kako se mi zdi. :) xx

  3. Same stvari, ki jih moram še preizkusit! Kjut kjut <3

  4. If you like pink, you’ll love her spring-y little sister, peach. I especially love this fresh, juicy shade (our current fave: Mellow Melon) worn with matching blush on the apples of the cheeks for a monochromatic, peaches-and-cream look that instantly perks up your entire face.
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