5 Apr 2017

Mission Perfection Eyes? New Clarins multi-tasking Corrector for Dark Circles

clarins mission perfection eyes yeux in action test

Yup, they've picked the right girl for the right product. It's the first thing that went through my mind when I opened my Clarins goodie bag. It's like faith, me and my new Clarins Mission Perfection Yeux. I suffer from terrible under-eye circles with blue shadows, which are even more visible with a line of freckles on my cheeks. In my mid-20's and with dry skin, I sure get dehydrated skin around eyes. Which is not ideal, especially in the age of ''growing my first, expression wrinkles''. Quite frankly, I get dry unpleasant feeling really often so I need to care for my eye area religiously - every day.

Ja, našli so pravo dekle za pravi izdelek. To je prva misel, ki mi je švignila na pamet, ko sem prejela posebej izbrano Clarins presenečenje. Clarins Mission Perfection Yeux mi je usojen, čutim. Imam grozne modre podočnjake, kateri so poudarjeni s pegicami pod predelom oči za ''piko na i''. Sem v drugi polovici mojih 20-tih in imam suho kožo, kar kliče po utrujenem in suhem predelu okoli oči. Situacija mi ni všeč, še posebej v novem obdobju ''izraznih gubic'' in kar čutim, kako mi zvečer zateguje kožo. Že nekaj časa imam neprijeten občutek suhosti in zategovanja, kar me je pripeljalo na novo misijo iskanja kremic za oči.

clarins mission perfection eyes yeux review

Although I still haven't settled on my night eye routine (I want a rich, nourishing eye cream), I can firmly announce Clarins Mission Perfection Yeux as my new holy companion throughout the day. It's a multi-tasker that honestly works in every aspect. I want correcting and hydrating feeling that's not sticky or overwhelming with my regular concealer. And here it is, rolling in my handbag and makeup drawer with confidence. Not only it covers all kinds of circles with unique yellow tint (suitable for all skintypes if topped with normal concealer) but it promises to diminish the appearance of dark circles with regular use. What I especially love, is the fresh glowy look and instant relief of dry skin. My eye area feels and looks nourished before any kind of heavy concealer.
Other bonuses?
  • SPF 15 protects your eye area from further sun damage
  • contains 3D pearl powder to optically brighten
  • has skincare ingredients for firmer skin like acerola, vitamin C, horse chestnut
  • scent is subtly flowery
  • little goes a long way - tiny amount covers both eyes with a veil of yellow tinge
  • brush applicatior can be switched on/off

Here I'm demonstrating the application and effect of Clarins Mission Perfection Yeux. The first picture is without any concealer and corrector, I've only used a layer of light/medium coverage foundation. Dark circles are still showing, although the main blue tinge was hidden with foundation.

Pri nočni negi predela oči še nimam stalnega favorita (želim res negovalno, gosto kremo za okoli oči), medtem ko lahko za dnevno uporabo razglasim Clarins Mission Perfection Yeux kot novega, svetega pomočnika.
Je multi-talent, ki izpolni vse obljube. Za dnevno uporabo želim korektor in hkrati nego, ki ni pretežka ali pregosta. Ta korektor želim slojiti s tekočim pudrom ali normalnim korektorjem in ne sme motiti ostalih tekstur dekorativne kozmetike. In potem je tu Mission Perfection Yeux, ki samozavestno upošteva vse želje. Ne le, da lepo prekrije in neguje predel okoli oči, tudi z redno uporabo zmanjša pigmentacijo podočnjakov zaradi izvlečka acerole. Barvni odtenek je le eden in univerzalen za vse, le prekriti ga morate s pudrom ali kožnim korektorjem. Koža okoli oči je takoj videti spočita in olajšana.
Ostale prednosti?
  • zaščita pred soncem SPF15 ščiti pred nadaljnjimi poškodbami
  • 3D bisernati delci omogočijo svež videz
  • sestavine so rastlinske kot pri vseh Clarins izdelkih, vključno z acerolo in divjim kostanjem
  • ima nežen cvetličen vonj
  • le majhna količina prekrije oba podočnjaka
  • aplikator s čopičem se lahko zapre ali odpre

Demonstracija izdelka je dokaj enostavna. Na prvi sliki sem nanesla le en sloj tekočega pudra, ki zakrije osnovno barvo podočnjakov. Kljub temu se lahko opazi razlika v odtenku kože med ličnico in podočnjakom.
dark circles without Clarins corrector

Here, you can see a thin layer of Clarins Mission Perfection Yeux, spread out through my lower eye area. From intense orange-yellow, it blends into a subtle yellow.

Zatem sem nanesla tanek sloj Clarins Mission Perfection Yeux na podočnjake. Pigmentiran oranžno-rumen odtenek se razprši v meglico rumene, ki je vidna s prostim očesom.
Clarins Mission perfection yeux on face

I can't walk around with a yellow tinge under my eyes, so the best way is to cover a layer of Clarins Mission Perfection Yeux with normal concealer. I'm using my Clarins Instant Concealer 01. Everything looks much brighter and even more healthy, glowing. Goodbye for a day, my little micro wrinkles!

Ker ne morem hoditi po svetu z rumenimi podočnjaki, je najboljša tehnika slojenja. Preko Clarins Mission Perfection Yeux sem nanesla še dodaten sloj kožnega korektorja Clarins Instant Concealer 01, ki vse lepo zakrije. Predel je veliko bolj sijoč, negovan in manj opazen. Prav tako je površina optično izboljšana, zato adijo mikro gubice za en dan!
clarins mission perfection eyes yeux face

clarins instant concealer 01

dark circles corrector Clarins

Although it can't hide the sunken surface of your dark circles, Clarins Mission Perfection still covers and moisturizes your dark circles wonderfully. It's a neat little invention, which I probably wouldn't discover on my own. But since it's already here, I'm enjoying it more than I've ever expected. It comes with 15ml and costs around 46,00€ on all Clarins counters.

Čeprav izdelek ne more prekriti vdrtosti in teksture podočnjakov, vsekakor lepo zakrije moder ton. Obraz je takoj videti pomlajen in manj utrujen. Mission Perfection Yeux je super izum, katerega bi verjetno spregledala. Vendar če ga že imam, ga tudi preizkusim. In na moje presenečenje ga uporabljam veliko več kot po pričakovanjih. Izdelek vsebuje 15ml in stane okoli 46,00€ na vseh Clarins prodajnih mestih v Muellerju, Nami, Maxiju in Kompas Shopu.


  1. Oo full dober se bere. Me mika :)
    Kaj pa fotke hhh? <3

  2. I love that lip color and am looking for the shade like that for months..What is that?
    Thank you ;)

    1. Beautiful, right? It's Bourjois Rouge Velvet - Don't pink of it. You can find it in drugstores or Feelunique.

  3. I love that lip color and am looking for the shade like that for months..What is that?
    Thank you ;)

  4. This sounds like something I definitely need to try! I am obsessed with the Instant concealer at the moment.


  5. I've never try anything from Clarins but I heard a lot of great things about their products. This is definitely on my wishlist.

    Charming Coco

  6. I love that this has SPF in it as its often hard to find eye products with any protection in


I would love to know your thoughts ♥