9 Mar 2017

New L'Oreal makeup on test: Lip Paints, Infallible Blush Palettes & XFiber mascara

new l'oreal makeup 2017 paint it loud

Blush palettes, lipsticks and iconic mascara - all new and glamed up? L'Oreal gives no mercy and all new releases look top notch. I'm in love with Infaillible Blush Paints and I'm still swooning over Lip Paints in two different textures. All colours are right up my alley, including red Lip Paint and coral blush palette, which I usually skip. Actually Amber Blush Paint even beat out my usual pink flushes as it has lovely, shimmery NARS kind-of shades.

L'Oreal prevzema vodstvo v naših drogerijah, in to smrtno resno. Novi produkti se z lahkoto primerjajo z višje cenovnimi lepotilnimi izdelki, če jih celo ne premagajo v nekaterih pogledih. Zaljubila sem se v nove L'Oreal Infaillible Blush Paints palete rdečil in še vedno občudujem Lip Paint šminke v tubah. Vsi odtenki so mi pisani na kožo, vključno s sočno neonsko rdečo šminko, ki ponavadi ni moj izbor odtenka. Tudi koralna paleta rdečil mi je močno prirasla k srcu, nekaj odtenkov pa spominja na ikonične NARS odtenke kot so Taj Mahal, Deep Throat ali celo Orgasm. Kljub temu, da sem že dokončno sodila, pa si nujno poglejte še vse odtenke v naših, slovenskih drogerijah. Prav tako so do konec marca vsi L'Oreal izdelki znižani za 30% v DM poslovalnicah.

new l'oreal blush paints

Both L'Oreal Infaillible Blush Paints have 5 blushers in total, at least one bordering on a highlighter side. All blush shades are shimmery and both palettes preform as they claim - blushers are truly longwearing and highly pigmented. My favourite part is also the scent as both blush palettes smell like cherry candy. Not too strong, just to make the experience that more delightful. Actually, I don't love them. I adore them! L'Oreal Infaillible Blush Paint in Amber has the most gorgeous array of corals, nudes and rose peaches. Two shades really remind me of Nars Taj Mahal (the darkest, scary looking orange) and Nars Deep Throat or Orgasm. All 5 of them have pretty golden or rose-gold shimmer for a subtle glow. Blush Paint Pinks has cool, light pinks, a nude highlighter, two brighter neutral pinks and one shimmery coral pink. It's not as shimmery as Amber version. On top of all, each shade has a quirky name like Despinkable Me, Fuchsia Afterhours, Indian Cruise. At about 13,99€ they're a real steal in drugstores and I'm sure you can get them on offer sooner rather than later.

Obe L'Oreal Infaillible Blush Paints palete rdečil imata 5 odtenkov, med katerimi vsaj eden služi kot osvetljevalec. Odtenki imajo svetlikajoče delce, nekateri bolj opazne, ostali bolj kompleksne. L'Oreal jih ponuja kot intenzivne, dolgoobstojne rešitve. Obe obljubi sta resnični, saj rdečila ostanejo na obrazu cel dan, potrebna pa je lahkotna roka ob nanosu. Verjeli ali ne, obožujem dejstvo, da sta paleti odišavljeni s češnjevim vonjem. Vonj po češnjevih bombonih sicer ni močan, lahko pa zmoti občutljive noske. Jaz paleti preprosto obožujem! L'Oreal Blush Paint v Amber vsebuje najbolj čudovite odtenke toplih mareličnih, nevtralnih in svetlikajočih tonov. Najtemnejši oranžen odtenek spominja na Nars Taj Mahal, dva svetlejša pa celo na Nars Deep Throat in Orgasm. Vseh 5 odtenkov ima zlate svelikajoče delce, ki so opazni na soncu. L'Oreal Blush Paint v Pinks pa ima tone fuksije, hladne roza in živahne lubenice. Najtemnejša odtenka sta malce manj svetlikajoča in imata bolj mat teksturo. Vsi odtenki so tudi domiselno poimenovani - Despinkable Me, Fuchsia Afterhours, Indian Cruise. Paletke stanejo okoli 13,99€, trenutno so v DM poslovalnicah znižane za 30%.

loreal blush paints amber pinks

loreal blush paint review amber

loreal blush palette amber swatches

loreal blush palette pinks

loreal blush palette pinks swatches

loreal lip paints lacquer matte

US residents are long off familiar with L'Oreal Lip Paints in various shades. As usual, we got Lip Paints (about 8€) a bit late but certainly a more improved versions. While US market has only creamy versions, Europe is lucky enough to enjoy Lacquer and Matte formula. Our country is limited only to 6 colours but I'm sure you can find more in bigger countries. They come as lipgloss tubes with a handy applicator that easily controls the amount of product. While Lip Paint Matte have a fruity, cherry scent, Lip Paint Lacquer have classic L'Oreal melon scent. Also, the texture is not that further apart. Matte version have a moussey formula that's easily buildable and Lacquer have a creamy finish.

Medtem ko Američani že nekaj časa uporabljajo L'Oreal Lip Paints, smo tokrat pridobili novosti tudi mi. Bi lahko celo rekli, da smo dobili izboljšano verzijo? Medtem ko Američani poznajo samo eno formulo, lahko mi ustvarjamo s dvema, Matte in Lacquer. V Sloveniji so tako trije odtenki za vsako formulo, Lip Paints pa imajo priročno tubo in super aplikator. 

loreal lip paints applicator

L'Oreal Lip Paint Matte are not your regular matte, liquid lipstick with full opacity. They're like mousse that is opaque with 2-3 applications and it's still super comfortable. Although they fade rather quickly, 2-3 hours, the stronger colors leave a unified stain. Hollywood Beige, a peachy pink nude, disappears within two hours of wear. Bolder colors like Wuthering purple (true cool purple) and Red actually (like Mateja described, multicolored red with punchy coral and pink tones) survive 4-5 hours but fading in intensity.

L'Oreal Lip Paint Matte (okoli 8€, trenutno znižane v DM) niso klasična, tekoča mat rdečila. Imajo nenavadno ''mousse'' teksturo, ki ne izsuši ustnic, hkrati pa se lahko lepo sloji. Lip Paint Matte niso 100% prekrivna, ampak so potrebni 2-3 sloji. Tekstura je satenasta in veliko bolj prijetna kot pri večini mat šmink. Šminka obstane, vendar enakomerno bledi že po dveh urah. Močnejše barve kot so Wuthering purple (klasična hladna vijola) in Red Actually (sočna rdeča z roza in koralnimi toni, Mateja jo lepo opiše), bledijo enakomerno veliko počasneje. Matte linija ima močan vonj po češnjevih bombončkih.

loreal lip paints matte swatches: wuthering purple, hollywoodbeige, red actually

loreal lip paint wuthering purple

loreal lip paint hollywood beige

loreal lip paint red actually

L'Oreal Lip Paint Lacquer have a nice, creamy feel and they're pretty longlasting too. They act like normal lipstick and they're opaque in one swipe. I'm still not totally comfortable wearing Dark River, a blackened purple, but a good lipliner can solve the problem. Don't get me wrong, they're pretty steady and don't transfer as easily as lipglosses. Still, I don't trust darker shades. Other two nudes are just fine, an easy every day pick.

L'Oreal Lip Paint Lacquer ima prijetno, kremasto teksturo ki ne zbledi zlahka. Imajo intenziteto prave šminke, nanašajo pa se kot bleščila. Kljub temu, da temnemu odtenku Dark River ne zaupam popolnoma, se Lacquer lepo obdržijo na mestu. Vseeno priporočam svinčnik za ustnice, za vsak slučaj. Oba svetla odtenka sta čudovita za vsakodnevno uporabo. Lacquers imajo klasičen, melonast vonj po L'Oreal šminkah.

loreal lip paints lacquer swatches

loreal lip paint lacquer dark river

loreal lip paint nude

loreal lip paint darling pink

loreal superstar xfiber mascara review

Highly impressed with Lip Paints and Blush Paints, I'm not too sure about new version of L'Oreal False Lash Superstar XFiber (about 15,99€). I loved their dual ended system in their previous Superstar mascara, but this doesn't do anything spectacular. XFibers are meant to be special fibers that elongates lashes even further. I much more prefer the primer, white base to this. Also, the brush in the first half has a clumsy shape. It's an okay mascara but I need to put a lot of effort to achieve my casual spidery lashes.

Imam le eno nevtralno izkušnjo z novo L'Oreal False Lash Superstar XFiber maskaro (okoli 15,99€, trenutno znižana v DM), ki me še ni čisto prepričala. Vzljubila sem njihovo predhodnico False Lash Superstar maskaro z enakim sistemom, le da je vsebovala beli primer. XFiber različica temelji na dveh koncih, eden z normalno maskaro in drug s kolagenskimi vlakni za podaljšanje. Maskara deluje in doda volumen, vendar pogrešam malce več ''WOW'' učinka. Vlakna ne naredijo velike razlike, mogoče pa se bo maskara izkazala na dolgi rok. Starejše so, boljše so.

loreal xfiber mascara wand


  1. Nekateri odtenki blushev so super, ampak je v vsaki nekaj takih, za katere vem, da jih žal ne bom nikoli uporabljala :) Šminkice so pa tudi simpatične, mat Hollywood beige ti noro paše! <3

    1. Potem škoda kupiti, če ne boš uporabljala vseh. Raje kvaliteta pred kvantiteto :) Jaz se sicer že težko odločim kateri odtenek bi uporabila danes :P

  2. Love the look of the coral blushers!

  3. To imam umetne trepalnice, ki jih občasno uporabim za kak videz. Kupljene na ebay-ju za okoli 1$ - super so. Ti lahko pošljem link če želiš :)

  4. Blushi so res odlični :) Šminke so sicer ok, ampak me niso tako navdšile. Če je ime mat, naj bo mat, so mi pa sicer Lacquers bolj všeč, ker se lepše nanesejo. No razen Dark River je res bolj problematičen, ker je tako temen. Že mat je težko naredit tako odtenek, da je dober.

    Hvala za link <3

    1. Ja, lahko koga zavedejo z imenom - mi ni všeč s tega vidika. Tebi rdeča zelo paše <3

  5. woow I was just looking this yesterday and I was torn weather to buy it or not. swatches do look great :)

  6. All these products are so great! I love the blush palette, all the color I want is there. And the 2Matter lip paint 201 is so beautiful~~ Want to have one~ Thank you for sharing the review!!
    le lenny face


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