1 Jan 2016

Avon Ultra Colour Lip Crayons Review & Swatches

Believe it or not, I'm actually not a big fan of catalogue purchases. I've been burnt with some valuable lessons in the past as the actual colours never matched to existing catalogue charts. Luckily, Avon sends me here and there some bits and boobs to try out and I have to say...that my opinion is slowly taking it's turn. Makeup products are always solid in quality, perform as I'd like them to and look pretty magnificent for a low budget catalogue product. While I don't get along well with Oriflame because of always insufficient quality, I do generally enjoy Avon little candies. Once again, Avon exceeded my expectations with their Christmas goodies. I mean, can we appreciate Mr.Snowman Bubble Bath for just a second? Upon that, their regular line of Ultra Colour Lip Crayons got a marvellous festive dressing with tiny little stars all over the tube. The inside and colours remained the same, only the dress got changed. And looking at the over all review, you might want to snap these cute little thingies before they turn back into their regular suit.

Verjemite ali ne, nikoli nisem bila popoln pristaš kataloške prodaje. Poleg tega, da je vedno težko najti prodajalca, je tukaj še kup produktov, ki nikakor niso zadovoljili moje prvotne želje ob naročilu. Z Oriflame se nikoli nisem popolnoma zbližala, medtem ko Avon predstavlja še neko svetlo upanje kataloške prodaje. Na srečo me vsake toliko časa Avon preseneti z majhnimi pozornostmi, med katerimi me pozitivno presenetijo prav ličila. Embalaža je dodelana, vsebina vedno na nivoju, kreativnost pa nikoli ne razočara. Nikakor me niso navdušili vsi izdelki, je pa lepa kopica še vedno v mojih predalih. Kakor se za praznični čas spodobi, je tudi Avon olepšal svoje dolgoletne favorite z drobnimi, zlatimi zvezdicami. In kakor se za ljubiteljico šmink spodobi, sem dobila v dar šopek Ultra Colour Svinčnikov za ustnice. Vsi svinčniki so v redni ponudbi, vendar so tokrat preoblečeni v bolj svečano obleko. Zakaj so si zaslužili objavo? No, mogoče boste presenečeni...

Avon Ultra Colour Lip Crayons are well-tested fixtures in Avon's catalogue with 10 shades in total. Light or bright, dark or sultry, lip crayons always offer convenient application and comfortable texture. Depending on the finish or the brand, you might end up with super glossy lip or rather creamy full-on look. In this particular case, Avon chubby sticks are nothing more than a comfortable, opaque formula with semi-cream finish. That's right, these fellows are getting rather satin/matte with time than settling as a gloss or a lipbalm. What surprised me the most is colour opacity. They are extremely saturated for a chubby stick and the colours are easily wearable for a more glamorous outake. With only a swipe or two you're left will full-on lip while texture firstly reminds of creamy-to-satin feel. With hours passing by, you'll be surprised with longevity and almost satin-matte finish. Quite unusual for a lip crayon, right?

Avon Ultra Colour Svinčniki za ustnice so že dobro poznana stalnica v Avonovem katalogu. Večinoma jih lahko ujamete v ponudbi za 4,50-6,50€ pri več kot 10 odtenkih, tokrat pa dodatno mamijo z zvezdasto preobleko. In da še bolj zavrtim igro svinčnikov za ustnice, so Avonove barvice dokaj kremno-satenaste po teksturi. Namreč, večinoma lahko najdete šminke v obliki svinčnika le v kremni teksturi ali sijoči teksturi, ki so le rahlo obarvane. Avon Ultra Colour Lip Crayon so popolnoma prekrivni, hkrati pa nudijo kremno-satenast zaključek, ki z urami tvori še bolj satenast/mat videz. Še vedno so udobne, popolnoma prekrivne in dokaj glamurozne z močno obarvanimi konicami. Poleg vsega omenjenega, je tukaj še dokaj dobra obstojnost. Dokaj nenavadno za obarvane svinčnike, kajne?

Scent is nothing to remember as they are almost fragrance free with a smidgen of weird old granny scent. Other than that, I'm a fan. They can bleed out of the lines if you have any tiny wrinkles around your mouth, but generally, bolder colours do stay on the lips for over 5-6 hours. Lighter shades and nudes like Charming Pink for example, will succeed only half of the mentioned time. The actual texture of Ultra Colour Lip Crayons is rather stiff but melts with body heat. They are all saturated, creamy yet stiff and pigmented like a real lipstick. Shades I got are Charming Pink, a rather warm light pink with coral. Bolder almost raspberry pink is Raspberry Rush and Wild Orchid is a wearable warm violet that's pretty unique to my collection. Red Haute is a standard darker red with neutral undertone.

Vonj ni nikakor atribut, saj malce spominja na ličila naših starih babic. Vonj nikakor ni močan ali obstojen. Opozorila bi še na teksturo, ki je z nanosom malce bolj kremna kot sicer. Hitro lahko v prvi uri zleze izven kotičkov ustnic, zato priporočam predhodno uporabo pravih svinčnikov za ustnice. Po uri ali dveh se lahko sprostite, saj se formula malce poleže in postaja bolj satenasta. Temnejše in močnejše barve zlahka zdržijo 5-6 ur z manjšim bledenjem, medtem ko svetlejši ali ''nude'' odtenki dočakajo le 2-3 ure. Sama tekstura je na koži dokaj ''trda'' in kompaktna, vendar se začne s toploto kože lepo topiti. Po sami formuli svinčniki močno spominjajo na tipične šminke, ki popolnoma prekrijejo ustnice. Sama sem preizkušala Charming Pink, nežna roza s koralnim tonom. Raspberry Rush je dokaj posebna malinasto roza, Wild Orchid pa nosljiva toplo vijolična. Red Haute je zame le standardna rdeča z nevtralnim podtonom. 

In the same order as above swatches:

All in all, I'm pleasantly surprised by the festive packaging and actual performance. All three darker shades managed to stay put on my lips for good 5-6 hours with a continuous stain while lighter pink coral, Charming Pink managed to pull off 2-3 hours. Texture is surprisingly satin-creamy and settles into a more dry finish afterwards. They are all highly pigmented with 1-2 swipes which is pretty unusual for a standard chubby stick in my personal book. I actually totally dig them, so I'm freely recommending them to any of you (especially now with a sweet star packaging). At about 4,50€ for 3g and Made in Germany you really can't go wrong. Avon is available worldwide so try contacting your nearest Avon team.

Dejansko sem lepo zadovoljna s končnim izkupičkom. Avon Ultra Colour Svinčniki za ustnice imajo lepo kvaliteto, odlično obarvanost in dokaj udoben satenasto-kremen zaključek. Niso najbolj inovativna stvar na slovenskem trgu, vendar so vsekakor boljši od ostalih ponudb. Dejansko so mi všeč, na žalost pa bo morala Red Haute najti nov dom le zaradi mojega osebnega izbora barv. Pri dobrih 4,5€ za 3g (redna cena je 9,50€) in omejeni kolekciji zvezdaste preobleke so vredne ogleda. Prav tako so vsi štirje odtenki na voljo v redni liniji tekom leta. Avon izdelke si lahko podrobneje ogledati na spletni strani, naročite pa jih preko bližnjih prodajalcev. Omejeno izdajo zvezdastih ličil lahko ujamete znižane še v trenutnem aktualnem katalogu za December-Januar 2016! 


  1. Wild orchid mi je zanimivi odtenek, sem ga že na Petri občudovala <3

    1. Tudi moja najljubša, res je edinstven odtenek :)

  2. love the packaging on them! so adorable and yet festive! plus the colors are beautiful


  3. What beautifully packaged lip crayons, the shades are so vibrant too! xxxxx


  4. These sound so lovely the packaging is beautiful!
    Coleoftheball xx

  5. Red Haute looks like the perfect showstopper red and the price of these little numbers is so affordable! Definitely a hidden gem in Avon!
    Stefy | UK Beauty + Fashion Blog
    TWEET ME! @stefpuglisevich

  6. Čudoviti odtenki, me je pa Red Haute še najbolj prepričal

  7. Zdaj po tej tvoji objavi pa mi je žal, da nisem Wild Orchid naročla. Sem en drug odtenek (ne spomnim se imena zdaj), pa bom očitno še mogla tega. Pa tudi Charming Pink mi je lep na tebi, ker drugače me v katalogu sploh ni pritegnil. :D

    1. Težko se je odločiti med njimi. Ravno zato pa težko zaupam katalogom, nikoli ne veš kaj dobiš (razen če obstaja objava) ;) Upam da boš vseeno zadovoljna z prvotnim odtenkom :D

  8. Emabalaža je res super cute in še sam izdelek je odličen. Mene je tudi presenetilo kako dobro je pigmentirano za barvico :).

  9. Wow, the packaging is indeed really cute and the swatches look great!! <3



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