4 Oct 2015

Best Fall MAC Lipstick: Twig with Swatch and Dupes

MAC Twig, probably the most popular Fall muted brownish pink. This mauve rose is somewhere on the top position when we're talking about most desired MAC lipsticks. It's elegant yet bold enough to accentuate your features while soft and neutral to accompany you every single day. It's warm yet enough mauve to suit any skintone. As the name itself suggests it's a perfect Autumn edition and universal enough for every season. In several words...no wonder it's so popular.

Twig has a likable mix of tones - rose, mauve, red and nude tones all combine into a unique blend of darker nude that's also pretty common in lower-end makeup department. It's not the most youthful and bubbly shade you could choose but granny lips fit this sweater season as a glove. Transfered on the lips is slightly more lighter and less warm as in the tube. Popular Satin finish makes it longlasting for more than 6 hours and doesn't transfer as easily on your favourite scarf. It's still has properties of a comfortable creamy finish while it slowly dries up into a satin-matte in terms of hours. Easy peasy wear and quite astonishing longevity is just a cherry on top. Texture is a dream due to non-slippery feeling (for example, Amorous as a Satin is way more slippery and hard to manage), creaminess and signature vanilla scent. 

MAC Twig sounds fantastic and it really is, but drugstores are overflowing with similar shades that you might didn't notice due to extensive selection of colors. So if I start with the most obvious European dupe, it's Astor Lipcolor Butter Matte - Elegant Nude (around 6€, only in Austria/Germany). In a crayon form, it has a satin-like finish but dries into a matte within  hours. In terms of texture, it's almost spot on but slightly more slippery. Colour itself is matching but if you look a bit more closely, it's a tone warmer than MAC Twig. Another European dupe could be Catrice Ultimate Stay 020 All the she wants (around 5€) with a more creamier texture. Colour wise it has a blue sheen that makes this lipstick look slightly frosty but not noticeable on the lips. It's a colour or two deeper than Twig. UK version Rimmel Lasting Finish Kate Lipstick 08 (around 7€) can be also fairly easily find all across Europe and US. It's definitely the least dupable shade but offers similar tone with less warmth and less intensity. It's lighter in colour and almost borders Twig and MAC Faux (review & dupes here). A bit more mauve rose rather than pure rose and with a creamier formula. I also suggest looking up Rimmel Lasting Finish Kate 104, which is a darker version of 08. And saving the best for last, USA dupe is Maybelline Creamy Matte in Touch of Spice (7-10$). It's a shade darker than Twig but also way lighter and matte in texture. Frankly, I actually enjoy the Maybelline version slightly more than MAC - who would have thought. Unfortunately Touch of Spice will not hit UK and European market (try Ebay instead).

Connecting the dots, Twig is quite a universally flattering mauve-rose, especially suitable for Fall season. It's an elegant dark rose that would suit any skintone. It's easy to find a drugstore alternative as rose lipsticks go never out of style and are slowly overtaking the young crowd as well. I do recommend giving MAC Twig a go, but it's not a staple due to several dupes. MAC lipsticks retail for around 20€. Rimmel can be found on LookFantastic and FeelUnique, Maybelline Creamy Mattes on Ebay, Catrice in European drugstores and US Ulta's and Astor only in Bipa, DM, Muller (Austria and Germany).


  1. No pa si mi prihranila nekaj evrov, ker bom v takem primeru zagotovo raje probala kakšen dupe :D Se mi zdi da je Twig precej podobna moji Mehr, z razliko da je tista matte finish in malo bolj hladna in mi posledično lepše izgleda na mojih ustnicah :)

    1. Mehr že lovim 100 let in bi jo raje izbrala - prav nimajo je v Avstriji. Izgleda bom morala naročiti ali iti v Trst.

    2. Potem sem pa jst očitno imela precej srečo, ker sem jo čisto slučajno odkrila in izbrala :D Sem jo pa v Trstu našla ja :D

  2. These are all such perfect shades <3 Very handy to know of all those different dupes too! x

    Christina Marie - xtinagsays.blogspot.co.uk

  3. Super objava in koliko dupeov si našla. Luškan jesenski odtenek in seveda tebi zelo paše :) Mogoče bi lahko bila Avon 3D Plumpink šminka v Uptown Pink ali Divine Wine dupe. Divine Wine je trenutno moj najljubši jesenski odtenek.

    Lepe metuljčke imaš na steni ;)

  4. I love MAC Twig - I will definitely be trying out the Rimmel lipstick as I love their lipsticks and it looks like an amazing dupe!

    Rachel | Beauty and the Bird

  5. Such a great post! I own Twig but I don't have any similar colours in my collection. How do you like the Maybelline Creamy Matte line?

    1. It's absolutely perfect. You need to try it out!!

  6. Love the look of this shade and I love how you have found dupes for it too! <3


  7. Lovely colors :)

  8. Joj kako je lep odtenek, ampak mislim, da bom raje to od Maybelline poiskala na Ebay-u :) Sem imela pa to od Catrice in sem jo dala mamci, ker ta sheen, ki ga ima na meni zelo čudno izpade :/

  9. O, tele pa ne poznam. Ful je lepa, čisto zame :) <3

  10. I bow to the queen of dupes! Twig na tebi izgleda prekrasno <3 Touch of Spice sem kupila sestrični za rojstni dan, pa je nič ne nosi. Ne vem zakaj :/

  11. twig is such a great colour! never had it on my mind :)

  12. this suits you so well! Great pick and also amazing dupes well done for finding those :) Sophie Jenner


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