2 Jun 2015

Yankee Candle Café Culture + Vegan Raisin Rolls Recipe

Your sweet tooth will be more than satisfied with Yankee Candle Summer Collection 2015. Not only there are three exquisite new food scents but you'll be left with zero calories with indulging sugary scents from Café Culture Collection. All three scents are inspired by Summer urban streets, filled with morning coffee and freshly baked pastry treats. Scents are in no way artificial or too sweet but they manage to deliver Parisian Café vibe to your home. Entire Café Culture has just the right balance between sweet and bitter while it encaptures various, almost unusual components. Are you ready to indulge your morning coffee and pâtisserie on Parisian streets?

Vsi sladkosnedi boste to poletje uživali v novi, sladki kolekciji Yankee Candle za poletje 2015. Ne le da bodo vonji poskrbeli za dozo sladkorja, ampak bodo pričarali prijetno vzdušje brez dodatnih kalorij. Café Culture kolekcija zajema tri vonje hrane, ki so dobili inspiracijo v urbanem poletnem mestu, z jutranjim vonjem aromatične kave in sveže pečenih rogljičkih. Vonji nikakor niso presladki ampak pričarajo večno urbano mesto, kaj drugega kot Pariz. Vonji zajemajo dušo pariških kavarn v jutranjem poletnem dnevu. Celotna Café Culture ima ustvarjeno čudovito ravnotežje sladkega in grenkega, za kar poskrbijo nenavadne note. Ste se pripravljeni prepustiti pariški jutranji kavi in slaščicam brez slabe vesti?

Tarte Tatin is a French pastry, where apples are usually caramelised in sugar before baking. It's most likely that the scent will bring into your mind a freshly made apple compote with a hint of cinnamon but the main surprise will comes after the initial first impression. You'll detect a note of baked pastry with a bit of smokiness and crisp sliced apples with rum-caramel flavouring. The ''right out of the oven'' effect will simulate comfort in any kitchen or along with a cup of tea, but without any additional calories. Slight sourness from apple peels just perfect the entire candle.

Tarte Tatin je francoska slaščica, kjer so osnova karamelizirana jabolka in kompaktno testo. Vonj Vas lahko spomni najprej na svež jabolčni kompot s cimetom, vendar na koncu preseneti nota pečenega testa in dima. Sočna jabolka so narezljana, hkrati pa je dodan rum in karamela. Efekt ''takoj iz pečice'' Vam s to svečo ne uide. S tem boste kuhinji zagotovili domačnost brez da bi rabili sploh kaj peči. Zelo nežna kislost jabolk le še polepša sam vonj sveče.

Pain Au Raisin or raisin swirl in French, delivers the most pleasant sweet rum scent. Out of all three, this is the most sophisticated food scent you could possibly pick. Raisins in creamy cognac and a pinch of light rum sugar just calls for attention. Rich vanilla and buttery dough just add a pinch of unique touch on the end. All components together create a symphony of various aromas. Pain Au Raisin is suitable for all rooms, not only kitchen.

Pain Au Raisin ali rozinini zvitki po francosko, so odlično ujeti v sveči. Sam vonj je podoben sladkemu rumu s pridihom glamurja. Od vseh treh svečk, je ta verjetno najbolj prefinjena v vonjavi. Rozine, kremni konjak ter ščepec rumovega sladkorja pritegne pozornost. Bogata vanilija in masleno, mehko testo dajo poseben vonj. Vse komponente so povezane v simfonijo arom, ki presentijo. Pain Au Raisin je tako primerna za vse prostore, ne le kuhinjo.

Cappuccino Truffle, again, a chocolate confectionery from France. Scent is a blend of mocha, raw cocoa and centered tender ganache. On first sniff you can definitely detect dark chocolate with mild coffee blend right after it. Coffee scent is in no way too strong and delivers bitter component for a balanced and chocolate-true, realistic scent. Also, between these two main notes, there are swirls of tender sugar and vanilla. A really likable aroma for all chocoholics.

Cappuccino Truffle je poznan kot francoska čokoladna pralina. Vonj je mešanica kave, surovega kakava in sladke tekoče notranjosti. Zazna se temna čokolada z rahlo mešanico kave. Vonj kave nikakor ni premočan, ampak omogoči vonju pristnost prave čokolade z grenkobo. Med temi notami se zazna tudi vanilija in sladkor. Zelo všečen vonj za vse, ki ste zaljubljeni v čokolado.

You can find Yankee Candles worldwide. Slovenian readers can order online here or find stores in Celje, Ljubljana or other retailers. Prices vary from 1,99€-24,90€. As a test, I had to test out the real thing to properly compare it with Yankee Candle. Baked raisin rum buns smelled as yummy as Pain Au Raisin candle. 10/10 points with a bonus of zero calories. And since I'm already talking about scrumptious raisin rolls I have a need to share the recipe. And let's be honest, I'm not much of a cook. Recipe and baked goodies were given to me by my beloved sister. A big thanks to my sister!

Yankee Candle sveče lahko najdete vsepovsod. V Sloveniji, lahko svečke naročite preko spleta tukaj ali jih povonjate v Celju, Ljubljani ter ostalih poslovalnicah. Cene se gibljejo od 1,99€-24,90€. Ko že ravno omenjam slaščice, sem pristnost vonja sveč testirala z sveže pečenimi zavitki z rozinami in rumom. Pain Au Raisin diši popolnoma identično, za kar si zasluži vse točke. In če že ravno omenjamo dobrote, imam za Vas pripravljen tudi recept rozininih zvitkov v angleščini. Recept in pečene dobrote je ustvarila moja sestra saj roko na srce, nisem najboljša v kuhanju.

21g of solid yeast
2 cups of water
teaspoon of sugar
4 cups of plain flour
raisins & rum upon your desire
2 tablespoons of margarine
1 cup of sugar
1 tablespoon of cinnamon
1 cup of soy milk or lemon juice
21g (half a cube) of yeast

First of all, you mix yeast into 2 cups of luke water to disolve it. Add a teaspoon of sugar and tablespoon of plain flour to active the yeast. After added ingredients, slowly warm up the yeast liquid to a warm temperature. In the meantime, soak raisins in rum. When the yeast liquid rises a bit, add it to 3 cups of plain flour and knead the dough until it's soft. Add tiny amount of water if the dough isn't fluffy enough but it shouldn't stick to your fingers. After, roll out the dough into a rectangle shape and with only 1cm thickness. Spread margarine all over the dough and sprinkle over a mix of cinnamon and sugar, while also add soaked raisins. Gently roll the dough and cut out 8 pieces of buns. Leave it raising for about an hour and then bake for 20min on 200 Celsius/392 Fahrenheit. For extra sweetness, mix soy milk/lemon juice with powdered sugar to get a gluey consistency. Pour it over hot raisin buns. Enjoy your raisin rolls!


  1. Mmm, po opisu sodeč bodo tole čist moji vonji :D Pa zavitek tudi morem sprobat spečt :D

  2. Wow, I loved reading your descriptions of their scents - felt like the candle was right in front of me and I could almost smell them! I love the concept behind all three, but Tarte Tatin sounds like my favourite.

    Sinéad xo ♥ fabuleuse, toujours ♥

  3. What a tasty blog post hehe ^^ gosh, yankee candle release such amazing scents! I love the sound of the cappuccino truffle <3


  4. Zelo presetljiva kolekcija za poletje, bi bolj pasala v kakšno jesen :) Tako lepo opisuješ vonje, da bi takoj vse imela :)

  5. Mmm, izgledajo in (predvideno) dišijo omamno, še posebej bi rada kupila tistega Mocha ;)

  6. Uh, sklepam, da bi mi bili Tarte Tatin in Cappuccino Truffle najbolj všeč. Bojim pa se, da bi potem hotela pojesti cel pladenj teh dobrot! XD

  7. I didn't have a chance to YC candles yet. Gotta step up my game :)


I would love to know your thoughts ♥