23 Jun 2015

Paula's Choice Skin Recovery Moisturizer Test

Paula's Choice never really grabbed my attention until impressive feedback from fellow bloggers. With slowly discovering their philosophy and main ingredients, suddenly, high price tag and simple, almost unappealing ''to the point'' packaging made sense. Paula's Choice is definitely not about pretty packaging and appealing consumer strategy but about high quality ingredients and quick skin results. You solely pay only for superb ingredients and future results. It's dermatologically approved, not tested on animals, environmentally friendly and suitable for the most sensitive skin. 

Paula's Choice me ni nikoli pritegnila s produkti dokler nisem začela prebirati povratne informacije uporabnikov in blogerjev. Počasi sem se začela zanimati za njihovo filozofijo in glavne sestavine, na kar je skoraj neprivlačna embalaža in malce višja cena dobila smisel. Paula's Choice vsekakor ni lepa embalaža in privlačna marketinška poteza, ampak je visoka kvaliteta, odlične sestavine in hitri rezultati na koži. Tako rekoč plačate le krasne sestavine in rezultate v bližnji prihodnosti. Je dermatološko testirana, ni testirana na živalih, je ekološka, odlična za občutljivo kožo in vsekakor ni enodnevnica na področju nege.

My first impressions around Paula's Choice Skin Recovery Daily Moisturizing Lotion (60ml, 31,90€, online) were already positive. Upon first touch it's lightweight, pleasant to the skin and not greasy in any way. It does leave a slight white fast within first 2 minutes but slowly melts into a more sheen-like finish. With time, I was slowly getting to know this lotion a bit more. I was and I still am impressed with nourishing elements and non-drying texture. The thing is, sunscreen usually tend to dry out my skin, leaving it a bit irritated with breakouts on the end of the day. This does not happen with this particular daily lotion. I'm guessing it has to deal with synergy of  nourishing lotion, antioxidants and sun protection particles for a perfect balance. The main huge deal that sold me on this product is physical and chemical protection of SPF30, suitable for sensitive skin. It delivers relief to extra dry skin but protects against harmful sun rays. Basically, it's a sun protection cream, daily nourishing lotion and makeup primer, all in one. Sounds fabulous, right? Well, it is. It's been a long time (if ever) since I've truly enjoyed applying extra sunscreen to my face and this exceeded my expectations. There are no flaws other than initial white cast but it's almost inevitable with physical sunscreens. Finish that this lotion leaves, is a flattering sheen that's not overly shiny or obvious. I applied Skin Recovery lotion on my hand where you can see it freshly applied with subtle sheen. Oily and combination skin types can be matched to other Skin Recovery versions.

Prvi vtisi o Paula's Choice Skin Recovery Moisturizer (60ml, 31,90€, online) so bili pozitivni. Že s prvim dotikom samega losjona se lahko začuti lahkotna tekstura, ki je prijetna na koži in ni mastna ali zadušljiva. Losjon sicer pusti bel odsev, vendar se počasi pretopi v nežen sijaj. S časom sem losjon spoznala še bolj in ugotovila, da lepo ohranja vlago hkrati pa zaščiti. Velikokrat se mi namreč zgodi, da sončne kreme enostavno ''popijejo'' vlago z obraza in končam dan z majhnimi mozoljčki in še bolj suho kožo. To se mi vsekakor ne zgodi s tem produktom, saj je sinergija negovalnega losjona, antioksidantov in zaščite v odličnem ravnotežju. Glavni vzrok, zaradi katerega sem se sploh odločila za to kremo, je kombinacija fizikalne in kemične zaščite s faktorjem 30. Vsekakor je to večnamenski izdelek - negovalni losjon, zaščitna krema in baza za ličila. Sliši se popolno, kajne? Kar tudi je. Že dolgo časa (če sploh kdaj) nisem uživala v nošenju sončne kreme kot pri tem losjonu. Izdelek nima nobenih napak, moti Vas lahko le tančica beline pri nanosu čemur pa se ne da izogniti z fizikalno zaščito pred soncem. Losjon pusti dokaj subtilen lesk na koži, ki ni preveč opazen. Sam izgled losjona lahko ocenite na moji roki, kamor sem ga radodarno nanesla. Mastna in kombinirana koža lahko izbira med ostalimi verzijami Skin Recovery losjonov.

Paula's Choice Skin Recovery Daily Moisturizing Lotion is a perfect urban sun protector. With multi-action it manages to protect, nourish and prep your skin before makeup. It's a perfect fast alternative for urban ladies or seaside gals. I love it and I'm already regretting the day when I'll entirely use it up. Also, I need to mention Paula's Choice staff. They were kindly enough to answer all my questions about my skin issues. How to treat, how to nourish and how to recognise my skin type. They help you choosing the right product upon your skin type, sensitivity and desires. Truly, a one of a kind sweet experience. Online sale isn't my favourite but the staff seems to be highly educated and knowledgeable. You can order Paula's Choice worldwide and there's also Paula's Choice Slovenia online store here.

Paula's Choice Skin Recovery Moisturizer je tako popoln urban zaščitnik pred soncem. Večnamenskost je vsekakor glavna vrlina tega izdelka saj zaščiti pred soncem, neguje suho kožo in jo pripravi za nanos ličil. Je odlična hitra alternativa za urbane dame ali obmorske deklice. Jaz sem navdušena in že obžalujem dan, ko bo losjona zmanjkalo. 60ml je ravno dovolj za zaščito čez celo poletje. Prav tako moram omeniti mojo izkušnjo s slovensko Paula's Choice ekipo, ki me je presenetila. Namreč, lahko pomagajo z izbiro izdelkov ki bodo popolni za vaš tip kože. Ne le, da vedo kako negovati in izbrati izdelke, temveč tudi kako prepoznati svoj tip kože. Pomagali so mi izbirati glede na tip kože, občutljivost in želje. Vsekakor zelo prijazna gesta in usposobljenost Paula's Choice ekipe. Spletno nakupovanje sicer ni najbolj idealno ampak se da kvalitetno izbirati z njihovo pomočjo. Paula's Choice izdelke lahko naročate tukaj, hkrati pa bodite pozorni na trenutne akcije na Facebook in Instagram strani. 


  1. Super so oni in izdelki. Jaz sem ful navdušena vsakič! :)

  2. This sound lovely, especially as I am a seaside girl!

    Annabel ♥
    Mascara & Maltesers


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